Sample resume electrician. Secrets of a Successful Resume

Every person who decides to get a new job should understand that the employer chooses the best out of all applicants. To look like that, you will need to create a quality resume. When hiring, the management of the company always has a huge choice. And the larger and more prestigious the company, the more difficult it will be to get there. Today it is no secret to anyone that a well-written resume already gives you an almost 50% guarantee that the authorities will choose you. Below we will look at a sample resume of an electrician.

Properly compose it is easy. The main thing is to know a few main secrets in order to understand what you need to focus on.

When filling out such a document, 80% of people make mistakes even when filling out a template resume. And as a result, they are refused. So how to distinguish yourself from a huge number of applicants and get the desired position?

electrician resume sample

Secrets of a Successful Resume

A little later, we will learn how to compile it correctly using the example of a sample resume of an electrician. Now let's look at a few basic nuances of writing a successful document. They will definitely help us.

Accuracy and appearance

The first and most important nuance is the availability of photography. Since professional psychologists are often involved in the selection of personnel, believe me, of the people who sent the resume, the particular specialist who added his photo is preferred. This is due to the fact that the appearance of a person can already tell a lot about him. So your task is to choose just such a photo so that you get the right impression.

Later, consider an example of an electrician’s resume for a job.

Remember the famous proverb "meet by clothes"? The first opinion of a person is formed within the first few seconds, proceeding precisely from his appearance. And believe me, you will never have a second chance to make a first impression.

An important role is played by the appearance of your resume. It should be drawn up on a blank white A4 sheet, without corrections, errors or blots. Also a plus would be if you put it in a file.

First of all, your task is to interest the employer with his candidacy.

sample resume electrician for a job


When writing a resume, paragraphs cannot be highlighted in different colors or effects. The main points just highlight in bold.

When describing your previous place of work, do not forget to indicate what was your responsibility. If you have any personal achievements, do not be shy and boldly write everything that can distinguish you from the main crowd. But in no case do not lie. Specifying information about yourself, be as honest as possible, otherwise, if the fraud is revealed, trust in you will never be again.

Employers most often do not welcome the presence of young children, so if you have a child, it is better to immediately indicate this in the resume. But at the same time, emphasize that this will not be a problem, since, for example, your mother will sit with the child.

Praise yourself more. Indicate your personal qualities and your strengths. For example, that you are easily trained, sociable and strive to achieve new heights. Next, when compiling a sample resume of an electrician, we will see how to do this. Keep in mind that this is just an example. No need to copy it, indicate exactly your qualities.

An example of an electrician’s resume for a job

Sample CV of an electrician for a job

Name: Makarenko Vladimir Konstantinovich

PURPOSE: Obtaining an electrician position.



Place of residence: Moscow, st. Arsenalnaya, 5, apt. 19.

Date of birth: March 15, 1982

Marital status: Married

Education: 07.2008 - Moscow Technological University (MIREA, MGUPI, MITT), Moscow.

Faculty: Energy.

Specialty: electronics and nanoelectronics.

07.2003 - College of railway and urban transport, Moscow.

Faculty: Electromechanical.

Specialty: Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by industry).


01.2008 - 12.2015 LLC "PLASMA T", Moscow.

Field of activity: logistics, customs, warehouse.

Position: electrician.


- maintenance and repair of working electrical equipment;

- organization of operation of new equipment;

- control of energy supply of the enterprise;

- installation and lighting of power equipment;

- conducting cable lines.


- Computer skills: a confident PC user.

- Ability to work with measuring instruments.

- Reading wiring diagrams and drawings.

- Lack of bad habits, purposefulness, sociability, ability to think adequately in stressful situations.


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