Lavender oil for hair: reviews, application

Lavender oil was widely used in medicine and cosmetology several centuries ago. If you believe some data, then in the ancient hospitals at the monasteries it was very popular. He was treated with numerous diseases, especially skin diseases and fever. Lavender was one of the first plants that began to be used in perfumery. Its aroma improves mood and health. Recently, they began to actively use lavender oil for hair. It allows you to make curls soft, shiny, strong and thick.

Lavender oil for hair

Beneficial features

Lavender oil , the use of hair for which was known in ancient times, also allows you to improve the general condition of the body, to overcome problems and skin diseases. Thanks to its special, incomparable smell, lavender helps to stabilize nervous-excited states, calm, relax and antidepressantly affect our body. Also, oil from it has long been used to fight insomnia, flu, colds and acute respiratory infections.

Probably the most valuable and important property of lavender oil is its antiseptic effect. It helps to accelerate the regeneration of skin coatings, therefore it is actively used as part of home masks for the face and neck. Lavender can cure burns, bruises and eczema.

Lavender oil for hair helps moisturize curls, overcome dandruff. It is also used to heal the scalp. Since this plant has anti-inflammatory properties, ef. Lavender oil for hair relieves itching and possible redness. Due to its antifungal properties, this product actively and effectively combats dandruff. If you have thin, dull hair that is very split, it will help to make them more โ€œlivelyโ€ and stronger. This is because the remedy heals the hair follicles, which helps to make them stronger and increase their growth.

Lavender hair oil reviews

How to use a remedy for healing hair?

Lavender oil for hair has been used for a long time, so today there are several ways that help to better and more effectively care for hair. Very important is the fact that this tool is great for people with different types of curls. So, for example, lavender oil is used to prevent oily hair, since it allows you to adjust the production of fat. But it can also be used by those who have dry hair to moisturize them a little and make them softer.

It should be remembered that lavender essential oil has a fairly high concentration, so it should not be used in large quantities very often. Although it happens that when massaging the head it is taken in its purest form. In this case, a few drops are enough. You can also create home combination products from it.

Lavender Oil Hair Application

Lavender oil massage

Lavender hair oil is used to massage the scalp. To do this, warm up a small amount of the product and slowly rub it with your hands into the skin. For greater efficiency, you can use a special wooden brush. In this case, apply a few drops of oil to its cloves. After a good enough and long massage, the oil should be left on the hair. After half an hour, it can be washed off with warm water.

For head massage to have a more pronounced effect, lavender oil can be combined with special blends that are sold in any cosmetic store. For example, lavender and peppermint oils mixed with a base (this can be olive or burdock oil) will be an excellent option . In this case, the massage should last at least 7 minutes. Then the mixture is left on the head for another 20 minutes, after which it is washed off.

Thanks to this massage, the hair follicles will receive an additional blood flow, which will provide them with oxygen and various important substances. Women say that the hair stops falling out, their growth is enhanced, they become shiny and strong.

ef lavender oil for hair

Lavender oil in shampoos, conditioners and conditioners

Due to its properties and characteristics, this product can be added to various shampoos, balms and conditioners. As a rule, lavender oil for hair is often added to the shampoo. In this case, for one portion of the funds you will need only 3 drops. To cure dandruff or other skin diseases, it is recommended to add lavender oil for hair to the rinse. To prepare such a product at home, you will need to mix honey or salt, 1 liter of water and 5 drops of oil. But to make your hair more elastic and shiny, you should add 100 ml of apple cider vinegar and 2 drops of lavender essential oil to 600 ml of water. Such a conditioner is recommended to be applied to the hair after washing the hair and rinse off after 10 minutes. Girls who regularly use natural products for personal care, note the excellent result that this solution gives.

Homemade hair masks with lavender oil

Brittle, damaged and unhealthy hair needs additional care, and it is with the help of lavender oil that you can easily improve their appearance and condition. Masks are considered the most popular curl care products, and lavender is often added to their composition. If you have too thin hair that constantly falls out, you should try a mask with lavender and olive oils. Beauties say that adding a yolk to the mask helps to enhance the effect of it.

Lavender oil for oily hair

Hair Lavender Oil

Lavender oil copes with numerous skin diseases and helps get rid of lice. To prepare a remedy for seborrhea, you need to add a little honey and a few drops of oil per liter of water. Women who have already tried this tool confirm that if you rinse your hair with such a mixture daily, you will soon be able to forget about the problem. Fighting hair loss, heat burdock oil, add mint and lavender into it and rub the mixture into the scalp. To get rid of lice, you need to take three tablespoons of olive oil and add a few drops of rosemary, lavender, tea and eucalyptus. Put it all on your head, wrap it in a plastic bag and rinse with warm water after half an hour.

Benefits of Using Lavender Oil for Hair

It is thanks to the high nutritional and moisturizing ability of lavender that such oil helps to saturate the curls with life-giving strength, make them more docile and shiny. Even a few drops of it, added to any hair care product, will help make the hair obedient, strong and beautiful.

Lavender oil for hair in shampoo


Despite the fact that lavender oil for hair, reviews of which indicate its effectiveness, has a beneficial effect on the state of hair, we must not forget that it also has its own contraindications. You must learn about them before using this tool. For example, you should remember that:

  1. This tool can not be used by people who suffer from allergies, especially if it is allergic to lavender.
  2. This type of oil is contraindicated for people with anemia, as well as those who take drugs with iron or iodine.
  3. It is undesirable to use lavender oil for women in the first trimester of pregnancy. You should be careful before giving birth if you have ever had an allergy.
  4. If you have low blood pressure, use caution with essential lavender oil.
  5. When using lavender oil, drowsiness and lethargy may occur.


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