Lingonberry leaf: harm and benefit, instructions for use, properties, contraindications

Surely many of our readers are well aware of lingonberries. Ripe red berries are a very effective medicine in the fight against many diseases. Perhaps not everyone knows that lingonberry leaf is no less valuable. The harm and benefits of this part of the plant are well understood today, which allows us to state: this is a truly effective therapeutic agent, which is recognized by doctors and traditional healers. But if in traditional medicine it is mainly used to treat the urinary system, then the healers interpret the healing properties of leaves much more widely and use raw materials in the treatment of various ailments.

lingonberry leaf harm and benefit

Lingonberry leaf: properties

The benefit of this part of the plant is determined by its unique chemical composition. Leaves contain:

  • hydroquinone;
  • hyperoside and arbutin;
  • ursulic, quinic, gallic and ellagic acids ;
  • tannins (tannins);
  • volatile and flavonoids;
  • lycoptin (antioxidant).

Tannins, as well as organic acids contained in lingonberry leaves, have a bactericidal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, increase the effectiveness of taking antibiotics. In addition, lingonberry leaf (patient reviews confirm this) removes excess fluid from the body, thereby reducing swelling.

Use in medicine

In official medicine, lingonberry leaves are used to make choleretic, disinfectant and diuretic drugs. It has been scientifically established that phytoncides are able to suppress the activity of the most dangerous bacteria - Staphylococcus aureus. The properties of leaves are successfully used in the treatment of certain diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

lingonberry leaf instructions for use

Lingonberry leaf: instructions for use

Today, cowberry leaf preparations are available in two forms:

  • whole or crushed sheet (cardboard packs weighing from 35 to 100 g);
  • leaf crushed in a filter bag (1.5 g).


The drug is recommended for diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys - infectious, inflammatory processes, urological pathologies.


It is not recommended to take lingonberry leaf uncontrollably (instructions for use are attached to each package). Infusions, decoctions, extracts from leaves are prohibited for use by children under 12 years old.

The question of the use of lingonberry leaf in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women is considered individually in each case.

Such drugs are contraindicated during exacerbation of stomach ulcers, urolithiasis, and kidney diseases. With caution, the drug is prescribed for hypotension (low blood pressure), for hypertensive patients, the course of treatment should not exceed 14 days.

When purchasing a lingonberry leaf in a pharmacy, pay attention to the date of collection of raw materials. It is important to know that the beneficial properties of the plant last for three years. Although the drug can be purchased without a prescription, specialist advice is necessary - this will help to avoid complications in self-medication.

lingonberry leaf properties

Use in traditional medicine

Traditional healers have long been using lingonberry leaf. The harm and benefits of this plant (in particular leaves) are taken into account by them in the treatment of various diseases. For example, in their opinion, lingonberry leaves are indispensable in the treatment of diabetes mellitus (complex), liver ailments, gastrointestinal problems (gastritis, flatulence, constipation and gastroenteritis).

The anti-inflammatory properties of the leaves determine the beneficial effects of the drug in osteochondrosis, gout, arthritis, spondylosis and rheumatism. Enriches the taste and spectrum of beneficial effects of a drink based on lingonberries, mixing with other components, for example, with raspberry or currant branches and leaves.

Sometimes lingonberry leaf folk healers include in the collection for weight loss. There is a misconception that it has fat-burning properties. In fact, taking herbal tea helps combat edema caused by an unbalanced diet or kidney problems, but not excess fat.

As an antiseptic, lingonberry leaf is successfully used in the treatment of a number of diseases of the oral cavity - stomatitis, gingivitis. In some cases, in folk medicine it is used to gargle with sore throat. True, this is effective only in combination with traditional antibiotic treatment.

Lingonberry broth shows good results in the treatment of oily seborrhea (rinsing hair), and as a cosmetic product against acne.

lingonberry leaf reviews

Decoctions: cooking methods

Broths and infusions of lingonberry leaf are really effective. This is noted by many patients, but it is important to observe the dosage, to know when and how to drink. Lingonberry leaf (decoction) can be prepared in several ways (depending on indications).

The first method is intended for the treatment of diseases that are associated with metabolic disorders. These include joint diseases, problems with the heart and blood vessels, and gastrointestinal tract pathologies.

To prepare a broth of lingonberry leaf, you will need two tablespoons (tablespoons) of leaves, which need to be filled with 500 ml of water. The mixture was brought to a boil over low heat and cooked for another fifteen minutes. Then the composition should be infused for 30 minutes, after which it needs to be filtered. Take 100 ml three times a day for two weeks.

With diseases of the genitourinary system, a decoction is prepared differently. 3 tablespoons (tablespoons) of dry leaves should be poured 750 ml of boiling water, boil for ten minutes on low heat. Insist hour, filter. Take 100 ml after a meal. Moreover, the first dose should be at about 15-16 hours, the last - three hours before bedtime. The duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks (depending on the condition of the patient).

how to brew lingonberry leaf

Making tea

How to brew lingonberry leaf in the treatment and prevention of colds, digestive problems, stress, chronic fatigue? Tea from leaves perfectly quenches thirst, gently lowers blood pressure, strengthens mental and physical condition.

It is better to prepare a drink in a thermos. Pour two tablespoons of lingonberry leaves into it, pour them with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for fifteen minutes. Drink tea should be warm, if desired, you can add sugar or honey to it to taste. Do not forget that this is a therapeutic drug - you can drink it for no more than 14 days. After this, you need to take a break for at least ten days.

Such a drink also has a tonic and antipyretic effect. In this case, it is brewed like regular tea, and lemon and honey are added to it.

lingonberry decoction

The opinion of doctors

Many believe that if such drugs are prescribed as a diuretic even for pregnant women, then cranberry leaf is completely safe. The harm and benefits of this plant are sometimes poorly known to patients. Excessive intake of drugs with a diuretic effect without medical indications can provoke dehydration. First of all, lovers who lose weight with the help of herbal fees and half-starved diets are at risk for themselves.

A diet alone cannot always satisfy the body's need for minerals and vitamins. This creates the prerequisites for the violation of electrolyte balance. Moreover, the systematic removal of fluid using diuretics significantly aggravates the patient's condition. All this provokes various complications, up to severe dehydration and metabolic disorders, which can be caused by a deficiency of minerals and vitamins necessary for the body. From all the above, we can conclude: the use of diuretic herbs for weight loss is not recommended.

Do not forget that the fruits and leaves of lingonberries are a strong allergen. In case of allergic reactions, medication should be discontinued. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult your doctor.

how to drink lingonberry leaf


Most patients taking lingonberry leaf preparations for the treatment of the genitourinary system show a significant improvement in well-being. The same can be said of people suffering from diseases of the joints and spine. Many say that you should be extremely careful about drugs containing lingonberry leaf. The harm and benefits of such treatment directly depend on strict adherence to the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor.


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