How to clean faux fur at home: effective methods and recommendations

Faux fur is quite popular, and is used for tailoring:

  • clothes;
  • toys;
  • shoes;
  • bedspreads;
  • rugs.

Having a product made of this material, it is imperative to know how to clean faux fur at home, using folk methods and techniques. It is worth remembering that it is much easier to take care of him than natural, as it can even be washed.

Feature of cleansing faux fur

This material is so popular and in demand, because in appearance it is in no way inferior to natural fur. It is made under the fox, rabbit or raccoon, but it is more affordable and does not require the destruction of animals. To keep things attractive for a long time, you need to provide them with proper care, so it is important to know how to clean faux fur at home.

It is worth remembering that acetone or vinegar should not be used for cleaning. It is best to use potato starch, soda, gasoline for this. However, first you need to check the tool on the hidden part of the fur, so as not to disturb its color.

how to clean faux fur at home
Faux fur can be cleaned at home quickly and easily, as it is much easier to clean than natural material. In addition, it is important to properly store such products, because synthetic materials attract moths. Therefore, in order to keep a thing attractive, it must hang in a closet, packed in a special case.

If stored improperly, the white fur may turn yellow, and yellowness is not so simple. It is worth remembering that products made of this material can even be washed if the dirt is very strong.

How to clean white fur

Many are interested in how to quickly clean white fur at home in order to eliminate pollution and yellowness. If the label indicates that washing is allowed, then the item must be washed manually at a temperature of about 40 degrees. It is worth remembering that if the product has severe contamination, it is best to contact dry cleaning, as it is possible to spoil the fur.

how to clean fur at home remove stains
To clean faux white fur at home, you can starch. To do this, mix the starch with water until gruel forms. Apply the resulting mixture to yellowed places and leave for a couple of hours. Then gently brush off and dry the product in fresh air. Even with the most severe impurities, it is best not to completely wet the fur product, but only to handle the most contaminated areas with a soap solution.

Cleaning preparations

We clean the fur at home quickly and accurately, since the appearance of the product will largely depend on this. Properly conducted, high-quality cleaning of the fur begins with its preparation. Previously, the fur product is carefully inspected so that there is no confusion and scaly.

Cuffs and collars are inspected separately. Detected defects are smoothed out gently with a brush. Then the product must be well shaken from excess dust and hung on a coat hanger to smooth it, and then only proceed with cleaning.

Cleaning the fur on the jacket

It is very important for everyone to know how to properly clean faux fur on clothes, since using simple methods you can restore your old attractive look without resorting to the services of specialists. You can try a solution made from lemon juice or citric acid.

we clean fur at home quickly and accurately
To do this, dilute lemon juice with water in equal proportions, moisten the sponge in the resulting solution and clean the fur strictly in the direction of the pile. Hang the product on its shoulders so that it dries. After complete drying, it is necessary to comb the fur with a rare comb.

Use lemon juice very carefully, as it can slightly change the color of the fur. That is why initially you need to experiment on an inconspicuous area.

Cleaning fur on boots

If dirt is formed on the boots, then you definitely need to use practical tips on how to clean faux fur on shoes. To do this, you need to use tools that remove pollution and do not change the color of the product. Efficient soda is considered to be baking soda, which is rubbed by hand into the contaminated areas until it itself changes color to gray. Thanks to this tool, you can quickly and effectively cope with dust and dried mud. The remaining soda can be removed by shaking the boots several times.

In addition to soda, you can also use flour, talcum powder or potato starch, which are also rubbed into the fur edge of the boots, and then they must be thoroughly shaken.

Cleaning the fur on the collar

The collar is distinguished by its vulnerability and the fact that it most often forms pollution, as it comes into contact with skin, hair and cosmetics. Cleaning it is quite complicated and time-consuming, so you definitely need to know how and how to clean faux fur at home. In this case, gasoline or a mixture of salt, alcohol and water are considered effective agents. You need to take all the components in a ratio of 3: 1: 50, mix thoroughly and put on a fur collar with a sponge, then pat it with a cloth and knock it out.

how to clean faux fur ways
Strong, persistent dirt is very easy to remove with bran. To do this, you need to warm them up a bit, constantly stirring so that they do not burn. Put the product with a fur collar on the table, sprinkle pollution with bran and rub it strictly in the direction of the pile, and then back. After this, the fur is well knocked out, and it will become clean and fresh.

Stain removal

Many people are interested in how to clean fur at home. To remove stains of fat on white faux fur, you can use gasoline and starch mixed in equal proportions. To do this, the resulting mixture is rubbed into the contaminated area, and after it is completely dry, the product is simply removed with a brush. Since gasoline is a fairly aggressive means, initially you need to treat it with a small area on the wrong side of the product and check the reaction of the material.

how to clean faux fur on shoes
In addition, to remove stains, you can mix starch and any dishwashing detergent in equal proportions, apply the resulting slurry to the contaminated area and leave it to dry completely, and then brush it well.

You can get rid of stubborn stains with any tool used to clean carpets and furniture. To do this, you need to dilute it according to the instructions and thoroughly handle the contamination, and then wipe it with a slightly damp sponge to wash off the remnants of the product.

There are a variety of ways to clean faux fur, one of which is the use of sawdust. To do this, spread a sheet on a horizontal surface, moisten it a little and put a fur product so that the pile is from below. With the help of a beater for carpets, it is good to knock out dust. Then hang the product on a coat hanger and sprinkle with sawdust. After a couple of hours, thoroughly clean them with a clothes brush.

Heated sand is good for cleaning fur. Lay out the fur product on a perfectly flat, hard surface, pour hot sand and rub it into the fur. The remaining sand is just shaken off. The procedure must be repeated until it becomes perfectly clean.

It is important to know how to clean the fur at home. Dishwashing detergents or just shampoo can clean fur products. Initially, you need to dissolve it in warm water and beat well the foam that is applied to the fur, rub it into the pile and leave it for about 15-20 minutes. Then rinse the shampoo thoroughly.

Yellowness Removal

You need to know not only how to clean faux fur at home, but also to remove the resulting yellowness. The initial whiteness of a fur product will help restore blue. You need to dilute it in water to a pale blue color, wipe the inside of the fur product to check the reaction to this tool.

how to clean fur at home
Then moisten the foam sponge in the blue solution, squeeze a little and wipe the fur product well. Leave to dry completely.

Refresh white fur will help ordinary hydrogen peroxide. To prepare this solution, you need to dilute 1 tbsp. l peroxide in 0.5 l of water. Stir this mixture well, and then carefully treat the surface of the fur product, hang it on a coat hanger and leave it in a sunny place until it dries completely. Then brush the bristles thoroughly.

You can get rid of any kind of pollution and yellow spots formed over time with the help of decoy. To do this, spread the clothes on a flat surface and sprinkle well with semolina, and then carefully rub it into the fibers. To remove the remains of cereals, you need to thoroughly vacuum the product.

Basic cleaning rules

In order not to spoil your favorite thing, you definitely need to know how to clean faux fur at home, and also take into account certain rules for this procedure. Drying things from this material is necessary in a natural way, you can not use a hairdryer, battery or iron.

To give the product an extra shine after cleaning fur products, you need to use acetic acid. Thanks to this, the pile will become smooth. If concentrated or hazardous products are used for cleaning, be sure to follow the safety rules.


To give the fur product a beautiful shine, you can use a weak solution of acetic acid, glycerin or lemon juice. It is necessary to carefully process the fur with one of these tools, and then wipe it with a napkin.

In addition, a special product made from fish oil (100 g), ammonia (12 drops), household ordinary soap (10 g) and boiling water (1 l) will help to shine the fur product. All these components must be thoroughly mixed, then the resulting solution is cooled to a temperature of 35 degrees and thoroughly treated with fur. If the fur coat is dusty, then it must be wrapped with a damp sheet, and then knocked out.

Washing fur

To wash faux fur, you need to prepare a soap solution in which to add washing powder or shampoo. In the finished solution, moisten the brush and thoroughly clean the fur product or wash it in a gentle washing mode. After washing, simply rinse the fur product under warm running water.

how to quickly clean white fur at home
Blot the product with a clean, dry cloth and hang it on the coat hanger for complete drying. And when the fur dries, it’s good to comb it.


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