What is a subdomain, and why is it needed?

What is a subdomain? What is it for? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. A person is a social being, but sometimes the intimacy of some people may be perplexing. This refers to the hectic neighbors that each of us has. But in the subdomains of our web resource, we can "settle" only those relatives that we liked. How to do this, find out below.


What is a subdomain?

What are website subdomains? Let's start with the analogy. For example, you have a one-room large apartment. Its living space is enough to divide into a couple more rooms. But for this it is necessary to obtain permission in certain instances and establish dividing partitions between the rooms.

Pretty much the same thing needs to be done to break up your website into smaller parts. How to add a subdomain? You must follow these steps:

  1. First, inform your domain registrar of the division of the base domain into smaller ones.
  2. Change the file structure of your domain (“erect partitions”) - create new directories on the virtual zone rented from the hoster for the location of child elements.


Before we get into the practical part, we’ll deal with the theoretical basis. We will find out what subdomains of a web service are and what they eat them with. The structure of domain names (DNS) has a tree structure. That is, one part must be embedded in another. Each domain except the root (first tier) is a subdomain.

Very often, a subdomain is a common third tier domain. His name consists of the name of the base resource and his own. For example, there is the base website base.ru. Then its subdomain will be called like this: subdomain.base.ru. Although base.ru itself is a subdomain of the root domain ru.

Now you know what a subdomain is. The DNS design supports the formation of 127 nesting tiers. At the same time, the maximum length of the name of each may not exceed 63 characters, and the domain common name - no more than 255.

Using a subdomain of a website

Creating a subdomain for the site.

Before creating a subdomain, you need to find out when the use of such a resource structure is justified. Very often, forking a base domain name using subdomains is used on large portals. Typically, such websites consist of gigantic sections, which over time, for comfortable access to their clients need to be allocated in a separate site.

An example of such crushing is the impressive online electronics store. It is logical to analyze each of its rubrics as an independent resource. And so that the client can immediately find himself in the product category he needs, it is better to distribute all the rubrics into separate subdomains. The address of each such heading is the fourth level domain name.

Positive points

Create a new subdomain.

Everyone should know what a subdomain is. The above separation of the base resource has several more positive aspects:

  1. The administration of an impressive portal is becoming easier - this effect is achieved through the fragmentation of areas of responsibility among staff and management. Each team is responsible for its product area.
  2. A free platform for testing new engines and software - before manufacturing a sub-domain of the main section, its space can be used to debug the new CMS. If you deploy a new engine on a subdomain, you will quickly find all its negative and positive sides, as well as make extremely fine tuning of the engine to the quality of your hosting and only after that transfer the entire resource to its base. At the same time, during testing, the site works fine on the previous platform and generates revenue.
  3. Checking a new engine on a subdomain does not affect the operation of the base domain.
  4. Separation of a support service or forum from a base resource - this approach is used on thematic sites or trading portals involved in information support of a particular service or product (software, hosting, and so on).

Subdomain and SEO

Creating a subdomain.

Many people wonder how to create a subdomain. This is very easy to do, but consider a few more questions. The basic “stumbling block" in the use of subdomains remains their impact on the indexing parameters of the leading web site. Moreover, on this aspect, no one will give you unambiguous answers, so we will highlight more or less formed truths:

  • A subdomain provides more priorities for regional promotion of a product or service - a subdomain site design can be created in such a way that each resource has its own resource.
  • The regional subdomain of the leading web site, with its specific content, can more accurately show the originality of the area or region for which it is designed.

In perfection, these are several subdomains whose content is created in various languages:

  • All search engines treat subdomains differently. For example, Google does not see them at all and displays them in the search results as a section of the leading site. Yandex distinguishes them only when they are recorded in its directory. At the same time, Google will not display the base resource and its subdomain in the search results for an identical query.
  • The subdomain is a separate website, but at the same time, the celebrity performance of the parent site does not inherit. Moreover, he takes over all the penalties from the search engines. This must be considered before creating a subdomain.

In fact, it is very difficult to predict the behavior of search engines in relation to subdomains, therefore, when performing their search engine optimization, focus on the right choice of keywords.

How to create a hosting?

Setting up a subdomain is not such a complicated process. The hosting control panel is often used to create subdomains, due to this, an impressive part of this process occurs automatically. Through the account admin panel on the host’s resource, create a subdomain of your site as follows:

  1. Go through the authorization process to access your personal account.
  2. In the administrative panel, select the "Subdomain management" section.
  3. In the special field, enter the name of the future subdomain. Then click on the "Create" button.
  4. Further, in the "Subdomain Name" field, its name should be displayed, and in other fields - all other information should appear.

The use of subdomains is accompanied by many difficulties, mainly related to search engine optimization and promotion, so their use is justified on large resources to highlight a voluminous thematic section in a separate website. And also when promoting a service or product at the regional level.

Technical Details

Create a subdirectory and subdomain.

Data on the Internet has a hierarchical structure. From a technical point of view, domains are split into levels. First-tier domains are .com, .ru, .biz, what we call domain zones. Names located in different domain zones, in relation to the first level, are subdomains. So, your site.ru is a subdomain regarding the domain ru. or a second level domain.

Subdomains of a second-level website from an engineering point of view are third-level domains. The owners of the names of the second tier can register the third level independently. If desired, the names of the third tier can even be traded to choose from.

Many free services to all comers with pleasure are presented with the names of the third tier. For example, name.ukoz.ru or name.narod.ru. For a third-tier domain, you can create dedicated mail. It can be free mailboxes on Google, Yandex or Mail.Ru.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46158/

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