What is profitable to grow: an overview of popular crops, features of growing, tips

Agriculture is an ancient occupation that originated about 10 thousand years ago. Since then, people not only get food by growing all kinds of crops, but also earn money on it. Currently, people produce agricultural products for sale. There are a number of cultures that are most profitable. They can be grown both in the garden and in greenhouses. The plant care requirements depend on the place of growth.

How to decide what to grow?

Organic products are in great demand, so they will bring you profit anyway. Choosing what you will cultivate, start from the characteristics of the area and the preferences of the people around you. Grow the foods that are most popular in your area. Another option is to cultivate plants that are difficult to obtain at certain times of the year.

What is profitable to grow?

Most often, farmers prefer the following products:

  1. Vegetables: peppers, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes of various varieties. Greens (onions, parsley, dill and celery) are suitable for year-round cultivation.
    What is profitable to grow yourself
  2. Fruits are very healthy, they must be included in the human diet, for this reason the demand for them is high at any time of the year.
  3. Berries are very popular, but it is necessary to correctly calculate the planting dates so that the wild berry is already ripe or just starting to form. Then the demand for a home product will be higher.
  4. Mushrooms are the most popular products of all of the above. A greenhouse and even a balcony are suitable for their cultivation. The most abundant crops give oyster mushrooms and champignons. When deciding what is profitable to grow, people often give preference to them.
  5. Flowers can be cultivated along with vegetables and fruits. Indoor plants are grown, for example, cacti, as well as street species like marigolds, calendula, petunias. To make bouquets, asters, peonies, tulips, roses, chrysanthemums, lilies and hyacinths are used.

Tomatoes in the greenhouse

Tomatoes - that's what is profitable to grow all year round. This culture is a natural source of vitamins that are beneficial to humans. Tomatoes are used fresh, without them conservation and cooking of various dishes are complete. They can be grown both in open ground and in the greenhouse. The advantage of tomatoes is that they give a plentiful harvest. In addition, people buy them at any time of the year. Caring for them is not so difficult, the main thing is to know what procedures need to be carried out.

In greenhouses, tomatoes ripen faster than in beds, and the yield is about 2.5 times more plentiful. The room is prepared in the fall, washing the greenhouse with soapy water and removing all dust. Rust, chips and other flaws eliminate. The frame is treated with antifungal and antibacterial agents, for example, a solution of copper sulfate. Dig the soil in the greenhouse and add organic and mineral fertilizers to it.

photo of tomatoes

In spring, seedlings are planted in greenhouse soil, previously loosened. Weeds are removed, fertilized and form ridges. Their length is 40 cm, width - 90 cm. The passage between the ridges should be at least 60 cm.

To get a rich harvest of tomatoes, you need to take care of high-quality lighting and good ventilation. Tomatoes are planted in small holes, the size of which should be slightly larger than the height of the pot from under seedlings. Plants are transplanted in the evening or in rainy weather.


Tomato care should include such procedures as watering, feeding, ventilation, garter, pollination and pinching.

  1. Watering is done every 5-6 days.
  2. Top dressing is applied several times during the summer period. For these purposes, a solution of nitrophosphate and mullein, potassium sulfate, superphosphate and ash is suitable. All these solutions are added at different times.
  3. Airing should be carried out after each watering. In hot weather, it is not worth closing the windows and doors at all.
  4. Garter is produced on day 3 after transplanting seedlings into the ground. To do this, sticks are placed in the soil, branches are tied to them with a cloth. This is necessary so that the bushes do not break.
  5. Pasynkovka is a necessary procedure. Lateral shoots growing from leaf sinuses obscure the bushes, slow down the ripening period of the fruits and lead to the appearance of various diseases, which is why they are removed. They are cut with special scissors when the stepsons grow to 3 or 5 cm. In this case, the procedure is almost painless for the plant.
Itโ€™s profitable to grow on earth

Professionals give such advice regarding the cultivation of tomatoes: you can not plant this crop for several years in a row in one place. It is best to alternate tomatoes with cucumbers, which are also beneficial to grow on the ground and in greenhouses.


One of the most popular crops in Russia is cucumbers. Vegetables have the following advantages: they have a long shelf life, they are quickly sold out, in the greenhouse they ripen earlier. The fruiting period with proper care can be extended until the fall. It is precisely because of the long maturity that farmers grow cucumbers for sale in a greenhouse, although this can also be done in open ground. For this reason, cucumbers are one of the first crops that businessmen call, deciding what is profitable to grow for profit.

Cucumbers are planted in warm beds, which contain organic matter like manure and tops. The beds should have a depth of 30 to 50 cm, half of the hole is filled with branches, leaves and food waste, all this is a little sprinkled with earth. Mineral fertilizers from ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are introduced into the topsoil. Plants are placed at a distance of 25-30 cm, and immediately after planting, cover with a film.

photo of cucumbers

It is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the growth of cucumbers. To do this, you need to establish the thermal regime in the room. The temperature can vary from +20 to +30 o C.

If seedlings were planted in soil mixed with manure, then fertilizers will not be required in the future. Otherwise, top dressing is made 3-4 times a season.

Despite the difficulties in care, cucumbers cannot be ignored when answering the question: โ€œWhat crops are profitable to grow?โ€

Cucumbers are watered twice a week; drip irrigation systems are allowed. Gardeners advise to water the cucumbers with not too cold water, since due to hypothermia the shape of the fruit changes, their taste is lost, and the plant becomes susceptible to such a disease as powdery mildew.


This berry has spread throughout the world due to its excellent taste and pleasant aroma. It is beneficial to grow strawberries both for seedlings and for berries. The advantages of such a business are obvious: quick payback, small investments, abundant harvest, easy labor, constant price increase for the finished product.

The disadvantages of strawberries are that it is susceptible to various diseases, insects attack it, and in the open ground it can freeze or burn. For this reason, it is grown in greenhouses, although it is possible to do this in several ways:

  1. In open ground, strawberries are bred for one season. This method is suitable for beginner businessmen, since it does not require large investments. It will be very easy to establish sales of products, however, it will not work to achieve a constant income, since profits will be seasonal.
  2. According to Dutch technology. Strawberries grown using this technique are, as a result, the most expensive. The fact is that it is necessary to invest a lot of money in creating a greenhouse with expensive equipment that maintains a certain level of humidity and illuminates the room.
berry strawberry

Greenhouse cultivation

Strawberries can be planted in greenhouse conditions throughout the year. In this case, it is necessary to observe a number of requirements:

  1. Comfortable temperature. In January, the temperature should not be less than +12 , and at the beginning of flowering it is +25 . During the day, during the summer period, the comfortable value reaches +20 , and at night - +8 .
  2. The optimum moisture level at the time of planting should be 85%, it is gradually reduced to 70% during flowering.
  3. Good lighting. The light mode is very important for strawberries, so the culture needs additional lighting devices. It is necessary to provide access of light to the plant for 15 hours a day.
  4. Fertilizers and top dressing on time. During flowering, the soil is fertilized weekly. Fertilizing and organic matter are introduced into the soil in liquid form. They should consist of nitrate, superphosphate, potassium salt and, of course, pure water. Sometimes to replace this mixture comes bird droppings.
  5. Proper watering. This procedure is performed once a decade, using several methods: drop irrigation, additional irrigation or sprinkling. The latter method is suitable for young plants that have not yet bloomed.


What is profitable to grow for sale is champignons. According to statistics, for every 100 thousand people, 2 tons of mushrooms are eaten. It is possible to build a business in growing champignons, but it is difficult, since caring for mushrooms is very, very laborious.

Champignon mushrooms

It is necessary to maximize the conditions of the mycelium to the real ones. Therefore, watering is done by pollination, otherwise the fungus will not rise. The humidity level should be from 75 to 80%, a comfortable temperature value - +24 o C.

In the production of mushrooms, the most difficult process is to obtain mycelium, from which champignons grow. Mycelium is obtained in laboratory conditions, therefore it is necessary to purchase it in specialized companies.

Harvest is formed in about 4 weeks. The mushrooms are collected by twisting, immediately placed in containers of 3-4 kg, and stored at a temperature of 0 to 4 ยฐ C. In this state, the mushrooms remain fresh for 12 days or more.

Oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms - this is another option that is beneficial to grow in a greenhouse for sale. They can be bred in several ways:

  1. On the stumps. Mycelium quickly takes root on stumps and short logs. They are placed in the shade, having previously drilled several holes at a distance of 30 cm. The mycelium can be scattered on the ground, and a stump can be placed on top. It is necessary to water the plant regularly. The temperature should be from 15 to 20 ยฐ C. If you follow this rule, then you will get the crop after 2.5 months, or even earlier.
  2. Oyster mushrooms in bags feel as comfortable as on stumps. The containers are filled with straw, steamed for 4 hours, mixed with mycelium and tied bags. They make holes at a distance of 10 cm from each other. At a temperature of 23-24 ยฐ C and a humidity of 90%, the bags are covered with a white coating, after which the mycelium begins to grow rapidly.
oyster mushrooms

The room in which oyster mushrooms will grow should be dark, moist and spacious. For these purposes, a basement or a barn is suitable.

Despite the presence of certain requirements for growing, oyster mushrooms are one of those products that many businessmen call, advising newcomers that it is beneficial to grow for profit.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46159/

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