"Agricola", fertilizer for indoor plants: instructions

"Agricola" - fertilizer for flowers, vegetable plants. This is an innovative environmentally friendly food for the roots of indoor plants. Its composition, which includes beneficial substances and minerals, helps to accelerate the growth of crops, as well as increase fertility by almost half.

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What is the advantage of fertilizer?

The Agricola fertilizer contains zinc, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, molybdenum and copper. Using its aqueous solution helps to accelerate plant growth due to the fact that the fertilizer is applied to the leaves and stems. At the same time, nutrients get to the plant faster.

There are three main advantages of fertilizer for indoor plants "Agricola":

  1. Leaf dressing allows the plant to grow more intensively, while resisting many possible diseases and other external negative factors.
  2. It contains no synthetic substances and salts of heavy metals, exclusively natural minerals, as well as vitamin C and carotene.
  3. Fertilizer "Agricola" protects the plant from nitrates.

Fertilizer Characterization

The bait of this manufacturer has a wide range of applications. In addition to indoor plants, it favorably affects garden crops. The effect on vegetable and fruit plants is manifested in an increase in the number of crops. Also, the composition of the Agricola fertilizer does not contain chlorine, which makes the substance environmentally friendly and safe for all types of plants.

Independent experts conducted an experiment: one ornamental plant was fed with conventional fertilizer, and the second with Agricola fertilizer. The latter has increased the number of inflorescences, and the flowering period has become almost twice as long as usual.

Fertilizer also has a positive effect on garden crops. The crop in this case almost doubles, and the state of the plants changes in front of the eyes. Yellowed leaves disappear, and their color becomes more saturated and healthy.

watering flowers

Types of fertilizer

This fertilizer is available in three formulations. And for each form of Agricola fertilizer, the instructions for use are different:

  1. Granular form. This consistency is suitable for both indoor and outdoor plants. This type of fertilizer for flowers "Agricola" is packaged in bags from 20 to 50 grams. The substance is in the form of water-soluble capsules. The big advantage of dry concentrate is that from one bag you get 20 liters of effective top-dressing, filled with vitamins and minerals. The dry type of fertilizer is suitable for ornamental, vegetable crops and seedlings.
  2. Liquid concentrate. When applying fertilizer in liquid form, the plant develops immunity to common diseases, stress and external irritants. It contributes to the speedy restoration of cells, which affects the growth of crops. In addition, the substance is perfectly absorbed by all types of plants. The kit includes a measuring cap for breeding fertilizer, according to the instructions.
  3. Sticks. This form is the most convenient for use. Sticks are packaged in 20 pieces per pack. One indicated dose is calculated for use per plant. Thus, the packaging is enough for ten plants. Please note that this type of fertilizer is the most "long-playing" and budget. The stick is installed next to the root system and nourishes it with useful elements for two months, and also protects the roots from rot.
instructions for fertilizer "Agricopa"

Instructions for use

Variations of the use of the described top dressing can be different:

  1. Apply directly to the root system.
  2. Add to water when watering.
  3. Apply in spraying the surface of the plant. This method is great for feeding crops, as nutrients are absorbed by the roots, trunk and leaves. This option is suitable for saline, dry and cold types of soils.

The substance is not recommended for storage, so it is worth using it on the day of purchase.

The amount and frequency of use depends on the type of plant. Manufacturers of fertilizer "Agricola" for indoor plants also remembered that there are a lot of varieties of crops and each needs its own care. Therefore, they created separate fertilizers for the most common types of crops.

The most popular varieties of fertilizer

Below are the characteristics of different types of fertilizers "Agricola". Reviews of them speak about the effectiveness of the substance. The best selling types are:

  • for home flowers;
  • for roses;
  • for vegetables;
  • for orchids.

Let's consider each of them.

For home flowers

If a flowering or ornamental plant is grown on a balcony or indoors, fertilizer should be used without direct contact with the root system, namely, by spraying.

fertilizer reviews "Agricola"

This method will allow to nourish all parts of the plant, as well as stimulate growth, a set of green mass and long flowering. Also, the fertilizer is effectively used in closed greenhouses.

250 grams of powder is enough for 50 liters of water. If there are not many plants, then it is enough to use 2 grams per liter of water.

The name in the fertilizer series is β€œAgricola 7”. It is used for watering and spraying indoor and balcony plants.

If the plants are grown from seedlings, it is best to use Agricola Forward. Due to the composition of the substance, the roots of the sprouts are strengthened and the set of green mass is enhanced.

For roses

Roses are very delicate plants that need careful care. They are prone to viral and fungal diseases, they hardly tolerate external irritants and damage. In addition, they need frequent prevention. In roses fertilizer "Agricola" for roses, the amount of trace elements and nutrients are carefully balanced so as not to harm the plant.

Feeding should be done in the spring, when the rose begins to grow. During flowering, the use of fertilizer should be abandoned. After flowering, delicate plants should be fed again so that they gain strength.

With regular use of the nutrient, roses will bloom more often and longer, pleasing the eye to the owner and others.

fertilizer for roses

For vegetables

In the series for vegetables, there are many varieties of fertilizer designed for specific types of garden crops, and each bottle has its own number:

  • "Agricola 1" is intended for cabbage. This substance is rich in phosphorus. For 10 liters of water use 20 grams of granular form of fertilizer. The first lure is done three weeks after transplanting.
  • "Agricola 2" - for onions and garlic. It is rich in potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. These elements contribute to the full growth of crops. 25 grams of the substance must be diluted in 10 liters of water.
  • "Agricola 3" - for nightshade crops. Composition: phosphorus, nitrogen, magnesium and potassium. Top dressing should be carried out three times on the root system and two sprayings. The solution is diluted in proportion - 10 grams of water 25 grams of fertilizer.
  • "Agricola 4" is intended for carrots, radishes and beets. For a large crop, 2-3 complementary foods should be made and the last should be no later than two weeks before harvesting.
  • "Agricola 5" - for squash, zucchini and cucumbers. As part of it, there is azofosk. The solution is prepared from 25 g of granules diluted in 10 liters of water. It is recommended to apply 4-5 times.
  • "Agricola 6" is used for spraying or watering seedlings.
  • "Agricola Vegeta" is a universal remedy for all types of vegetable crops. Optimum use in proportion - 1 gram per 10 liters of water.
fertilizer for indoor plants

Agricola Aqua

Growing orchids at home is gaining more and more popularity. The Agricola Aqua fertilizer is nutritious and easily absorbed by vulnerable plants. It was developed specifically to care for these plants.

5 milliliters of solution are used per 1 liter of water, while increasing the dosage of fertilizer is not recommended, as it can harm the flower. The Agricola fertilizer for orchids is perfect for such a moody and tender plant.

They should be fertilized every 10 days during the growth period. If new sheets appear one by one, then you are doing everything right. Stop feeding flowers in the fall and winter. At this time, orchids have a dormant period: they do not bloom and do not require additional interventions. You also need to be careful with fertilizer in the heat of summer.

fertilizer for orchids

All plants need timely intake of micronutrients and vitamins for healthy growth. Manufacturers of fertilizer "Agricola" took care of all types of crops. Due to the fact that the substance is environmentally friendly, without the addition of chlorine and synthetic substances, plants gratefully accept top dressing and delight hosts with their beauty.

But before starting the fertilizer process, you should carefully read the instructions and how to use the substance, and also adhere to the proportions. Excess fertilizer can harm the plant.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46168/

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