How words are formed by prefix-suffix method: examples

The main way of word formation is morphological. It is characterized by the fact that a new word is created using prefixes, suffixes, prefixes and suffixes, discarding a significant part, the method of addition. So, in the prefix-suffix way, words are formed like this: the prefix and suffix are simultaneously attached to the original word. For example: sleep - get enough sleep, pay - free. This method can form nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.

Noun education

Basically, by prefixes and suffixes, nouns from nouns are formed. In this case, they may have the following combinations of prefixes and suffixes:

  • anti- and -in, carrier;
  • without- / bes- and -i (j) -, -and j (-j), -k (a), -ok, -its (a), -enik, -nitz (a), -shush (a) , regions (a);
  • vz- / vs- and - j -, -ok;
  • for- and - j -, -nik, -o (in j), -ok, -in (a), -shopper;
  • inter- / inter- and -i (j) -, - j -;
  • na-and-nick, - j, -n (ay);
  • over- and-and (j) -, - j -, -nick;
  • o- and - j -, -nick, -ok, -in (a);
  • under-and-ook;
  • near-and-nick. - j -;
  • from- and -ok, - j -, -and (j) -;
  • pa- and -ok, -its (a);
  • pere- and -ok, -i (j) -, - j -, -ok-, -its (a);
  • by and - j -, -o (in j) -. -nick, -k (a), -ok, -chik, -nost, in (a), -women (a), -en, -im;
  • sub-and-nick, -ok, -i (j) -, - j -, -n (s), -k (a), -shortman, -ik, -n (s), -im (s);
  • pre-and-and (j), - j -, -nick, -ok;
  • when- and -i (j) -, - j - -o (in j) -, -nick, -ok, -en, -k (a);
  • pro and ok;
  • counter-and-and (j) -, -itel;
  • times - and - j -, in (a), -k (a), -its (a);
  • co-and-nick / -ennik, -and j -, - j -. -est (o).
    suffix method

Nouns can also form from verbs. In this case, we get the following combinations of prefixes and suffixes:

  • not- and -k (a), -en j -, -n j -, -and j, -ih (a), -x (a), -l, -shchina, -nik;
  • o- / ob- and -ok, -k (u), - j -, -in (a);
  • po and -k (a), -eni j -, -from (a), -uh (a), -lk (s), -ike (a), -un, -etz. –Shush (a), -isch (e);
  • co-body, -ty j, -ec.

In some cases, nouns formed from verbs can have the following prefixes and suffixes:

  • behind- and -k (s);
  • na and -ln (i);
  • pere-i-in (a);
  • pere-i-k (a);
  • oppositions and (o);
  • y- and -k (a).

Less commonly, nouns can also form from adjectives, and they will have the following combinations of suffix and prefix:

  • behind- / at- and -j-;
  • sub- and -ik;
  • for- \ when- and -i j- (-j-);
  • perek and -ok.

Examples of nouns

Words formed by the suffix-suffix method, examples

1. Nouns from nouns:

  • anticomarin - anti + mosquito + in;
  • anti-aging - anti + star + itel;
  • tastelessness - without + taste + IE;
  • lack of mind - imp + bird + sie;
  • bad taste - without + taste + egg;
  • sleeveless jacket - without + sleeve + ka;
  • fatherlessness - without + father + sheepskin;
  • highland - vz + mountains + s;
  • uphill - up + mountains + ok;
  • district - beyond + speech + ye;
  • mouthpiece - for + lips + nickname;
  • flap - for + wings + ok;
  • etc.

2. Nouns from verbs:

  • dunno - do not + know (know) + ka;
  • neumeha - not + mind (to be able) + ha;
  • remnant - about + soap (soap) + ok;
  • jump - + jump (jump) + ka;
  • popger - + prig (prigat) + un;
  • roommate - co + life (live) + tel;
  • and etc.

3. Nouns from adjectives: the Arctic, Azov, Trans-Urals, boletus, boletus, repetition, etc.

Verb formation

As for verbs, they are formed from:

  • adjectives;
  • nouns;
  • verbs;
  • pronouns;
  • numerals;
  • interjections.
    lost formed by prefix-suffix way

Consider the prefix-suffixal method of forming verbs in more detail. Most verbs that have both a prefix and a suffix are formed from nouns and adjectives and have a -i suffix. With this suffix, the word prefixes may include the following prefixes: for-, for-, for-, for-, for-, for-, for-, over-, under-, des- ,- ,-, pro, s-, times-, with-, y-. Verbs with the suffix -i are transitive, with the exception of singular, not included in word-building types. Verbs having the suffix -– are formed together with the prefixes o-, za-, des-, ob- ,-. Verbs with the suffix -e are intransitive. Other combinations of prefixes and suffixes are possible, but they are distinguished in isolated cases. For example, it can be: suffix -ova- and prefixes about-, -per-; suffix -a- and prefixes za-, o-, ob- ,-, y-.

As for the verbs formed by the prefix-suffix way from non-prefix verbs, most of them have different prefixes and suffixes -iva-, -va-, -a-. can also occur the suffix -nu- together with the prefixes vz-, s-, pri-. In addition, some verbs have formants that consist of a prefix and a suffix -i-.

In the formation of verbs from numerals, pronouns and interjections, such combinations of suffixes and prefixes can be encountered: y- and -–, with- and -–, pere- and -–. But such cases are rare.

Verb formation examples

Verbs from nouns:

  • straighten - you + straight + it;
  • smoke - for + smoke + it;
  • to suze - from + pattern + it;
  • fill - by + full + it;
  • cordon - o + flail + it;
  • sugar-free - about + sugar + it;
  • degrease - fat + fat;
  • delimit - from + border + it;
  • peroxidize - trans + acid + it;
  • and etc.
    prefix-suffix way of education

Verbs from verbs:

  • shake from shaking;
  • squeal from screech;
  • call from call;
  • calling from calling;
  • snap off from clicking;
  • tapping from banging;
  • taking a nap from a nap;
  • and etc.

Adjective Education

The suffix-suffix way of education is also found in the formation of adjectives. They are formed from:

  • nouns;
  • verbs;
  • adjectives;
  • adverbs.

Words formed by a prefix-suffix way from nouns are characterized by such combinations of prefixes and suffixes:

  • bez- / bes- and -n - / - en-;
  • out- / in- and -n-, -sk-;
  • for- and -enn-, -ovann-;
  • inter- / inter- and -n-, -sk-;
  • na and -n-, -enn-;
  • over- and -n-;
  • not- and -n-;
  • near- and -n-;
  • from- and -n-;
  • on and-n-, -sk-;
  • sub- and -n-;
  • pre- and -n-;
  • at- and -n-, -sk-;
  • so and -n-, -enn-;
  • among- and -n-;
  • through- / skull- and -n-.

Single cases include:

  • through- and -n-;
  • to- and -n-;
  • along- and -n-;
  • not- and -iv-;
  • not- and -im-;
  • at- and -ist-;
  • times- and -ist-.
    words are prefixed by suffix

Adjectives from verbs can be formed by adding the following prefixes and suffixes:

  • no- / bes- and -n-;
  • not- and -n-;
  • not- and -om-, -em-, -im-, -nn-;
  • bezel-and-teln-, -nn-;
  • for- and -ann-.

Single cases include:

  • not- and -uch-, -iv-, -chiv-;
  • not-oh-and-im-;
  • non-pre-o-and-im-;
  • for- and -n-;
  • once- and -n-;
  • na and -n-;
  • pro and -live-;
  • counter- and -exc.

As for the formation of adjectives from adjectives, this happens when the prefix za and the suffix -en- are added. Such cases include combinations of prefixes and suffixes: na and -n-, ob- and -n-, pod- and -ovat-, pro and -ovat-.

But from the adverb, adjectives can be compiled in an isolated case by adding the prefix co and the suffix -n-.

Examples of the formation of adjectives

Adjectives from nouns:

  • extraordinary - out + row + ny;
  • foreign - for + border + ny;
  • shaded - for + artisanal + articulated;
  • inter-row - between + row + ny;
  • wrist - on + hand + ny;
  • aboveground - above + earth + ny;
  • innocent - not + wine + ny;
  • amniotic - about + fetus + ny;
  • adjective - from + offer + ny;
  • coastal - along + coast + ny;
  • Moscow region - under + Moscow + ny;
  • and etc.
    words formed by prefix-suffix way

Adjectives from verbs:

  • reckless - without + looking + ny;
  • inevitable - not + avoid + ny;
  • unbearable - not + takeaway + have;
  • irrelevant - without + relative + relative;
  • tearful - for + plaque + ann;
  • negligent - not + glad + willow;
  • and etc.

Adjectives from adjectives:

  • sour - acidified;
  • household - forgotten;
  • naked - naked;
  • wide - extensive;
  • blind - blind;
  • long - oblong;
  • and etc.

Adjective from the adverb: together - joint.

Adverb education

Adverbs are formed from:

  • adjectives;
  • nouns;
  • verbs;
  • adverbs
  • numerals.

Adverbs that are formed from adjectives by the suffix-suffix method can have such combinations of prefixes and suffixes:

  • by and-th, -th, -and, -sk-, -th-, -u, -enka, -onka, -th;
  • in- and -th, -n-, -ov-, -t-, -e, -n-, -i-, -o, -i, s, s, s, s;
  • in- and -i, -i, -o, -o;
  • for- and -o, -uy, -a;
  • from-and-a, -e, -and;
  • is and;
  • na and -o, -e, -th, -th, -yak, -ik, -ki, -ok;
  • c- / co and -a, -y;
  • syz-and-a.

There are isolated cases:

  • in-and-s, th, s;
  • in and of;
  • for and;
  • from-and-e, -and;
  • on the second, -yak, -ik, -ki;
  • on-of-and-ok, -k;
  • not-and-and;
  • sub-and-th;
  • sys-and-sstva;
  • from under and.

If an adverb is formed from a noun, then the prefix and suffix are added to the base:

  • w- / wo-and-y, -k (a), -h (a);
  • na and -y, -k (a), -h (a), -ost4
  • in- and -y, -e, -i, -y;
  • na and -y, -ah, -yah;
  • by and -y, -e, -i;
  • do- and -y;
  • s- and -y, -a, -i;
  • to- and -y.

Isolated cases: in- and -i,-and-and, from-and-and,-and-o, behind-and-ohm, syz- and -a, in- and -ku.

When the formation of adverbs comes from the numerals, such suffixes and prefixes are added to them:

  • in- and -th, -th, -o. –E;
  • na and -o, -e.

In the suffix-suffix way, the words formed from the verbs will have the following prefixes and suffixes:

  • in- and -k, -ah, yah;
  • na and -y, -y;
  • without and;
  • do- and y, -a;
  • s and u.

Isolated cases: from- and -y, b-and-ka, on and-ki, in-and-ky, s- and -ok, s- and - (j) a, not- and -ot, and one, one and another.

Less common is the formation of adverbs from adverbs. This happens by adding a prefix and a suffix: by and by, by and.

Adverb Formation Examples

Adverbs from adjectives:

  • businesslike - + business + ohm;
  • dog-like - + dog + s;
  • simply - by + simple + y;
  • slowly - by + quiet + onka;
  • large - + large + oh;
  • in vain - in + empty + uy;
  • in general - in + general + e;
  • tenth - in + activities + s;
  • dry - up to + dry + a;
  • Izhelt - from - yellow + a;
  • and etc.
    words formed by the suffix-suffix way examples

Adverbs from nouns:

  • half - in + half + y;
  • half - by + half + y;
  • below - in + bottom + y;
  • above - to + top + y;
  • at first - by + beginning + y;
  • to the top - to + top + y;
  • bottom - c + bottom + y;
  • up - to + top + y;
  • and etc.

Adverbs from the numerals:

  • four - in + four + ohms;
  • twice - in + two + e;
  • in two - by + double + e;
  • and etc.

Adverbs from verbs:

  • reloading - to + pass + ku;
  • in sight - in + view + y;
  • without ceasing - without + ceasing + y
  • and etc.

Adverbs from adverbs:

  • a lot - by + many + y;
  • make-believe - by + narosh + ku;
  • and etc.

Word-formation parsing order

To determine which words are formed by the prefix-suffix method, you must:

- firstly, to determine the lexical meaning of the existing word on the basis of the original;

- secondly, to determine from which word the given word is formed;

- thirdly, to determine with what combination of prefix and suffix the given word was formed.

what words are formed by the suffix-suffix way

So, consider a simple example.

Everyone knows that the word "lost" is formed by the suffix-suffix method. Let's make sure of this. So, the verb is / ter / i / l / and contains:

  • the prefix is;
  • -ter- root;
  • suffixes -i- and -l-;
  • ending -and.

Why do we distinguish two suffixes -i- and -l-, and not one -yal-? This is due to the fact that verbs do not have suffixes, -yal-, -al-, -yl-, -ol-, -el-. The suffix -i- is also called the suffix of the infinitive, since it ends with the base of the infinitive (lose). But the suffix -l- is the suffix of the past tense of the verb, that is, it is formative, the word is not included.


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