Bed linen, jacquard: reviews. Jacquard bedding: pros and cons

More recently, in our country, bedding was made only from satin and calico, rarely imported bright sets of other materials fell into stores. Today, everyone can choose bedding from a wide variety of fabrics and the most unusual colors.

Bedding jacquard
Recently, the sale of elite bedding has appeared. Jacquard, satin, silk, plain or with a pattern, decorated with embroidery or sewing, will create a relaxing and harmonious atmosphere in any bedroom.

Jacquard fabric, what is it?

First of all, it should be noted the beauty and sophistication of this fabric, created as a result of tight weaving of threads. The result is a durable and embossed material with a beautiful pattern.

Bedclothes Jacquard Turkey
For the manufacture of jacquard can be used threads obtained from various materials: cotton, satin, artificial fibers. Towels and tablecloths, curtains and bedding are made from this material. Jacquard, despite its density, is a very light and “breathing” material. As part of this fabric, as a rule, there are cotton fibers that contribute to the absorption of excess moisture, which is favorable for sleeping both on hot summer days and throughout our long winter, when heating appliances are working.

Who invented the jacquard and when?

It happened in 1801, it was then that the French weaver and inventor Joseph-Marie Jacquard was able to invent and create an original loom that made it possible to produce a particularly dense fabric, with a rapport basis consisting of at least 24 threads, with a beautiful convex pattern resembling tapestry cloths . In the 19th century, carpets, tapestries, drapes were made from jacquard fabric, they were upholstered with furniture, and women’s toilets were sewn. In addition, a special branch of jacquard weaving appeared, the masters of which could create portraits of noble and influential people of that time.

Since then, the design of the jacquard loom has practically not changed, and the material obtained as a result of weaving a large number of threads has a number of unique characteristics.

What does he happen to be?

If earlier only natural materials were used to make jacquards, today artificially created ones are also used.

Jacquard bedding reviews

Modern jacquard fabrics are in composition:

  • natural, produced only from natural fibers of the same type, such as cotton;
  • blended when any non-woven fibers are added to the cotton fibers;
  • artificial, resulting from the weaving of threads made from polymeric substances, such as polypropylene or polyester.

In addition, jacquard can be colored in the following three ways:

  • preliminary dyeing of fibers;
  • dyeing the finished fabric, when the threads have a different level of absorption of dyes;
  • thermal printing on the finished canvas.

Features of jacquard bedding

Only materials woven from natural threads are used to make bedding. Jacquard is made of silk, satin or blended fibers. To obtain unusual design effects, as well as to reduce the cost of products, bamboo or cotton fibers are added to expensive silk or satin threads. In texture, mixed and natural silk fabrics are different, but each of them is beautiful and original in its own way.

Euro bedding Jacquard

For those who prefer a combination of comfort and beauty, a special, double-sided bedding has been created. Satin and jacquard are connected together: exquisite patterns adorn the outside, while the inside is pleasing to the body.

The cheapest are kits made from materials woven using synthetic fibers. It is important to remember that the content of synthetics should not be higher than 40%.

Also on the shelves are bedding, the jacquard of which consists of soft cotton fibers, and the pattern is made of noble silk or satin, which looks advantageous on a smooth background.

To attract buyers, manufacturers decorate bedding sets with lace or trim, apply drawings with the 3D effect.

Advantages and disadvantages of jacquard fabric

As already mentioned, this material is produced by interweaving many threads, which gives the fabric high strength and density.

Bedclothes Satin Jacquard
It is important to note that jacquard is a special way to weave yarns, not the fabric composition. In addition to beauty and unique design, there are a number of properties that justify the rather high prices for such bedding. Euro jacquard has such useful qualities:

  1. Beautiful and refined appearance and texture, pleasant to the touch.
  2. Regulation of the temperature of the human body and absorption of excess moisture.
  3. Durability achieved by tight weaving and twisting of threads.
  4. Strength, since the density of the fabric is about 250 g / m 2 .
  5. Wear resistance, as the threads do not break under mechanical stress.
  6. Heat resistance - this material is resistant to temperature changes.
  7. Ease and simplicity in operation and leaving.

These are just the main advantages of jacquard underwear, however, it has one, but a very significant minus - a high price. But it should be noted that recently cheaper jacquard bedding has appeared on store shelves. Turkey and China supply budget sets made of fabrics with a high proportion of synthetics. Buying cheap analogues of elite and expensive linen, it is worth remembering that they do not have all of the advantages listed above. In order not to spend money on low-quality goods, and nerves - on worries about this matter, purchase better-proven brands in company stores. So how do you make the right choice and buy quality satin jacquard (bedding)? Customer reviews already using these kits will help you choose the most suitable option for you and your family.

Consumer Reviews

After analyzing a lot of reviews, it should be said that most consumers who purchased satin-jacquard bedding were satisfied with their purchases. Despite the rather high price, the quality of the purchased sets suits them. In addition, according to reviews, such linen is quite easy to care for. As Internet users write, it is easily erased, keeping the texture and colors, ironed without any problems.

Jacquard bedding

But in addition to obviously enthusiastic and simply positive reviews about jacquard bedding, there are also negative ones. As a rule, problems with sizes, color stability during washing, and others arise from those who bought budget-made kits made in China, made from materials with a large proportion of synthetic fibers.


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