Which shampoo is the best for you

It is rare to meet a person who uses natural means for washing hair. That is why the number of various brands and recipes is increasing every year. But what is the best shampoo available on the market?

Choosing a shampoo, first of all, it is worth focusing on the features of your scalp and hair structure. These are the main criteria by which it is worth choosing a means to care for them. But even with the right shampoo, the hair and scalp can have an imperfect appearance. After all, their condition depends on the external environment, methods and amount of styling, nutrition, general health, etc. What is the best shampoo we will try to find out further.

One of the biggest problems that are given too great importance in the modern world is dandruff. First of all, it is worth figuring out what it is and whether hair care products will help. Dandruff is dead skin on the scalp. If there is no itching and the size of the scales is small, then treatment is not required. Dandruff, which requires treatment, is caused by seborrhea or a fungal disease of the scalp. To eliminate such an ailment, it is better to contact specialists and select special tools. A good dandruff shampoo suggests helping with seborrhea. It may also be accompanied by redness of the skin.

To ask the question which shampoo is the best in the cosmetics department is not entirely appropriate, because the composition and purpose of each product of any company are different. That is why what suits one may cause problems for others. When asked which shampoo is the best, there is one answer - the one that is right for you. And its price does not even matter how popular the manufacturer is.

There are 4 types of hair, although all products are released only for 3: dry, oily and normal. Mixed, when the roots are oily and the ends dry, you need to choose the remedy which problem bothers you more. But this is also not an option. After all, it is no secret to anyone that a shampoo improperly selected by type of hair will only do harm. And in this case, the question of which shampoo is the best is very difficult to answer. If there are obvious problems and the hair type is clearly defined, then this is much easier. When trying to find out what a good dandruff shampoo will help, more often the answer will be - one that is designed for dry hair. The fact is that such a problem may appear from overdried scalp.

The cause of this or that type of hair is often the level of secretion of skin secretion, which is responsible for the nutrition of hair roots. Hair itself is a hollow tube, which even with a great desire to saturate with useful trace elements and vitamins will not work, because they are inanimate. That is why shampoos with all kinds of useful complexes nourish only the roots, not the hair along the entire length. The frequency of use of any product is determined by the manufacturer and should not be violated. Those shampoos that are intended for frequent use do not provide cleanliness and nutrition for a long time and vice versa - glut is fraught with new problems.

What shampoo is better to wash your hair? This question also often worries caring owners of hair. Of course, there are general rules for all shampoos. It is better if there are no sulfates in the composition of the selected product, but there are more inclusions of natural origin. It is components, not vitamins. If you need nutrition with useful substances, it is better to provide it with food or special complexes, and not apply locally. Natural shampoos are now quite common, which practically do not contain chemical components. If you have ever tried natural cosmetics products that are correctly selected and used according to the instructions, then the question of which shampoo is better to wash your hair is unlikely to appear.

Love your hair as it is and they will certainly answer you with beauty and health. Of course, proper care and gentle styling methods will add to their attractiveness, and you will reduce problems.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46185/

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