The biggest ships. The largest ship in the world: photo

When Noah was ordered to build the ark, he received all the necessary design data and technological instructions. Judging by the divine terms of reference, the ark was three hundred cubits long, fifty wide and thirty high. It is impressive, of course, but measuring the elbows of the modern largest ship in the world is a very tedious task. The length of Prelude FLNG is 929 and a half of Egyptian royal elbows.

Floating gas liquefaction factory

The title of the largest floating object is a passing thing, the purpose of such structures can be very different, and when experts see a reasonable limit, it is unclear.

Shell built a hull for the Prelude FLNG floating plant at a South Korean shipyard. Its purpose will be to produce natural gas at the bottom of the ocean , process it into a liquefied state and transfer it to special gas tankers. In mid-2015, it was the largest ship in the world. According to the plan in 2017, this monster should stand somewhere off the coast of Australia and with might and main get blue fuel from the bowels. It can store as much of it as the average megalopolis requires for a year.

the largest ship in the world

The length of this vessel is 488 m, its width is 74 m, 260 thousand tons of steel were used for the construction - this is more than for the twin towers of the shopping center in New York, its displacement is equal to six aircraft carriers. Prelude FLNG can become a real prelude for the emergence of a flotilla of such vessels, because experts talk about the significant advantages of this method of gas production - economic and environmental.

Dockock vanguard

In January 2012, a Concordia-class cruise ship hit a coastal rock near the Italian island of Giglio, got a hole, and capsized, sank. More than 30 people died. Of the passengers, it was the largest ship in the world with which such a catastrophe happened. When it was necessary to “take out the trash”, that is, transport Costa Concordia away, one of the largest and most unusual ships in the world came to the rescue.

the largest ships in the world

Dockwise Vanguard is the largest ship in the world designed for the transport of especially bulky and heavy cargo. It belongs to the semi-submersible type. To accommodate cargo on a huge deck (overall dimensions of the vessel: length - 275 m, width - 79 m), special ballast tanks are filled with sea water, and the vessel sinks to the desired depth. The cargo is towed and held over the ship, which, floating up, takes the weight on board. The cargo is rigidly fixed, and the vessel at a speed of about 12 knots follows the desired route. The spectacle of a hard worker ship carrying huge oil platforms for thousands of miles will impress anyone. Therefore, transporting the Concordia to Genoa, where it was disposed of, for Dockwise Vanguard, these are “seeds.”

Container ship

The more containers that can be loaded onto the deck and delivered as quickly as possible across the seas and oceans, the more profitable such transportation. Therefore, such ships occupy first place among ships in the size and power of power plants.

For 2015, the championship is held by the CSCL Globe, built in South Korea and owned by a carrier from China. Its length is 400 m, its width is 58.6 m, and its carrying capacity is 184 605 tons.

the largest ship in the world photo

For the sake of providing an amazing speed of 16 knots for such a colossus, the world's largest internal combustion engine with a capacity of 72,200 horsepower and a height of five-story buildings was manufactured for the ship. It is supposed to make several such container ships. And these will be the largest ships in the world, capable of transporting at a time such a number of containers in which you can hide the property of the inhabitants of a small town.


Among the ships, which, due to their purpose, are supposed to hit with their sizes, there have always been dry cargo ships and ore carriers - bulk carriers, that is, loaded in bulk. To fill the largest ore-carrying vessels in the world, 12,000 huge mining trucks are needed - about 400 tons.

the largest ship in the world the number of crew

362-meter length and 65-meter width make Vale Brasil type ore carriers a very visible object even in the Atlantic and Pacific open spaces. Moreover, Brazilian ore suppliers are faced with the task of increasing the profitability of their products by shipping them by sea, and they have already ordered a fleet of bulk carriers of this series at the shipyards of Southeast Asia, and soon they will not be crowded in the Atlantic spaces ...

Oasis of the seas

Today, the infamous Titanic can truly impress with its size only in a movie made by a great director. It is five times smaller than the largest passenger ship in the world - the Oasis of the Seas, built in Finland, operated by an American cruise company and sailing under the flag of the Bahamas.

the largest passenger ship in the world

Not all ports can accept this ship, it cannot enter some of them without causing or receiving serious damage. The length of the casing is 360 m, the greatest width is 61 m, the height from the surface of the water to the top of the pipe is like a 25-story building. Oasis in the Ocean is the largest cruise ship in the world, designed to provide 6400 passengers with an unforgettable experience. For this, everything is provided on the ship: the world's largest cruise casino, water park, theater, in which shows go on without interruption, surf pools, a golf course, sports grounds. For lovers and lovers of solitude, a park with real trees and shrubs has been planted, where you can safely find a place to stay together or relax alone.

To adequately serve passengers and the largest ship in the world, the number of crews has been brought up to 2165 people. It seems that everyone on such an ark has a case.

Floating City Freedom Ship

Unlike all previous ships, already plowing the expanses of the seas, the “Freedom Ship” is only an idea so far, although the company involved in this project has already announced its full readiness for the start of construction. Ship-floating city - will be able to accommodate 50 thousand, living on it constantly, and about 30 thousand guests. It is supposed to create an infrastructure similar to that necessary for a small city, with all facilities for proper work and rest. On many decks will be located residential and working areas, schools, stadiums, swimming pools. Park areas with real green spaces will make for all residents comfortable a permanent stay outside the land.

After the construction is completed, it will definitely be the largest ship in the world. Photos in which you can see the alleged appearance of the future ark are staggering in scope. At the upper level, it is planned to place an airfield capable of receiving serious airliners. To provide a floating city, a whole network of solar and wind power plants will be built.

the largest cruise ship in the world

The design length is 1370 m, the total number of levels is 25. There is no suitable harbor on the planet for such a boat, therefore, Freedom will be in constant voyage around the world.

Our Blue Planet

According to one version of the origin of life on Earth, all life came out of the water. Given how many people can not imagine life without the sea, neither in business nor on vacation, it can be assumed that the top of the largest sea vessels will be constantly updated.


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