How to clean copper - effective methods, features and reviews

Copper products have become extremely popular. In connection with this question, how to clean copper at home, many people ask. Cleaning copper is not so difficult - just a few basic kitchen products that everyone has at home, and a little patience.

general information

The question of how to clean copper products is puzzled over time by all owners of products made of this material. It's all about the processes taking place in this metal. Patina is a thin layer of plaque of a different palette of colors, as a rule, pale green, covering over time copper objects and interior elements. It is very desirable because it visually ages objects and adds a peculiar charm to them. However, this applies mainly to decorative details. If plaque appears on items of equipment such as a copper sink or faucet, you can remove it using simple, inexpensive, and copper-safe methods.

lemon peeling

Lemon and salt

There are several home methods for cleaning this metal. Quickly enough, you can return objects from copper to their original shine. For example, you can clean copper with citric acid. Copper is often cleaned with salt and lemon. Sprinkle half of the lemon with salt and wipe the patina-coated copper surface. If the coating layer is thick, you should wait until the lemon juice reacts with it.

Baking Soda Cleaning

Replacing salt is baking soda. This is the next answer to the question of how to clean copper from oxide. In this case, you will need to impregnate the fabric with a mixture of soda and lemon juice, and then rub it with a copper element under a stream of warm water. An alternative is to prepare a detergent with vinegar, salt and flour. Such a mixture can be rubbed into an object made of copper, you can cover it with a copper surface, wait 15-45 minutes, so that the product absorbs plaque, and only then wash.

with soda

Salt and vinegar

If you are talking about small items (for example, jewelry), you can also try a mixture of salt and vinegar. Ingredients are added to boiling water (in proportion: a tablespoon of salt per glass of vinegar), then they are applied to a copper element for 2-3 hours. After all these procedures, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the copper objects with soap and then lower them under a stream of hot water. Done!


Copper accessories and jewelry have been in fashion for several seasons. And nothing portends them to disappear from fashion trends. But for them to look spectacular, you need to know how to clean the copper to a shine. Despite the fact that objects made of this metal have been known since ancient times, only recently they began to enjoy special interest. Unfortunately, like any other metal, copper requires proper care.

with vinegar


In fact, there are great variations on how to clean copper from green plaque. Items can be cleaned both by home methods and by special means. Home methods are characterized in that they are not harmful and do not cause allergic reactions. Unfortunately, they are not always effective. And wondering how to clean a turk from copper, many eventually turn to professional compositions. In the case of complex contaminants, traditional products may not cope with the problem, and therefore special lotions and gels come to the rescue.

Home methods

Cleaning such items is highly dependent on the degree of pollution. Items that do not require thorough cleaning can be simply washed with hot water and soap or dishwashing liquid. If a person who wonders how to clean copper is aimed at getting a stunning effect, after washing, wipe the item with a specialized compound for non-ferrous metals.

When there is not enough soap and water, ammonia can be added. However, it is worth remembering to maintain the appropriate proportions. Otherwise, you can easily do more harm than good. The solution should consist of 2 tablespoons of ammonia diluted in a liter of water. You need to moisten a soft cloth in the prepared solution, and then gently wipe it with contaminated objects and leave them to dry completely.

copper pan

Another simple way to get rid of persistent pollution is to scuff the scuffs with a prepared solution of alcohol and salt from vinegar. It is enough to stir one tablespoon of salt in several tablespoons of vinegar and perform the same steps as with the above solution. When wondering how to clean copper, it is worth considering that the concentration can be determined independently, taking into account the degree of contamination of the dishes. However, before deciding on this option, special care should be taken. Vinegar has strong corrosive properties, so you need to handle it very gently. In this regard, under no circumstances should stains be prevented, and soft rags should always be used for polishing.

Specialized tools

In addition to home methods, there are many products on the market that guarantee the same effect without the need for self-preparation of special mixtures. When wondering what to clean copper, you can choose from a cleaning fluid, for polishing or other compounds designed for this purpose.

More and more copper objects can be found today in interior arrangements. Contrary to popular belief, they are suitable for both classic apartments and modern rooms. However, before deciding to use them within its four walls, it is worth learning how to care for them so that they serve the person for many years.

Additional recipes

In search of an answer to the question of how to clean copper, one can meet the following recommendations. Sauerkraut juice should be mixed with fireplace ash. Moisten a cloth with liquid and rub the item. Copper is scratch resistant, so even a strong cleaning will not damage it. Rub the item until it regains a pretty appearance. After you need to rinse it with clean water, and then wipe it dry.

You can mix a handful of clay with a small amount of water to form a medium-thick mass, and rub it with copper. Rinse with water and dry using a dry cloth. Handles for doors, windows, chest of drawers must be wiped with hot red wine, which is left after some party. This will return them a beautiful shine.

Red wine

It is worth cooking gruel of chalk with vinegar or turpentine. Immerse a toothbrush in it. Clean the copper, rinse the product under water and wipe dry. Using a dilute ammonia solution, it should be remembered that ammonia smells strongly and spreads strong fumes. Wear a mask and make sure that cleaning is carried out in a well-ventilated area.

A mixture of clay and vinegar is suitable. Wipe the copper objects and rinse them with clean water. Wipe dry. If after cleaning it becomes noticeable that the product has become too bright, you need to expose it for several hours in the sunlight. It will get a slightly darker and warmer color. Copper items that are constantly on the street and are exposed to the vagaries of the weather. It should be protected with a special or colorless varnish for the car.

Copper utensils such as pots or pans, some are a little scared. Remembering some old, plaque-covered glasses or a service, people may lose interest in acquiring copper vessels. However, do not give up such wonderful pots! Because cooking in copper pans is a pleasure for the eyes. Therefore, it is advisable to learn how to cope with the cleaning of copper vessels.

from copper

Care Tips

Copper should not be washed in a dishwasher, but only by hand. But the fact that you need to polish it for days and nights to make it shine is no longer true. This is not true. In principle, dirty copper at first glance also has its own charm, so if this does not interfere, you can not polish such dishes at all. Copper will then look just dark and dull. It is enough to wash such a pan or pan under running water with dishwashing liquid and wipe it dry. However, if you like the warm, copper luster and the impurities that arise during cooking interfere, or the color of the vessel is actually badly damaged during long frying, baking or cooking, you can (and even need) to devote such a vessel for literally 5-6 minutes. And that’s all. Yes, just a few minutes is enough to clean the copper vessel and restore its original shine.

Professional Tools

It would be nice to gently moisten the vessel before cleaning, rinse and do not completely wipe. No need to dry it to the end. In slightly moistened dishes, you need to dial a little special paste and begin to apply it to the surface. In a circular motion, you will need to clean the surface area by area - the effect is visible immediately.

copper part

After applying the paste to the entire copper surface of the cookware, it must be thoroughly washed under running warm water. You can additionally wipe it with a sponge, distributing the remains of the product in heavily contaminated places. Then wash the dishes and wipe. This should be done dry. In principle, there is no particular need for polishing. The dishes will sparkle immediately. But, of course, using a dry and fairly soft cotton cloth, you can polish all the dishes.

For washing and drying such products, it is best to use soft rags. Hard sponges that scratch powders or formulations should not be used. Copper pots are not recommended in the dishwasher! Following these simple recommendations, it will not be difficult to ensure a long and beautiful life for dishes and other products made of this material. And they will undoubtedly delight the eye not only in the kitchen, but throughout the interior.


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