Hairstyle "Pineapple" for boys and girls

Beautiful hairstyles today will not surprise anyone. What you just don’t have to go to look different than everyone else. Just for such people the hair style “Pineapple” was invented. In our article, we offer three options for its execution: for girls with curly curls, for men and for girls with medium-long hair.

Simple Pineapple Tail

Owners of fluffy and curly hair are usually not so easy to choose a hairstyle. Taming naughty curls is not easy, so most girls prefer to collect curls in a regular tail.

pineapple hairstyle

For those who want to look more stylish, unusual and original, the pineapple hairstyle is ideal. Make it as simple as possible:

  1. Prepare a tight elastic band that can hold the entire volume of hair on the crown.
  2. Comb your hair well.
  3. Tilt your head down and collect curly curls with your hands on the crown, closer to the frontal part of the head.
  4. Fix the hair gathered in the tail on the head and fluff the tips well with your hands, as if forming the “tail” of the pineapple.

With this approach, you get an unusual look. Among American stars, a similar hairstyle is often worn by singer Rihanna.

Hairstyle "Pineapple" for men

A pineapple hairstyle is popular not only among girls, but also among men. However, in addition to the traditional tail on the crown, some representatives of the strong half resort to more dramatic changes in the image. The "Pineapple" in the male version is a haircut, which in appearance completely imitates the well-known tropical fruit.

men's pineapple hairstyle

Men's hairstyle "Pineapple" is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Perform a haircut, keeping on top of the head locks with a length of 10-12 cm.
  2. Lighten hair using Blondoran and 9% oxidizing agent.
  3. To paint long locks in green color, and that it was not shown on fair hair, it is recommended to hide them under a film.
  4. Using a hair clipper, shave the stripes on the head, simulating the texture of the pineapple peel.
  5. Using styling gel or wax, form the green “tail” of the pineapple with your hands, directing it upward.
  6. As the hair grows, the roots will need to be lightened again.

Hairstyle "Pineapple" for girls

A pineapple hairstyle can be made for a girl. In this case, some cardinal changes in appearance will not occur, it does not require any hair coloring or shortening of the length. You will have to work hard on such an extravagant hairstyle, but the effect is worth it.

pineapple hairstyle for girls

Hairstyle "Pineapple" weaves in the following sequence:

  1. Starting from the back of the head to the central parting, the braid is braided on the head.
  2. At the level of the central parting, weaving stops, and the remaining curls are fixed with an elastic band.
  3. When all the hair on the head is woven into pigtails, the formation of "pineapple" begins. To do this, small pigtails gather in one large French braid with a tail on the crown. Thus, all the side braids on the right and left function as strands for picking up. The result is a very stylish and original pineapple.

It is convenient to braid such a hairstyle in the summer. All hair is going up, and the child will not be so hot.


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