Ringing or ringing - how to put emphasis correctly? How to emphasize the word "ringing"

How to say correctly: ringing or ringing? The answer to this question interests many people. Despite the fact that we were taught this rule at school, after its completion, everything was quickly forgotten. That is why in the presented article we will tell you in detail about how, nevertheless, one should speak correctly: it rings or rings.

general information

The Russian language is very beautiful and rich. And often his real guardians become discouraged when they hear how various word forms are regularly distorted by others.

To properly own your own language, it is not enough to know the rules in theory, because they should be applied in practice.

Law of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Of course, the vast majority uses the word “ringing” in the correct form, that is, with the last stressed vowel. But today a huge number of people have appeared who stubbornly pronounce a similar word with the first stressed vowel. This is partly due to the fact that in the summer of 2009 the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation issued a decree that officially allows both of these options. Although the expression “RING” is still recognized as conversational.

Why did such confusion arise?

How do you spell - ring or ring? That is, where should the accent line be put? You will see the answers to these questions a little further. Now I want to tell you about the true causes of this confusion.

According to experts, such discrepancies were formed as a result of the influence of the Ukrainian language. The expression "You are calling me" the inhabitants of this state are voiced as "T-shi zvonish!". That is why, even from Soviet times, Russians began to involuntarily confuse the options presented.

It should also be noted that such a Russian word as “sober up” adds fuel to the fire. As a result, all the inhabitants of our country were divided into two camps: some do not know how to pronounce correctly - “RING” or “RING”, while others are rather hostile to such errors.

How to pronounce the word "ringing"? We find out together

The verb “ringing” has such an indefinite form as “ringing”. According to the rules of the Russian language, it belongs to the second conjugation (ends in -it) and has unchanged stress.

In accordance with current standards, if a verb has a personal form and stands in the present tense, then the stress in it falls only on the suffix “and”. If the word does not have such a suffix, then to the end.

Thus, if you want to speak correctly, you should remember that the correct stress is “ringing,” that is, the last vowel.

It should also be noted that in the past tense in the verb “to call”, the stress in a similar way falls on the suffix “and”. It does not change its position even in special verb forms - gereil and communion, as well as in the imperative mood. This should be remembered once and for all.

How to call or call?

Now you know what vowel to emphasize during the pronunciation of the word “ringing”. However, this is far from the only problem that people who use this verb in writing encounter. Often the question arises as to how to write correctly - “ring” or “ring”. To answer it, you should remember the simple rules of the Russian language.

Unstressed root vowels

The rule of unstressed vowels in the roots, which are checked by stress, will help you easily figure out how to spell correctly: ring or ring. For those who have forgotten it, we remind you: the spelling of letters in the place of unstressed vowels that are in the roots is checked by matching them with forms or words with the same root, where the tested vowel is stressed.

Here is an example: “water” (the test word “WATER” or “WATER”), “speak” (“talk” and “GOVOR”), “gardens” (“garden” or “Sadik”), “young” (test word “Youth”, “Young”, “young”), etc.

In what cases does the rule not apply?

It should be emphasized that this provision has its exceptions. That is why before you figure out how to spell : call or call, you need to find out if this word refers to them.

So, in some cases, the presented verification technique cannot be used. This is due to the fact that different spelling of cognate words can be explained by their formation (if they belong to different languages ​​and the like).

Let us give a concrete example: inconsistent unstressed combinations of the type “la” and “ra” (drag, gates, reins, shorten, cloud, head, etc.) always have the letter “a”. This fact is explained by the fact that the above words refer to Old Slavonic (by origin). Thus, the full-consonant olos and oro correspond to the indicated combinations (for example, furrows, gates, head, short, drag, etc.).

It should also be noted that it is forbidden to check the unstressed vowel “o”, which is located in the roots of perfect verbs, by comparison with imperfect verbs. So, in the words “flood”, “bifurcate”, “late”, “trample”, “swallow”, etc., the vowel is checked by selecting the root words “TWO”, “LATE”, “TOPOK”, “SIP”. Although these words have verbs of an imperfect form, which vary significantly in spelling (“flooded,” “swallowed,” “delayed,” “bifurcated”).

So how to write - ring or ring?

“Call” is an imperfective verb meaning “to issue a ring” or “give a signal by some device such as a ring”. To understand how to write it correctly, you need to choose a test word that will have a stressed vowel in the root. So, “ringing” is “ringing”, “dialing”. At the root of the test word under the stress is the letter “o”. This means that the correct option would be to “ring” rather than “ring”.

Using this rule, you can check absolutely any word, but only if the principles discussed above apply to it.

Clarify the situation

How will it be right - ringing or ringing? This question is asked by many people. However, it was originally built incorrectly. After all, the two named words have different meanings and, accordingly, are used in different cases. Which ones, we will understand further.

“Ringing”, “ringing”, “ringing”, “ringing”, etc. - this is a verb of imperfect form, which means the following:

1. Make a high sound (for example, when hitting a glass or metal object). This word is used in the following cases: Strings ring. The bell rings. Coins ringing in your pocket. The bell rings . In other words, this expression is used when any sound is produced using something (utensils, small things, etc.).

2. To sound with a ringing, to be heard. At the same time, it tells about the sensation of ringing, noise (we are talking about a voice or sound): It rings in the head. Female laughter rings. Baby voices ring .

“Calling”, “calling”, “calling”, etc. - this is an imperfective verb, which means the following:

1. Make a bell or give any signal by a bell, a bell (for example, ring a doorbell, a bell, a bell, to neighbors , etc.).

2. To issue a ring (if it is a call): Bells ring. Phone calls. The alarm is ringing .

3. Call by phone to talk (for example, calls to work, by phone, to Moscow, from parents, from Kiev, from the station or friends ).

4. In colloquial speech it is used in the meaning of “to disclose something”, “to spread gossip” (for example, to ring all the bells, evil languages ​​began to ring about it , etc.).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46202/

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