How to cause menstruation folk remedies? Means that cause menstruation: reviews

At least once in a lifetime, every woman has experienced fluctuations in the menstrual cycle. As a rule, such an event is explained by absolutely mundane reasons. Quite often it also happens that a girl asks a question about how to call menstruation with folk remedies. Perhaps, from the point of view of health, such actions are not entirely justified, however, to solve various everyday issues, they may be simply necessary.

Why stimulate menstruation? Possible reasons for her delay

Why do women want to stimulate the onset of menstruation? There can be quite a few reasons. So, it may be necessary to speed up the process before the long-awaited vacation, romantic date, wedding ceremony. In general, in cases where the onset of regular bleeding can ruin the long-awaited plans for the future. In addition, the delay causes a lot of excitement, because its possible cause may not always be a desired pregnancy.

how to cause menstruation folk remedies

Before using any stimulant, it is necessary to understand what was the possible cause of the delay. So, there are the following reasonable explanations for such an event:

  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal failure ;
  • stress;
  • thyroid disease;
  • beginning menopause;
  • diet, monotonous nutrition;
  • lack of essential substances in the body (for example, iron, vitamin B or C) and much more.

The optimal decision that every woman should take in case of menstrual irregularities is the need to consult a doctor. However, if you still decide to fix such a problem on your own, be sure to make sure that its cause is not pregnancy. To do this, it will be enough to do an ordinary pregnancy test or donate blood for hCG.

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Stimulating menstruation with decoctions of herbs and food

How to cause menstruation folk remedies? The most effective solution may be the use of various medicinal herbs. They have a minimum of contraindications, are available in use and are highly effective. However, before using them, you must make sure that the reason for the delay is not pregnancy. So, what methods can be used to stimulate? Girls say that the most effective means are:

  • tea from oregano;
  • beetroot juice;
  • pomegranate squeeze;
  • plentiful warm drink;
  • decoction based on bay leaves;
  • consuming large amounts of papaya for one week;
  • strong infusion on the root of ginger.

how to call monthly

Useful recipes

A monthly dose of vitamin C can cause menstruation at home. A significant amount of it is contained in ordinary parsley. The infusion on its crushed leaves, used several times a day, will start the process of uterine contraction and further bleeding. Those girls who do not want to drink such a remedy can take an alternative - take a large amount of vitamins.

There are many tips on how to call your period before. The most effective, as follows from the reviews, is the following recipe, which includes tansy. So, its dry inflorescences are carefully ground and poured with boiling water. One glass of water requires approximately two tablespoons of plant material. After 30 minutes, the broth will be completely brewed and ready for use. You should drink it a few minutes before eating, about 70 milliliters three times a day.

Menstruation Stimulating Activities

You can call your period at home without resorting to using inside various means. Girls say that it can be enough to take a very hot bath. Some, if necessary, add water to the pharmacy chamomile or a mixture of iodine and salt. In addition, menstruation can be stimulated with warm compresses located in the lower abdomen. Among the people's councils, which, judging by the reviews, are effective, the recommendations are also leading just to soak your feet in hot water, visit a sauna or bath. An active sport or a stormy intimate life can provoke an earlier onset of regular bleeding.

Irregular cycle stimulation

How to cause menstruation folk remedies with a constant irregular cycle? First of all, it is recommended to visit a doctor and undergo a full examination of the body in order to determine the exact causes of such a problem. Any drugs, including those from traditional medicine, are allowed to be used only after an official appointment. Most often, experts recommend such means as:

  • Angelica Stimulates blood flow and improves its circulation.
  • Motherwort. It has a beneficial effect on the uterus, normalizes the menstrual cycle.
  • Adjusting birth control pills.
  • Moderate physical activity.
  • A diet consisting in the use of foods with a large amount of iron. It can be beef, pomegranate, egg yolks.

For the most part, all these techniques are concomitant; the main treatment will be determined depending on the cause of the cycle shift.

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Delay Prevention Measures

Means that cause menstruation often affect women's health in a negative way. Therefore, for starters, it is recommended to take a number of general measures that can help you establish a menstrual cycle without active outside intervention. These tips include the following wishes:

  • Stop being nervous and don't be upset about trifles. The nervous system has a powerful effect on hormones and menstruation. Try to ignore the possible causes of stress, walk more in the fresh air, relax, adjust the regime of the day and normal sleep.
  • Normalize the weight and amount of fat in the body. Too large or, conversely, an excessively small number of them can adversely affect the periodicity of the cycle, because it is directly related to the female hormone estrogen.
  • Excessively active physical activity also negatively affects the hormonal level of the girl, be careful with sports and do not overdo it.

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The use of special medicines

Many women prefer to use pills that cause menstruation. These include Postinor and Dufaston. The first drug is also a measure of emergency contraception. It can cause the onset of menstruation 3-4 days after use. However, many experts speak negatively about this drug, its effect on the human body can be extremely harsh.

How to cause menstruation "Dufaston" and what is the principle of action of this tool? The medicine is an artificially created semblance of the hormone progesterone. The menstrual cycle should be regulated with its help only after the appointment of a doctor. If you decide to take these pills yourself, then remember that you are launching a significant hormonal adjustment in the body. Girls who choose this therapy for themselves speak of serious consequences.

how to cause menstruation with duphaston

Health is the main thing!

Knowing the algorithms of how to cause menstruation with folk remedies, it is worth emphasizing once again that such methods are urgent and should not be used by women on an ongoing basis. Such an intervention in the body can affect health in the most negative way. Take care of yourself and be sure to visit a gynecologist in case of any contentious issues.


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