F22 vs Su37. Their comparison

The requirements for fifth-generation aircraft are quite extensive. The main ones can be expressed in two definitions - stealth and multifunctionality.

The Americans have high hopes for the F-22. We are armed with a multi-purpose Su-37. And many military experts are wondering. Can F22 beat Su37?

The story of the creation of the F-22

The plans of the United States have long been the creation of such an aircraft, which would be fundamentally different in its flight characteristics from those aircraft that existed in service.

The Air Force Command formulated the basic requirements for the proposed fighter.

The car should have had:

  • new avionics;
  • computer-controlled engines;
  • should remain invisible to airborne detection devices.

f22 vs su37

The contest itself was launched in mid-1986. Groups of two design bureaus were involved in the work on the creation of the new machine. Competition conditions limited the time frame: 50 months were allotted for design.

At the same time, the comparison option was not yet stipulated: F22 versus Su37.

And by the beginning of 1990, both machines with the designations "Product YF-22" and "Product YF-23" were ready.

Huge amounts of money were spent in the design process. As a result, customers immediately discarded the costly radar, which served as an all-round view of the vessel. I also had to abandon additional optical and protective systems. Such sacrifices are caused by the fact that the project went beyond financing the F-22 project.

In the summer of 1991, the car won, in the creation of which such companies as Lockheed, Boeing and Dynamics took part.

An expensive toy?

Probably everyone remembers the expression "worth its weight in gold"? So, these words are very suitable for the American aircraft F22. Against Su37 (we’ll find out its price later), only the initial cost of the “American” was 4.5 times higher. And if we take into account indirect costs, the full price of the "superweapon" has reached $ 350 million!

So, the price of 19.7 tons of gold (which weighs so much empty F-22) during 2006 amounted to the same $ 350 million!

How was the Su-37

The decision to create the Su-37 was made back in 1986, the military-industrial complex under the USSR Council of Ministers.

The first prototype was created taking into account the realities of the Cold War - the Russian "Terminator" against the "Raptor" (USA).

The aircraft was created with the participation of P. Sukhoi Design Bureau and A. Lyulka Design Bureau (Saturn Design Bureau). Other institutions and organizations were also involved. Among the developers was the French company Sextant Avionic

f22 vs su37

Experimental flights in which the new powerful AL-37FU engines were tested were carried out in the early 90s. Engines were created with increased traction and with rotary nozzles.

The test results were so successful that they accelerated the creation of a new aircraft.

But August 1991 came, and a series of events followed - the collapse of the Soviet Union, the liquidation of the Minaviaprom and, as a result, funding for the work was stopped. All this led to the fact that the program for creating a promising aircraft was curtailed and safely forgotten.

So opponents from the United States in those days could only rejoice that in the virtual war “Raptor” against the Su-37, they lost such a serious opponent.

Design Features F-22 Raptor

When arming the F-22, the Americans, in order to reduce their visibility on enemy radars, decided to place all their weapons inside the aircraft.

There are seats on the wings of an airplane for placing mounted weapons on an airplane, but they are practically not used for camouflage purposes.

raptor vs su 37

The use of composite materials in the body of the aircraft (which is 40% of the total coverage) has reduced the total weight of the structure. In addition to reducing weight, the use of such materials can increase the resistance of the structure to overheating.

Also, the aircraft body was covered with material that successfully absorbed radio waves. For the same purpose (to increase inconspicuity), the cockpit lantern and the compartments under the chassis were made in a sawtooth form. Such forms made it possible to efficiently scatter reflected electromagnetic waves from the enemy radar.

In terms of stealth parameters, of course, F22 wins (against Su37). The diamond-shaped wing shape also helps.

The Raptor propulsion system is a combination of two engines of the P&W F119-PW-100 type, on which flat jet nozzles characteristic of this aircraft are placed. The use of ceramic materials in their design can significantly reduce the visibility of the machine in the IR spectrum.

With an engine power of 11,000 kgf, an aircraft can easily overcome the sound velocity barrier. And such a parameter boasts a limited number of military vehicles, including the F-22 and Su-37.

Features of the Su-37

The Russian rival F-22 is equipped with an automated control system. This ensures the movement of absolutely all aerodynamic control elements and the rotation of the engine nozzle with the control handle.

The electronic system automatically provides protection for the fighter, depending not only on its weight, but also on the selected flight mode. Also, the aircraft is equipped with an automatic exit from the "corkscrew" mode.

f 22 vs su 37

The cockpit has undergone a radical transformation. The central control knob has been replaced with a side one. And the engine control levers were replaced by tensometric ones, which directly improved the engine control by means of joysticks.

What did it give? The piloting accuracy has improved, and the control of the aircraft has improved when the pilot is exposed to large overloads. The aircraft was equipped with an integrated electrical control system, with which the thrust vector of the power plant is automatically changed. This decision made it possible to give the aircraft super maneuverability at low and almost zero flight speeds, which has a positive effect when comparing F22 against Su37.

The information field on the dashboard has also changed. The pilot now has four multifunctional LCD monitors developed by the French company Sextan Avionic. Monitors are equipped with protection against sun exposure and, now the pilot can see the main dynamic parameters under any weather conditions.

An additional indicator is also installed on the background of the windshield, which displays the necessary information.

Improving the comfort level of the cockpit increased the portability of overloads for the pilot, and this, in turn, makes it possible to fully realize all the combat capabilities of the Su-37 vs F-22 combat vehicle even by combat pilots.

How much is the Su-37

According to the results of a wide marketing analysis conducted by the developers, it was found out that potential buyers of the Su-37 are represented by a spectrum from 24 countries. The number of advance orders from different countries is already equal to 1,000 products!

Such a great interest is explained not only by unique characteristics, but also by the attractive cost of the aircraft in the international market, which, especially in comparison (F22 versus Su37), does not exceed $ 30 million.

Armament "Raptor"

The combat power of the F-22 Raptor consists of a 20-mm gun of the M61A2 Vulcan class, designed for 480 salvos. The machine can also carry six AIM-120C AMRAAM missiles and two AIM-9M Sidewinder missiles on wing pylons.

raptor terminator

The aircraft also carries a bomb load, which consists of adjustable JDAM type bombs and guided type GBU-39 bombs. At the same time, supersonic speed does not prevent the aircraft from making an attack.

Military equipment Su-37

Comparison of the F-22 and Su-37 must begin with the small arms of the Russian fighter. It consists of a quick-firing single-barrel 30-mm gun GS-301, which is located in the right wing and has an ammunition of 150 rounds.

Missile and bomber equipment complements fire-fighting capabilities. It is placed on beam holders at 12 points:

  • 6 - under the wing consoles;
  • 2- under the wingtips;
  • 2 - under the engines;
  • 2- under the cetranoplan.

su 37 vs f 22
The aircraft can be equipped with:

  • 8 guided air-to-air missiles;
  • 10 medium-range missiles with active homing heads;
  • 6 missiles for close air combat R-73;
  • 6 adjustable bombs KAB-500Kr with guidance system.

When using the Kh-29L, S-25LD and Kh-59M missiles, the fighter is equipped with weapon control containers.

All uncontrolled aircraft of the air-to-ground type collects a total mass of 8 tons. It may be represented by:

  • 16 bombs FAB-500M54;
  • 14 bombs FAB-500M62 FAB-500M62;
  • 14 incendiary tanks ZB-500;
  • 48 OFAB-100-120 bombs;
  • 8 containers of KMGU;
  • 120 S-8 unguided missiles (6 B-8M1 blocks);
  • 30 S-13 missiles (6 UB-13 blocks);
  • 6 S-25 missiles (in the O-25 launcher).

The early warning system is represented by a pulse-Doppler radar with a fixed antenna array and an onboard radar for rear view.

The sighting system of the Su-37 consists of a thermal imager, which is combined with a laser range finder-target designator. At the same time, the installation allows you to detect and conduct several targets simultaneously.

"Jump" Su-37

The domestic "Drying" has acquired such high combat qualities that it needs to be said separately.

f 22 and su 37

The aircraft can change the slope by an angle of up to 180 °, withstand it for the entire time while the rocket is launched. The combat vehicle has no restrictions in the angles of attack. And due to the increase in lift, it became possible to perform new aerobatics:

  1. 360 ° flip.
  2. Forced fire reversal.
  3. Rotate vertically.
  4. Performing "cobra" at angles of 150 ° - 180 °.
  5. The coup during the execution of the figure "bell".
  6. The coup, with a loss of height of 300-400m.

With such maneuvering capabilities, the Su-37 Terminator (versus the F-22 Raptor) looks extremely advantageous, which provides it with superiority in aerial combat.

Early warning systems on the F-22

On-board equipment consists of two installed CIP computers, each of which is equipped with 66 modules. They consist of a 32-bit class processor i960.

There is an AN / APG-77 radar on board an American aircraft. The installation is equipped with a phased antenna, which consists of 2000 elements, allowing both to receive and emit signals.

su 37 terminator vs f 22 raptor

With the help of radar, target detection is carried out at ranges of 225 km. While the airborne radar recognizes targets at a distance of 525 km.

Own protection system prevents the interception of the enemy radar signal. Such an F-22 system (against the Su-37) helps to detect the target, so that the enemy does not notice it with the help of his equipment.

Experts doubt it?

Currently, US military experts are very doubtful of their air superiority.

comparison of f 22 and su 37

And this is no coincidence. Entering the arena of hostilities in Syria, new Russian aircraft showed the world the power of domestic weapons!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46215/

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