Wild bee honey: medicinal properties, indications for use

Many people buy floral honey for healing the body and in order to recharge their batteries. And even those who do not like sweets acquire it. One of the varieties of this product is wild bee honey, which bears love so much. To date, it has become very popular, as in the fashion is now completely natural and environmentally friendly food. It is about such honey that will be discussed.

Product Features

Wild bees have many differences from their domestic counterparts living in apiaries. Their color is dark gray, and they live on the sides (wood hives), deep in the forest, far from industrial facilities and roads. The product of their production is called "onboard". The diet of wild bees does not contain artificial additives with which beekeepers often treat their insects. Thanks to this, such a treat is considered the most natural and purest product. The Bashkir species and the mountain variety mined in the Carpathians are especially valuable.

wild bee honey

The cost of airborne honey is quite high for the following reasons:

  • mining difficulty;
  • collect it in small quantities;
  • has many useful properties.

One wild bee family is able to collect from 5 to 15 kilograms of a medical treat in one season, and in our latitudes the collection season lasts only two to three weeks, during the flowering of linden. At this time, insects are especially hardy and active all day, no matter what the weather.

Honey composition

wild bees

The composition of this product is unique and has no analogues. In addition to carbohydrates, bead honey contains almost all vitamins, organic acids, mineral elements and special hormonal substances needed by the body. This forest dessert may contain particles of beef, wax inclusions and impregnations of propolis. Thanks to such natural additives, Bashkir honey is considered very useful.

Wild Bee Honey: Properties

how to collect wild bee honey

A huge health benefit is the regular use of such a natural product. The healing properties of this delicacy are very many, we list only the main ones:

  • improves the course of metabolic processes in the body, which contributes to the rapid elimination of harmful substances;
  • used for prophylactic purposes and for the treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • helps normalize blood circulation, helps supply the brain with blood, resulting in increased mental performance, improves memory and attention;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • interferes with stagnant processes in the gallbladder;
  • the components of bee venom contained in honey help to relieve pain, relieve symptoms of osteochondrosis and rheumatism;
  • used in endocrinology, as the product includes progesterone, estrogen, testosterone;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity;
  • positively affects blood formation, normalizing blood composition;
  • possesses antiseptic properties, relieves the inflammatory process, helps the body fight bacterial, viral and fungal infections;
  • improves sexual function;
  • eliminates inflammation in the digestive tract;
  • well helps with kidney pathologies;
  • promotes the healing of ulcers and wounds in the oral cavity;
  • It has anti-aging properties, as it slows down the aging process.

Honey collection

How to collect wild bee honey? This type of beekeeping is old and is called “flight keeping”. To increase the extraction of a medicinal product, beekeepers make hives themselves, hollowing holes for this in tree trunks. The place where wild bees will live is selected very carefully so that there is always a source of clean water nearby, and a large number of honey plants - maples, lindens grow around. The exit from the hive is always done to the south side. To attract insects, honeycombs or aromatic herbs are placed in such a dwelling.

wild bee honey how to distinguish from a fake

If the hive was made correctly, in two years it should be populated by a wild bee family, which will produce healthy honey. And so that the bears do not ruin it, they make such a dwelling higher. When collecting this delicacy, beekeepers do not extract all honey, because a small amount of honey should be left to bees so that the nest continues to exist.

How to choose on-board honey?

Such a healing product is an elite delicacy, so it is often faked. Therefore, many people are concerned about the question if it becomes necessary to purchase wild bee honey: how to distinguish this delicacy from a fake? Natural forest product has the following characteristic features:

  • pleasant saturated color of amber-brown hue;
  • tart sweet taste;
  • thick consistency;
  • unique aroma with woody resinous notes and shades of herbs (this is the main difference between wild honey and ordinary);
  • quite high cost, since this delicacy is considered rare.

wild bee honey properties

If the honey of wild bees is liquid and spreads, and its smell resembles the aroma of an ordinary one, it is better not to acquire such a product, since this is most likely a fake. To buy a real forest treat, you need to contact a trusted steward who has a good reputation. Only in this case can you be sure that this is not a fake.

Indications for use

wild bee honey

Many people with various diseases acquire wild bee honey. Indications for use This healing treat is as follows:

  • anemia;
  • diseases of the biliary tract and liver;
  • diseases of the nervous system (depression, asthenia, neurasthenia, insomnia, headaches and so on);
  • long-healing wounds, burns, fractures, frostbite, eczema, boils, and the like;
  • skin diseases;
  • preoperative period;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • endocrinology;
  • decreased vision, hair loss;
  • mental and physical fatigue;
  • diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract.

There are other indications for the use of wild bee honey, and there are many of them. The above diseases are the most popular.

Terms of use and storage

Wild honey bees should be taken in the same way as regular homemade honey. It is necessary to use it regularly, per day, no more than four to five teaspoons. In addition, this product is well suited as a light dessert for tea. You need to remember the main thing - you can not add honey to hot drinks, since high temperature can change its composition and reduce its beneficial properties.

Bortevaya honey does not have such allergenic properties as homemade. It is quickly absorbed and well tolerated by the body, so in small doses it can be given to children over two years of age, to elderly and weakened people.

This product can be stored for a very long time, and it is advisable to keep it in ceramic, clay or glass containers. In no case can you use metal utensils for these purposes, since the reaction of honey with metals produces toxins. The container should be tightly closed and put in a dark place with a temperature of +10 degrees.


Thus, wild bee honey is a rare product, and it is rather difficult to find. This is not only an exquisite treat, but also a medicine. It is used for various diseases, and all thanks to the unique composition, which has no analogues.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46216/

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