How to not be shy guys: psychological blocks, education, the desire to change, motivation and advice of a psychologist

This is sad truth, but not a single person is born confident. Many people have to work long and hard to develop this quality in themselves, which can make life much easier. Some things and actions may seem tough and impossible because most children were raised in conditions where shyness and self-doubt reigned. In this article we will tell you how to not be shy about guys, how to cope with fears of relationships and become the most charming girl.

Boy and girl by the wall

Tip 1. Challenge yourself

Our first tip on how to not be shy about guys is to never stop challenging yourself. If you are very shy, then it is probably very difficult for you to communicate openly with people, especially with the opposite sex.

One way to deal with this is to challenge yourself with some small actions. For example, go karaoke with friends all night. Take small steps, but never stop there. Challenge yourself further.

Tip 2. Emit Light

If you want to know how to stop being shy guys, then this tip is for you. Smile more often, wear clothes of brighter and more saturated colors. No, we are not talking about acid t-shirts and fluorescent jackets.

You may be surprised, but your choice of clothes can make you confident. Of course, if you do not like purple, then do not wear it. But outside the brown-gray-black palette there should be a color that you like. Put on a bright thing and feel different. But remember that the first time you will have many eyes fixed, especially from the "gray" and "dull" people. The main thing is to ignore them and move on with your head held proudly.

The closed girl sits

Tip 3. Don't be afraid to be embarrassed

Every shy girl gets annoyed and frustrated when she blushes with compliments. But not all guys consider this a negative trait. As a rule, they are flattered by such a reaction, and most of them will find your pink cheeks simply charming. Trust the opposite sex and do not hide your emotions.

Tip 4. Are you interested in

Here is another tip that will tell you how to not be shy guys. The main problem of shy people is that they do not consider themselves interesting enough to deserve a conversation, compliments or an invitation to a date. But, as often happens, even the most "confident to the brim" people can be incredibly boring. But you are unlikely to resemble them, because you have your own interests, thoughts and dreams. Do not be afraid to share them and become attractive to the opposite sex.

Tip 5. Guys are not aliens!

The only way to find out if you and your young man have common interests is to just chat. Even if it turns out that there is nothing in common between you, it turns out that you are not meant for each other. But this is no reason to be afraid and avoid the guys.

Guy put his hand to his face

Tip 6. They Don't Bite

If you are shy, then you probably live in a constant fear of rejection and ridicule. To be honest, girls are much more often ridiculed by other representatives of their gender. Guys are not so evil. Of course, this is not a universal rule, but if you know a person who would insult or humiliate you, then you should not pay attention to him. If you know that he, on the contrary, can make you happy, then be courageous and just go to him.

Tip 7. Don’t compromise with yourself

The next tip is how to stop being embarrassed in front of a guy to avoid compromising with yourself. Sacrificing your own style for the sake of conformity is the path of least resistance. It is also the path of least results when you try to overcome your shyness with men.

If you do not play sports, then do not pretend to be an Olympic champion. It is much easier to tell the truth, and then, together with your new friend, "get acquainted" with physical activity. Good men who deserve your attention do not like women who always say “YES!” for all offers. They like those who have an opinion that guys could respect.

Girl sitting by the window

Tip 8. Aerobics

Why is a girl shy of a guy, even if she is smart, educated and interesting? Everything is simple - she is unsure of herself. This is often due to education and society, which inspired her to be ugly, not sexy enough, unattractive, etc. An excellent way to feel your energy and stop being embarrassed to look at a guy is to immerse yourself in the sport. Do not become an ardent fan, but learn to monitor your health and figure.

Keeping fit and caring for the body is what helps you cope with constraint. The physical form you have has a direct and powerful influence on how you feel and perceive. Work on improving your image and get rid of the idea that you are hopeless. You are probably the most handsome man the guy has ever seen, but he is too shy to tell you about it.

Tip 9. Guys can also be humble and insecure.

Another thing that can help you become less shy: guys can be shy too. Confusion and fear of the opposite sex arise not only in girls. But why is the guy shy? There can be many reasons: education, fear of the unknown, and fear of relationships.

Guys also have their own criteria, which they may not meet. This applies to appearance, and behavior, and hobbies. Remember this fact in order to feel self-confidence and stop being shy about people of the opposite sex.

Shy guy on a white background

Tip 10. Continue to persist

Eliminating shyness is a long and complex process. You cannot turn from a small mouse into a big and strong lion in a short period. But in no case do not give up, because you are waiting for a completely new world, when you finally can get out of your shell.

Yes, there will be random trips, someone can hurt you, but even the most confident girls are sometimes injured. Pain is part of life, but very tiny. If you are not afraid to use the opportunities that are available, then rather start a conversation with the guy you’ve been looking at for several months.

Psychological blocks

Think about what you are most afraid of when dealing with the opposite sex. This will help to find the answer to the question: “What if you are shy about the guy?”

  • If you worry that you will seem stupid and uninteresting in communicating with a new acquaintance, then in vain. This fear is not supported by anything, because you can’t say for sure what the guy is thinking about while being near you. Give yourself and him the opportunity to open up. The chances are great that your new friend will see an attractive, educated girl in front of him.
  • If you worry that you will remain deceived and disappointed, then this is the right path to an apathetic and parasitic lifestyle. How to not be shy guys? Just do not look at them as machines that are programmed to humiliate and insult. Most of them are still cute, well-mannered and gallant.
    Guy with a girl in a cafe

Why do you need to get rid of shyness?

Many people associate shyness with politeness and restraint. Such thoughts are often instilled by parents, urging their daughters to avoid negligent boys who may offend or harm them.

But shyness has a number of negative features. A timid person avoids situations in which a “normal” person will act. Accordingly, a shy girl always misses the opportunities that are available to others. In the end, she will sit near the window and regret that the guy she liked so much has started dating a more confident classmate.

Shyness and shyness deprive you of some things: happy acquaintances, prospects, opportunities to achieve your goals and desires. Now you know how to not be shy guys.

Reviews of the opposite sex about shy girls

There are times when a confident and strong guy meets a beautiful and smart lady. He imagines what a strong and interesting relationship can develop between them, but all his attempts to get closer are reduced to zero. They note that shy and insecure girls do not give any chance to prove themselves:

  • Such girls are isolated from society, avoid unnecessary contact with the outside world.
  • They react negatively to any compliment, they can use template expressions imposed by society. They believe that all guys will certainly hurt them, and hints or signs of attention are associated only with a sexual nature.
  • They are closed in their own world, where it is much easier to sit and suffer than to act and conquer.
    Helmet guy

Desire to change

No one can make you confident if you yourself do not want to. You must clearly follow the intended goal, overcoming any difficulties.

Yes, at first it will be hard to step over your fears and begin to at least look the guys in the eye. But then it will become much easier. You will understand that every guy is also a person who has his own ideas, hobbies, problems, emotions and even phobias.

Motivate yourself regularly. Surround yourself with confident and strong personalities, but never let pity devour you. You must fight against vices such as apathy, laziness and self-flagellation. Go in for sports, change your hair color, buy new clothes that will shine against the background of your gray suits. All this will help to make you a confident person, overcoming shyness and fears.

To stop being shy guys, you first need to stop being afraid of everything around. For example, start speaking in public and get rid of stage fear, sign up for fencing courses, or attend a yoga class. Forget everything that you were told before, even if your parents or acquaintances wanted to warn you. Guys do not bite, and in the world there are an incredible number of charming, attractive and attentive young people who can become your support, support and protection.


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