Information systems: definition, basic concepts, security assessment

Despite the fact that the term “information systems” is quite multifaceted, only a certain category of specialists in this field has a clear idea of ​​it. For many ordinary people, this phrase mainly causes associations with an object that is closely related to the computer.

Basic concepts and definitions of an information system

What are the definitions for IP? Before giving an explanation of the definition of "information systems", it is necessary to formulate the designation of such a term as "system".

A system is an entity that has a number of mandatory features, including: integrity, organization, stable interconnection and emergence (a property that gives the combined elements of the system a quality that is not inherent to them individually).

Thus, the basic definitions of an information system (IP) include all the attributes of a system and reflect the significance of creating a given entity. The concept of "information" in this case is indicative, indicating the reasons for the formation of this complex and multifunctional structure.

PC features

The peculiarity of this term is largely due to the fact that it can be used both in a narrow and in a broader sense. Among the basic concepts and definitions of information systems, there are many different options and approaches that describe the essence of this concept. Let us single out a few of them, namely those that most clearly and clearly formulate the essence of this term.

The definition of the term “information system” means a strictly organized structure that combines such processes as the collection, storage and transmission of information. In this context, the concept is a certain automated programmed procedure of the incorporated actions, leading to the final result for specific users. This approach assumes only a general idea of ​​IP.

The definition of the term "information system" has a broader meaning, it expresses not only the hardware and software meaning of the system, but also covers other sources, consolidating the technical and organizational areas. In other words, IP is a set of processes in which computer and human resources are involved in order to acquire, filter, and transport information.

The definition of information systems can be approached from various scientific points of view. The technological approach to the concept is based on the designation of IP as a complex of streamlined information and technical resources and tools that act in the specific interests of specific users, converting “raw” data into a final “information product”.

In the framework of cybernetics, the definition of information systems is viewed through the prism of an informative controllable circuit, within the boundaries of which the goals, methods, means for acquiring, storing and transmitting data are strictly designated, as well as relationships with the personnel involved in this process are developed.

Management Information Systems

In a modern technogenic society, one of the most resource-intensive areas is automation and organization of information systems. Playing a significant role in human life and society as a whole, automatic control processes ensure the constant development of this sphere. There are various management systems aimed at supporting and developing the facility.

Computer programming

The definition of information management systems (IMS) refers to all kinds of systems whose activities are aimed at providing users with information about the procedures that occur inside the IS.

The concept of IMS is applied in the field of professional activity of specialists, owners, organizational sphere of clients and users. Assistance to this circle of participants is carried out through systematic, strictly regulated actions carried out with the data.

Automated ICs

In the information space there is the concept of "automated information systems". This structure allows a certain way to reveal the features and essence of the information management system. Automated information system (AIS) is a complex interconnected and interdependent complex of paths, resources and justifications aimed at the implementation of various management actions.

Information systems

The definition of an automated information system combines a large number of different components:

  • technical, involving the use of various technological means for the operation of AIS;
  • mathematical, making it possible to apply economic models and mathematical algorithms and methods;
  • software, representing a complex of system-wide and applied structures;
  • informational, consisting of a certain list of ready-made solutions for working with various forms and methods of data transfer;
  • organizational and accompanying, including regulated documentation and briefing;
  • linguistic component of the language base and the list of its indexing;
  • legal, exercising legal control over legal relations within the AIS in the process and as a result of work.

Information System Components

The definition of an information system includes a number of critical components, without which its formation and functioning is impossible. We single out the main ones:

  1. Equipment. The technical component of the system belongs to this category: a computer and all the additional equipment necessary for work, including the main processor, mechanisms for delivering and receiving data, and communication tools.
  2. Software. It assumes the presence of various computer applications, instructions, models, circuits, allowing for the smooth operation of the system. All programs are mainly located either in a special repository or on a separate medium.
  3. Data. The definition of information systems cannot be complete without this component. Data, or other facts, is used by programs to acquire the necessary information, which is filtered and classified depending on the task. The facts are also located on a special drive until they are claimed.
  4. Procedures. The most important element characterizing the meaning of the information system, regulating the legal policy and norms that operate inside the IP.
  5. People. One of the most important components of an information system is a human resource. People are largely a centrifugal and connecting force that holds all the elements of the system together. The definition of "human resource" means both the users themselves and the specialists of the support service and service system.
  6. Feedback. It represents a kind of communication bridge that combines the hardware and software structure and the organizational factor. Using this paragraph, separate, unrelated information is transformed into the necessary information blocks and it is at this stage that they become IP.
Code system

Thus, the information system acts as a sphere where absolutely independent and independently existing categories are gathered together. The modern idea of ​​IP is inconceivable without a technical component, however, no programs can completely replace or fulfill the role that a person plays in this concept.

The main properties of IP

Any information system is recognized by a number of its defining properties:

  • purposefulness - a property that involves the union of meaningful structural components and functional methods and tools aimed at one common goal;
  • dynamism - a property that ensures the constant development and improvement of all components of the information system;
  • reliability, this property involves ensuring the timely production of reliable, reasonable data, their systematization, processing, archiving, suggesting security and a reliable level of use of the information received;
  • systematicity - guarantees a permanent chain of interconnected and interdependent elements;
  • regulation - this property implies the presence of certain control on the part of people, indicated in the form of developed standards and principles by which IP is functioning;
  • Integrity is the most important property of an information system, without which productive work in a multifaceted and complex human-computer union is impossible.

Information technology as part of IP

Definitions of information technology and systems are closely interlinked. Since the 1960s, the active development of IP has led society to take a fresh look at information technology and its place in human life.

World wide web

The concept of "information technology" (IT) is quite informative and denotes the procedure for converting data in the information environment. The functioning of IP, which is the most important area of ​​IT, is inconceivable without them. In turn, information technology as a capacious object may well take place outside the field of information systems.

The main task, which in modern society is entrusted with information technology, is the highly efficient organization of the information space in any area of ​​human life with the goal of minimizing the loss of time, effort, energy, financial and material costs.

Information Technology Classification

IT includes the entire list of resources required to manage information. These are not only computers and related hardware and software, but also telephone and broadband, digital networks, power lines, cellular and telecommunications, and much more. All information technologies can be divided into several groups:

  • any technical devices;
  • means of communication;
  • methodological approaches;
  • regulation, standardized norms.

Information technologies often intersect, mutually complement each other, being part of the service sector, production, management system, and social areas.

Information System Security

As the formation and growth of information systems and technologies, a large number of threats appear that cast doubt on the security of global systems. The increase in data volumes, the pace and speed of processing, the transfer of information, the intensified increase in the circle of consumers' faces and the poor tracking and filtering process behind all this lead to vulnerabilities in terms of the security of information systems. Given the global activity of this structure, issues related to its protection and reliability come to the fore.

International systems

The definition of information system security is understood as the stability of its properties under any external factors. Among these constants are implied:

  • timely and free access to data;
  • not distortion of information provided in a holistic, logically structured form;
  • confidentiality, which involves the closure of information from persons who do not have the right to access it.

Violation of any of the above items entails a threat to the security of IP and can cause serious damage to any of the subjects of the information community. Information as an object of ownership of the state or commercial sphere should be protected in accordance with the requirements of the legal norms of the state where the information space operates.

IP Security Threats

Universal computerization, the introduction of the latest technologies in life provide the rapid growth and development of IP. And at the same time, they are exposed to a huge number of negative factors that can create a threat to security. Most of the reasons can be formally classified:

  • objective, these include threats that a person does not refuse or cannot influence (natural disasters);
  • subjective, caused by intentional or unintentional action of people.

The likelihood of subjective causes causing a danger to IP is much higher than objective. The degree of influence on reliability can be either passive, in the form of accumulation and theft of data, or active, as a result of which malicious programs, viruses that destroy and disorganize information processes are used.

The methods and methods of subjective impact for organizing approaches to computer systems are also different, ranging from extracting passwords, codes and ending with the use of vulnerabilities of security features:

  • random, most often represented by errors of specialists, system failure;
  • malicious, which are a targeted set of measures designed to illegally influence the information field in ways and methods that are contrary to the norms and requirements of legal IP.

Personal data as property in IP

Personal data is information of limited access and, in accordance with legislative standards, are protected by the state. Although it is no secret to anyone that through an information system the determination of personal data for an experienced hacker will be very easy. Personal data means any information related to an individual, namely: name, surname, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence, marital status, social and professional status, property rights, education, material condition, etc.

World wide web

The protection of personal data in the information system is determined by law and stipulates the implementation of sequential actions when working with personal information, we highlight some of them:

  • Organizations that knowingly provide the notified body with the appropriate authority to protect the rights of subjects have the right to implement an automated procedure for processing personal information.
  • It is necessary to conduct a preliminary collection of initial information (pre-project examination).
  • The requirement to classify all available methods of working with data.
  • Determining the relevance of the emergence of a cyber threat model for a private information system.
  • Development and implementation of a system for protecting personal information.
  • Compliance with all safety requirements, including fire, engineering, sanitary and environmental standards.
  • Availability of the received certificate.

Unified Information System as a Part of IP

In the age of advanced technologies, most of which are aimed at improving the quality of life of a modern user, there is such a thing as a single information system (UIS). It personifies the structure where all the information available in the databases is collected together, making it possible to store, organize, process and provide it to specific users on the official resource.

The definition of a unified information system involves the after-sales service of all participants in the information community at the municipal and state levels.


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