Restaurant "Northerner" (St. Petersburg): reviews

Restaurant "Northerner" offers its services in providing quality and vibrant relaxation. Its visitors can enjoy the pleasant atmosphere, delicious food and friendly service. This place confidently takes the position of one of the best restaurants in the city. More information about him can be found in the article, which is based on reviews from real visitors.

Location and mode of operation

For a real vacation people need different things. Some people prefer noisy discos, some prefer the walls of their home, others enjoy the cozy atmosphere of the establishments. Cafes and restaurants offer their visitors ample opportunities for a good time. Of their considerable number, it is worth highlighting a place called "Northerner". This corner is an ideal refuge for many of its guests. The institution is very popular, and this is no coincidence, because the friendly atmosphere, delicious food and positive emotions really attract.

restaurant northerner
Restaurant "Severyanin" is located at the address: St. Petersburg, Stolyarny Lane, 8. Getting to it will not be difficult. If you take the subway, it is best to get up at the Sadovaya station, from which this establishment is located two hundred meters. Its doors are open for all who wish to have a good rest any day of the week and at any time. However, if the cosiness and warmth of this place can be enjoyed around the clock, then the kitchen will come out to try only until 11 pm.


A variety of establishments can be very confusing for any visitor. Therefore, each place tries to distinguish itself from the mass of others, to find in itself the "chips" that will be remembered. "Northerner" - a restaurant in which many see a sample of the St. Petersburg intelligentsia. It adheres to classical traditions in the restaurant business, ranging from appearance to the style of background music. It’s nice to be in such a place, because it blows with elegance, restraint and comfort. The institution got its name in honor of the poet Igor Severyanin. Although many may notice a double subtext in such a sign, the concept of northern cuisine is embodied in this place. A lot has changed in this corner on the way of its formation. In 2011, he first received visitors, though not as a restaurant in a modern guise, but as a place for Russian meat cuisine. Only a few years later, under the leadership of Aram Mnatsakanva, a famous chef and restaurateur, rebranding was carried out, and the quiet side street of St. Petersburg was decorated with a completely new, unusual Severyanin restaurant.

northerner restaurant
In this place, guests can stay in two rooms, with 38 and 12 seats, respectively. The institution takes into account the interests of a variety of visitors. For example, this place is often visited by people who come from other countries. For them, the main menu has been translated into English. Visitors on their cars are provided with free, secure parking. There is also a tea-and-confectionery based on the restaurant, which is prepared according to restored recipes of past centuries.


The appearance of the institution plays an important role in the overall experience of his visit. That is why whole teams of professionals work on the interior of elite places. “Northerner” - a restaurant (St. Petersburg), in which everyone has the feeling that you enjoy your meal not just in a cozy restaurant, but in the poet’s old office. Every detail fits harmoniously into the big picture, allowing visitors to enjoy the incredible, mysterious atmosphere. Elegant antique furniture, portraits of Severyanin, interesting details, living plants - all this positively affects pastime and surrounds each with a vintage aesthetics and style.

northerner restaurant saint petersburg
Restaurant "Northerner" is a whole museum, because many of the elements used in the design of the halls are the personal belongings of the maestro. The interior really can be called "intelligent", like the people in the institution. In it, any pastime will be held at the highest level. Romantic date, literary readings, family dinner, creative evening, friendly gatherings - all this will be remembered only with bright emotions, if carried out in the right place.

Menu and prices

“Northerner” - a restaurant (St. Petersburg), where you can taste dishes of Russian cuisine with a response to the culinary traditions of the north. Each option in this institution is a real masterpiece prepared by the hands of masters of their craft. Visitors get a real gastronomic experience that they want to come back for. The menu offers a wide range of dishes from venison, veal and pork, salads, hot and cold snacks, desserts and more. Especially popular is a salad with nutmeg pumpkin and goat cheese for 560 rubles, turkey with prunes for 620 rubles, carp with tender sour cream sauce for 580 rubles, noodles from bird cherry with baked pumpkin and meat stew for 460 rubles. From drinks it is worth noting a considerable selection of berry fruit drinks, home infusions, wine. The restaurant "Severyanin" was loved by many for its cuisine, because no matter how striking the interior, the food puts an end to everything.


Visitors to the restaurant "Northerner" say only the best about him. Guests note that thanks to this “find” they do not have to think about where to spend the next evening. Every detail of this establishment is to the liking of connoisseurs of high quality and pleasant atmosphere. Its halls are always full of those who managed to adequately evaluate the work of the restaurant.

northerner restaurant spb
By the way, some say that the “Northerner” in St. Petersburg is somewhat similar to the Moscow restaurant “Northerners”. Lamberti and Tyutenkov (the founders of the latter), in fact, gave the institution only a similar name, because otherwise it is difficult to find something in common.


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