What is a diamond? The meaning of the word, interesting facts about diamonds, examples of the use of the word "diamond" in various meanings

If you assume that diamonds are interesting only to women, then you are mistaken.

In fact, a diamond is the most mysterious mineral that exists on the planet.

A diamond, a diamond or a diamond, is not only a decoration of clothes for men and women. It is also widely used in industry and plays a significant role in our daily lives.

Diamond or diamond invincible

Diamond, the meaning of the word is quite diverse. But first things first.

  • The word "diamant" is ancient, it came from the French language and means "diamond", "diamond", "rhombus of brilliant, faceted and very hard stone."
  • The word "diamond", in turn, is also an obsolete word, but of Greek origin. And it means "solid, invincible mineral or untamed substance." All values ​​refer to the solid nature of the stone.
  • Recently, the word "diamond" is widely used in various fields. His name is even called the digital currency Diamond DMD to accelerate clearing settlements between customers.
diamond currency dmd

Sorry, but how old are you?

It’s not customary to ask about age, but not in the case of diamonds. Surprisingly, pristine beauty and radiance are not subject to time. Scientists suggest that diamonds formed millions of years ago.

  1. The youngest diamonds have been found, they are approximately 990 million years old. Age is determined by the age of the carbon lattice, because diamond is compressed carbon atoms that are connected in a special way.
  2. The oldest diamonds found are over 4 billion years old. Most diamonds are between one and three billion years old. They form in complete darkness at a depth of more than 140 km - 190 km. And is it not because of this that they shine so unimaginably with the smallest hit of light on a stone?

When putting a ring with a diamond on your hand, remember what artifact was presented to you, how ancient it is. This diamond appeared to shine on an elegant finger.

diamonds in jewelry

Physics and Lyrics

Despite the fact that a large number of diamonds are concentrated in Africa, New York is considered the capital of diamonds, because about 80 percent of all diamonds mined are sold there. Every year, people on the planet produce more than a million carats of diamonds.

  • Most mined diamonds do not show their beauty, but demonstrate hardness and resistance to mechanical stress.
  • Diamond is an ideal material for the manufacture of drill tips, dowels, some types of saws, grinding and abrasive materials. They are widely used in the manufacture of diamond coated products for industrial and domestic needs.
  • However, with all its hardness and invincibility, a diamond is quite vulnerable. If you heat it in an oven to 763 degrees Celsius, it will simply evaporate without leaving even a gram of ash, it will dissolve in air.
  • It turns out that a diamond can be easily broken, it is enough to find the point of vulnerability, that is, the place where the faces and rhombs meet.
  • The tool, which is used when cutting or cutting diamonds, must also be made of diamond.

The first engagement ring with diamonds was donated by Marie of Burgundy in 1477 by the Archduke of Austria. Since then, it is believed that the best friends of girls are diamonds. Of course, they are real friends, they warn the girl in time that a real man will appear in her life after the diamond.

A diamond is a great gift.

diamond weight is determined in carats

About sizes and more

The largest of the diamonds was found in space, it is the size of the moon. This mega-diamond was named Lucy, in honor of the Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" (Lucy in the sky with diamonds)

The largest diamond ever found on Earth is the Cullinan Diamond. It was cut into pieces.

  • One such piece, the Star of Africa, weighs 530.2 carats. He adorns the scepter of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain.
Star of Africa - Biggest Diamond
  • The most impressive and huge diamond ever discovered in the United States is Uncle Sam Diamond. This white diamond weighing 40.23 carats was found in 1924.

Where can I get stones today, or Diamond is the work of a prospector

If fate throws you to Arkansas, feel free to go to a place called Murfreesboro. Here is Crater of Diamonds State Park or "Crater of Diamonds". Each of the guests can search for their own diamond.

  • This is a mine park open to all comers. It is the eighth largest diamondiferous crater. Here you can find white, yellow and brown diamonds.
  • In addition to diamonds, amethysts, garnets and other nuggets are found in the rocks of the mine. This opportunity can turn your quest into a real adventure. By the way, the diamond "Sir Diamond" was found at this mine.
  • It should be noted that miners find about 1 pound of diamonds per 1 million pounds (500 thousand tons) of the breed.

The miner is almost a poet. It is no accident that Mayakovsky wrote: "You harass a single word for the sake of a thousand tons of verbal ore ..."

diamond planet outside the solar system

Possible options

The meaning of the word “diamond” is not limited to the characteristics of the hardest mineral. It is used to refer to concepts that are not directly related to precious stones. For example,

  1. A diamond is one of the smallest font sizes with a point size of 4 points. It is also called "Half-Petite."
  2. "Diamond" is the name of a jewelry factory in Kostroma (Russia).
  3. Diamond Katie (author's pen name) wrote the book "Kafka's Last Love" about the fate of Franz Kafka and Dora Diamond.
  4. “Diamant” is a three-stage launch vehicle in France; it is the first model designed outside the USSR and the USA.

Other less important and significant cases of using the word “diamond” are possible. It is quite popular. This is the name of football teams, fur and jewelry stores, there is even such a card game.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46223/

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