How to open an IP: where to start, what documents are needed for this

The development of small business is extremely important for any state, especially in the context of the economic crisis. It allows you to create new jobs, naturally regulate the quality and cost of products, is a source of income for regional and state budgets, therefore, in most countries the development of small and medium-sized businesses is strongly encouraged and stimulated by the state, and our country is no exception. Small businesses are taxed at a preferential simplified scheme, and most new entrepreneurs can rely on free start-up capital. Starting your own business is quite simple, but for many who decide to open an IP, โ€œWhere to start?โ€ is often one of the most difficult questions. And in fact, it is not as simple as it might seem.

So, you decided to open an IP. Where to begin? Many will advise you to first contact the tax office and submit an application and documents for starting a business, but this is somewhat premature. First, you need to imagine the intricacies of what you will do, calculate all the possible options for the development of events, draw up a business plan. You need to go to the tax only if you are sure that the business will be open - the status of an entrepreneur can interfere with a person if he does not intend to do business, and it is simply not always possible to remove it. In particular, an open, albeit an inactive IP, will not make it possible to join the labor exchange.

A few years ago, it became possible to obtain initial capital from the state to open its own business. If this possibility interests you, then the answer to the question โ€œI want to open an IP, where to start?โ€ will be โ€œRegister with the Employment Service,โ€ since the allowance is provided only to those who have done so. It is necessary to bring a carefully calculated business plan of the future enterprise to the employment service and protect it before the commission, and also consult a psychologist, after which a decision will be made on the provision of funds. The amount given may be within the limits of the annual unemployment benefit, and if you need more money, you will have to prove that you can get it. Such an opportunity to neglect is stupid, so before you go to the tax to draw up IP, you should try to get start-up capital from the state.

So, you are firmly confident and have the opportunity to open an IP, where to start paperwork? You can go in two ways - apply to a special company specializing in assistance in this matter, or try to save some money and do everything yourself. The services of assistants are really inexpensive, but it will not be difficult to do this procedure on their own. To open an IP, you need to provide the following documents to the tax service: a copy of the passport, if you have the original, an application for opening an IP, a receipt for paying state duty, a TIN certificate, if any. If not, then it will be issued simultaneously with the opening of entrepreneurship. Of the information provided, you need the home address and address of the company, phone numbers, information about the future type of activity. Many people have problems with this, since it is not so easy to clearly identify the type of activity and indicate the necessary code in a short time, and the choice of the tax system often depends on this, so you should carefully consider this issue in advance and study everything in advance. Lists of codes can be requested from the tax office. If all documents and information are provided correctly, then in a week the IP will be open.

So, a person has already discovered IP, what next? Next, you need to purchase and register and maintain a cash register and open an account for individual entrepreneurs. These actions are required to start a business.


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