Hair color levels. Color code

In pursuit of a beautiful picture, cosmetic companies forget about convenience for customers. On modern paints, it is very difficult to consider the levels of hair color. Although this is the most necessary information. In the article, we will analyze what color levels are and where to look for them.

What it is?

Color chart

Knowing what the levels of hair color are, one can imagine how one or another paint will fall on the hair. How to find level information on the paint packaging? Simple enough if you know where to look. Usually the hair color level number can be seen next to the name of the shade of the paint. Now let's examine the decryption.

Of great importance is the arrangement of numbers. Let's start with it:

  • The first number indicates the depth of color. It is measured on a scale of one to ten.
  • The second number characterizes the main tone of the paint. It is located after a point or fraction.
  • The third number indicates an additional color nuance. It can be either present in the paint or absent.

Thus, the presence on the package of two or one digits indicates how pure the tone is. It may contain color nuances, or may be absent. It is important that the level of hair color indicated on the packaging of one dye will not always be identical to the product of another manufacturer.

Hair anatomy

colorful hair

To choose the right dye, you must at least have an idea of ​​what hair is.

The hair on our body consists of a root, which is located inside, and a trunk, it is located outside. There are several layers inside the trunk. The innermost of them is keratin, the second is the cortical layer, which contains color pigment. It is he who determines what kind of natural hair color a person will have. It also contains natural pigment. The level of lightness depends on how much melanin contains hair. The last outer layer is the cuticle.

Paint Selection Rules

Loreal color chart

Even though we already learned the meaning of the numbers on the packaging, there are still some secrets. In addition to the tone, the numbers also indicate the durability of the paint. So, in addition to the color code, the number contains information about the duration of the effect of the product.

0 is unstable paint. These include tint shampoos, all kinds of mousses and foams.

1 - indicates that the dye does not contain hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. With this paint you can refresh the color and add shine to the hair.

2 - the dye has medium resistance. Hydrogen peroxide is always present in the paint, but ammonia may not be present. This dye can stay on the hair for up to three weeks.

3 - paint with a very persistent effect. It is her who needs to be chosen if there is a desire to completely change the image.

More on digital secrets

Red shades

In fact, a lot of information is classified in numbers.

0 (1.01) - this combination before the numerical value warns that the paint contains warm or natural pigment.

00 (1.001) - if there are so many zeros, then this indicates a more natural shade.

0 (1.20) - if a similar combination is located after other digits, this indicates a bright and saturated color.

If two identical numbers are located after the point (for example, 1.22), then this means that the coloring component is very saturated, and an additional shade is added in a large volume.

When there are a lot of zeros after the point, this indicates that the paint will effectively paint over the gray hair.

But before buying paint, you need to know how to determine the level of hair color if they are not dyed. We will deal with this.

The right color

Paint manufacturers have long come up with color palettes. Some have layouts on which dyed hair is attached. Women rely on these things when they are in the store. But they do not always get the result they are counting on. For example, the picture may have a beautiful brown hair color, but the result is almost black. All this because the hair for layouts dyes unnatural. And they, of course, differ in structure.

Before deciding to dye your hair, you need to prepare. First you need to understand what level the natural shade of hair is. No need to get involved in determining the natural color of the canvas, if it has already been painted. If, nevertheless, a woman doubts the correctness of the choice, then first it is better to try unstable paint. If something goes wrong, then it is easy to wash off.

Short hair does not color as long. If the length is first stained for long, and then the roots, then for short, you can apply paint to all hair.

The choice of color for gray hair

Shades of blond

It is the condition of the hair that affects the choice of color of curls. It must be remembered that any color on gray hair becomes darker. Whether it’s a light brown hair dye or any other tone. For example, for women whose gray hair is more than fifty percent, the best solution would be to choose an ammonia dye, starting with the seventh tone. The optimal oxidizing agent is six percent.

When the amount of gray hair is more than eighty percent, preference should be given to dyes starting from the ninth tone. And it’s best to choose cool shades. Gray hair is quite problematic to dye in warm or bright colors. The problem is that such rich tones may not completely fill the gray hair, and spotty hair does not look beautiful.

Factors Affecting Persistence

First of all, you need to consider the condition of the hair before dyeing. Owners of thin and fair hair will make less effort to change the image. Dark-haired beauties will spend a lot more effort, time and money to change.

That's because coloring pigments directly affect the brightness of the shade and the durability of the result. For this reason, the most difficult thing is to bring the hair color to cold tones. But it is very easy to get all the red shades, but they will be washed off much faster than other hair colors. The dark brown will have to be pre-lightened, if there is a desire to turn into a blonde. Otherwise, the effect of staining will not be at all or it will appear as a barely noticeable shade.

Be sure to read the instructions before painting. This is especially important if the procedure occurs for the first time or with a new paint. It will be best to do this within the walls of the store, and also check whether everything is in the pack. This is all done because the methods of using the product from different manufacturers may vary. In addition, you should not forget about the allergic test. Timely done, it will protect against possible problems with health and appearance.

Paint consumption

To evenly dye your hair, you need to correctly calculate the volume of the dye. Typically, a pack of paint is enough to dye twenty centimeters of hair. At the same time, the density is average, so it is better for owners of a chic head of hair to buy several packs. But to store mixed paint, which turned out to be superfluous, is impossible.

Letter designations

Dark shades

Not all manufacturers follow a single form of designation. Some choose a letter designation.

They mean the following:

  1. C. Ash shade.
  2. Pl. Platinum hue.
  3. A. Lightening tone.
  4. N. Natural shade.
  5. E. Beige shade.
  6. M. Matte shade (no gloss).
  7. W. Brown hue.
  8. R. Tint of red.
  9. G. Golden hue.
  10. K. Hue of copper.
  11. I. Intense shade.
  12. VF Shades of Purple.

Values ​​for numerals

To understand what the result is, you need to know the color code and what is hidden under it.

NumeralFirst value (pitch)Second value (optional tone)The value of the third (color nuance)
0Is absentNatural shadesIs absent
1Black tonePurple blueAshen
2Dark chestnut toneGreen, present in matt shadesPurple
3Medium chestnutOrange-yellow pigment, shades of goldGolden
4ChestnutShades of red, red tonesCopper
5Light chestnutViolet-red shade, mahogany shadesMahogany tint
6Dark blondViolet-blue hue, lilac toneRed
7Medium blond

Red-brown shade, natural shades

8Light blondIs absentIs absent
9Very light blondIs absentIs absent
10Blond, Platinum Blonde

Is absent

Is absent

How to decode paint color

Consider the decoding order for several brands of paints.

The first example will be the paint "Loreal Excellence" in shade 8.13 (Beige light blond).

Eight indicates that the dye is a light level. Also, from the numerical designation, we understand that ash and golden tones have been added, but in smaller quantities. As a result, this shade is obtained. Which will lie in the desired color only if the level of lightness of the dyed hair is not lower than the seventh.

The second example will be the same paint, but in a shade of 10.02. Ten says that the color of hair is level 10 (blond blonde). Zero, which is located after the point, carries information that natural pigment is present in the paint. The two also notifies the presence of green pigment. That is, it means that the color will turn out cold tones and there will be no golden or reddish hues.

If zero is after another digit, then it means that there is a natural pigment in the paint. How many zeros, so many natural pigments. If zero is located after the digit, then this informs how bright the color is. For example, 1.0 is rich black.

If in the designation of the paint there are several identical numbers, then this indicates the concentration of the color nuance. So, in the Estelle paint a shade of 10.66 warns that a dye with a high concentration of color nuance.

Another example is Palette in WN3. Then the first letter says that the color of the paint is brown. The second letter indicates a natural shade. And the figure already indicates that there is a golden color nuance in the paint.

The secrets of color mixing

To dye hair

Many professionals, in order to achieve a beautiful shade, mix the paint of several rooms. The result is a very complex and beautiful color. But these are professionals, but is it possible to learn this at home? We can say that everything is possible. But experience comes with practice, and to a good color you can spoil your hair and walk with a gray-brown-raspberry color.

With a natural black color, it is impossible to obtain a different color without prior clarification. The same goes for deep dark chestnut.

Dark chestnut- colored hair can be refreshed by adding a golden shade or ashen. Reddish or copper tones are perfect. An interesting solution would be to dilute brown hair with a purple tint.

Brown is also combined with shades of ash, gold, copper and red. Light brown hair looks beautiful in the same versions.

Dark brown curls will betray beautiful shades of gold, copper and purple.

Medium blond will look advantageous in combination with a copper, ash or gold color nuance. It is customary to dilute very light blond with the same shades.

In turn, blonde tones are beautiful in their manifestation with reddish, cold ashy and warm golden tones.


All the information specified in the article should teach you to understand the color classification of hair dyes. And this is necessary mainly for those women who do not want to spend time and money on a trip to a professional stylist.

On the one hand, they can be understood, since not everyone has the means to do so. But on the other hand - such behavior can not affect the appearance very well. This is because before you find the right hair color and learn how to color it correctly, it can take quite a while. And during this period, you can spoil all the hair and walk with straw on his head.

A professional hairdresser will help to preserve not only color, but also the health of curls. He has at his disposal the most effective care products and professional dyes. Of course, all manipulations cost money, but after all, hair is visible in the first place, and it’s very stupid to save on them. If the head is groomed and untidy, then the impression will be unpleasant from the person.

There is such a saying: "They are greeted by clothes, but escorted by the mind." So that people would like to know what kind of person is hiding behind their appearance, it is necessary to always look well-groomed. In the end, long since the hair was female pride, they were very kind to them. It is foolish in our time, when there are all conditions for leaving, to forget about them, or even destroy them. It is excusable in adolescence, but no more. There are few successful independent experiments, and hair alone for life.


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