They tell me that I'm ugly: advice, help, counseling of psychologists

A broad outlook, a deep inner world, professional activity - all this is most important in the life of every woman. However, appearance will always be either an assistant, or, conversely, an obstacle in the history of her life. But what if I am told that I am ugly?

Girls begin to look enviously at beautiful friends, look at their own reflection in the mirror with disappointment and even hatred. To start with, almost every girl in her life heard from others that she was ugly or that something was wrong with her appearance.

Statistics here are also disappointing - 98% of girls and women consider themselves ugly, despite the opinion of other people. And it is worth highlighting here the words "consider yourself." This means that in fact they are not ugly at all, they just consider themselves as such.

In fact, the concept of "ugly" does not exist, because the taste and color of a friend do not. And here the matter is not even in beauty, but in complexes, in uncertainty and dislike for oneself.

self confidence

How to accept and love yourself?

Often you can hear the phrase: "They tell me that I'm ugly." But look at the many popular actresses or models. Often we look at them and think about how they managed to achieve such heights with such a normal appearance. Therefore, the problem is not beauty. Right?

The imperfect figure and facial features did not prevent them from achieving certain heights in their professional activities. For example, Kate Moss, a well-known global model, said in an interview that appearances are 40% success, and many considered her ugly. And it was not the appearance that brought the girl popularity, but the wolf’s corporate look.

The first thing to do so that the girl does not say that she is ugly is to love herself. Indeed, beauty has not only pluses, but also a large number of minuses. Michel Mercier said that her appearance brought her not only fame and a sea of ​​fans, but also a lot of suffering. It only means that it is time to stop looking at the beauties with a sigh and spend this energy on your beloved.

how to be yourself

Where to begin?

Following the love of self is an important factor - this is self-development. And it should be both external and internal. We all know perfectly well that appearance gives advantages only at the first meetings. If in the future it turns out that the girl is just a beautiful dummy, few will want to continue to build a serious relationship with her.

If a person is told that he is ugly, do not despair. Now your task is to analyze yourself, your appearance, in order to learn to emphasize strengths and hide weaknesses. Confident people charge this confidence with everyone around them. Height, weight and eye color are absolutely unimportant when a person has something special, something attractive.

What are the advantages of an imperfect appearance?

The former says that ugly? This does not mean at all that it is so. This is just the opinion of one person, and there are 7 billion on the planet. If you yourself consider yourself ugly, then try to find the pluses in your imperfect appearance. They may be as follows:

  • You can be sure that they love you not for their pretty appearance, but for something more important and serious. Love you yourself, not how you look.
  • You have an extra incentive to develop and move forward.
  • And sometimes what you consider to be your shortcoming - freckles, for example, may please others and set you apart from the crowd.

The fact remains: "ugliness" is only in the head, and absolutely every young lady can make herself interesting and attractive. The less a woman is fixated on complexes about her appearance, the more she is smart, tolerant and reliable for men.

cute girl

I'm scary and I don't like myself

Does the girl say that she is ugly? Such words should not be in your vocabulary. If you hear the phrase - “they tell me that I’m not beautiful,” then immediately remember the great Coco Chanel, who once said that if a woman is ugly, then she’s just stupid. And nothing else. Moreover, in the modern world there are much more opportunities to emphasize your beauty than in the time of Chanel. But even then, women skillfully emphasized virtues and hid flaws.

"You are ugly!" - says the husband? Unpleasant, yes, but maybe your fault is here? It is important to realize the fact that if you are ugly, this is only your choice. Don't like the reflection in the mirror? Don’t hear compliments from your husband? So it's time to act. Write a list of what you think is considered a disadvantage, and for the job!

beauty in simplicity

I'm told I'm ugly

In fact, it turns out that most of our shortcomings are far-fetched, and many people simply do not notice or even do not consider them as such. If the situation is already beyond the norm, if a woman begins to hide behind immense clothes, less and less leave the house and seek comfort in food, then the help of a psychologist will not hurt.

It turns out that 50% of beauty is not an even nose and a large chest. These are well-groomed hair, clean skin, healthy teeth and so on. These items can be easily and simply realized, and you can already be considered a pretty lady, at least. To grow hair, to throw off a couple of extra pounds, absolutely everyone can improve the condition of the skin. The modern beauty industry allows you to do this.

If some part of the body does not give you rest and cannot be corrected with cosmetics, you can always turn to the services of a plastic surgeon. However, this should not be abused.

There are factors that even surgery cannot change. For example, growth. There is only one way out - to look for advantages in it. Usually this happens: tall girls envy their miniature girlfriends, and, conversely, short girls dream of getting at least a couple of extra centimeters to grow. Your task is to choose the right style of clothing, shoes, hairstyle, so that the image looks balanced.

how to hide flaws

How to love yourself?

They tell me that I'm ugly? Nonsense! Just think for a second that you are so alone in the whole world and the second is not and never will be - it’s so cool! Your appearance may be imperfect, but why do you focus on flaws when you can be proud of your merits?

Probably, each of us at least once in my life met a girl who did not have outstanding external data, but at the same time behaved confidently and liberally, thereby attracting the attention of men. Therefore, the most important rule is to behave confidently, sometimes it attracts more than beauty. Therefore, it’s enough to feel sorry for yourself and suffer for and without.

Direct your energy to take care of yourself. Read a new book, change your wardrobe, experiment with hairstyles, pay attention to physical exercise. And endlessly love yourself, let appearance be an assistant, and not an obstacle to a better life!


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