The use of baby shampoo "Peanut"

When a baby appears in the family, the life of parents changes dramatically. They have more responsibility and worries. Each of the parents strives to make their child's life happy and carefree.

Trying to protect their baby from the negative effects of external factors, adults select the best for him, starting from things and ending with hygiene products. To bathe a child, parents very often use various cosmetics that do not cause allergies in the child. Shampoo "Peanut" refers to such means.

baby shampoo peanut

Component parts

Baby peanut shampoo consists mainly of natural ingredients. It contains natural oils and extracts of chamomile and lavender. The constituent components of the product not only cleanse the skin, but also soothe, preventing the onset of sweating.

Before you buy shampoo for a child, you need to know that it must be transparent and without a pungent odor. Adding flavorings and colorings to the composition can cause irritation and an allergic reaction. As a rule, shampoos based on natural ingredients are expensive, but in this case it is not worth saving - it is better to purchase a quality product.

Action funds

Shampoo "Peanut" is used not only for washing hair, but also for the whole body. It is suitable for swimming babies with sensitive skin. Shampoo does not cause irritation and does not pinch eyes, since it does not irritate the mucous membrane. The cap is a rattle, which is very convenient during bathing. After washing the hair, the babyโ€™s hair becomes soft and easy to style, while it has a delicate and pleasant aroma.

The kid washes his head

You can buy "Peanut" in any store or pharmacy. Shampoo costs a little more than conventional products, but its effect justifies the cost. In addition, it is suitable for daily use.


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