Kirovabad (Azerbaijan): foundation history, sights, photos

Kirovabad (Azerbaijan) is the old name of the city, nowadays known as Ganja. The village has a rich history. There is even a legend about Kirovabad, but you will learn about it a little later. In our article you will find basic information about the city, find out what sights are considered the most popular, and also see some photos.


To start the story about the city of Kirovabad in Azerbaijan follows with a few facts about it.

  • It is located on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Ganjachai River flows nearby. To the north-east of the village is the foot of the Lesser Caucasus. Kirovabad is the center of a historically developed area called Arran.
  • Ganja is considered the birthplace of famous people, among them: the classic of Persian poetry Nizami Ganjavi, the poetess Mehseti Ganjavi, who lived in the 12th century, the historian Kirakos Gandzatseki.
  • The city had many names. For example, in the period from 1804 to 1918 it was called Elizavetpol. From 1918 until 1935 it was called Ganja. In the years 1935-1989. he was known under the name Kirovabad, given to him in honor of S. M. Kirov. In these days, it was returned to its former, historical name. For this reason, it is referred to as Ganja in the media and on the Internet.
Kirovabad Azerbaijan

The emergence of the city

Many Azerbaijani cities (Shemakha, Nakhichevan, Shekhi), including Ganja, owe their appearance to the favorable geographical position of the state. In ancient times, important transport routes and caravan roads intersected in these territories.

The first mention of the city was found in the History of Derbent dated 859. According to this document, Mozammad bin Khaled bin Azid bin Mazyad was the founder of Ganja. He was a rich man who ruled Armenia, Adurbadgan and Arran. The settlement received its name due to the fact that, according to legend, a treasury was found here.


As we mentioned earlier, there is a legend explaining the appearance of the city. So, if you turn to her, you can find interesting information. Once a traveler named Mazyad walked through the lands of modern Azerbaijan. He found several cauldrons to the brim filled with gold and precious stones. The city was named after the find, so Ganja is often called the "city of treasures."

Historical monuments

The fact that the city of Kirovabad in the Republic of Azerbaijan appeared in ancient times is evidenced by the large number of preserved historical monuments. The most “strong” evidence of the venerable age of the city are such structures as the mausoleum of Jomard Gassaba, the Imamzade complex, the Juma mosque, as well as the numerous ruins of fortress towers, walls, residential buildings and tombs.

Kirovabad Azerbaijan

Ganja before the invasion of the Seljuks

In the 7-8 centuries, numerous raids were made on the cities of Eastern Transcaucasia. First, Ganja was raided by the Persians, then the Arabs came to the city. At the end of the 7th century, a battle between the Khazars and Arabs took place on the territory of the settlement.

Despite the difficult political situation, Ganja played an important role as an economic and trade center, as it was located at the intersection of important trade routes. Residents of the city were engaged in craft. They received raw materials from copper, iron and alum mines located near Kirovabad.

Since Ganja was actively developing, a need arose for its protection. The construction of fortress walls began, ditches broke out, the military power of the city was strengthened. In the middle of the 10th century, Ganja (Kirovabad in Azerbaijan) served as the capital of the Shadadites. This accelerated the development of the city. It was built up with fortresses, palaces, bridges. Coins were minted on the territory of Ganja. Already in 1063, the famous architectural monument appeared - the gates of Ganja.

Seljuk invasion

In the middle of the 11th century, the state was invaded by the Seljuks. Despite the fact that the lord of the city entered into negotiations with the enemy leader, the raids did not stop. As a result, in 1086, the Seljuks occupied the city and overthrew the Shadadite dynasty. The ruler was the son of Malik Shah - Giyas ad-dan Tapar. In the 12th century, Georgians invaded Ganja, but their attempt to capture the city was unsuccessful.


Old Kirovabad (Azerbaijan) was destroyed by an earthquake that occurred on September 25, 1139. As a result, the city had to be rebuilt, but in a different place. The ruins of old Ganja are located only 7 km from the modern settlement. Taking advantage of the difficult situation in the city, the Georgian ruler attacked him and robbed the city.


The real heyday of Kirovabad in Azerbaijan is considered to be the period from the beginning of the 12th to the end of the 13th century. At this time, Ganja became the second capital of the Atabek state. Products manufactured here are widely known in many countries. “Ganja silk” was appreciated by foreign merchants.

Kirovabad city, Azerbaijan Republic

Ganja in the 18-19 centuries

In the 18th century, Ganja was the economic center of the Ganja Khanate. In 1803, a Russian detachment led by P. D. Tsitsianov invaded the city. The governor of the village was invited to submit, but he refused. The negotiations escalated into an armed clash, as a result of which the Russians won. At the beginning of 1804, namely on January 3, Tsitsianov’s troops went on the attack of Ganja. The assault ended with the death of Javad Khan and the annexation of the Khanate to Russia. The city was renamed Elizavetpol.

Following these events, the Russo-Iranian war began, which lasted until 1813. The Iranian army was numerically superior to the Russian army in Transcaucasia, but at the same time it was not good enough in military art and discipline. In October 1813, the Gulistan Peace Treaty was concluded, according to which Northern Azerbaijan and Dagestan joined Russia. In 1868, the city became the center of the Elizabethpol province, and already in 1883 a railway was laid that connected Baku, Tbilisi, Batumi and Kirovabad (Azerbaijan), a photo of which is presented in this article.

Ganja in the 20th century

At the end of 19, more than 25 thousand people lived in the city, there were 13 mosques, 2 Russian Orthodox churches, 6 Armenian churches. In the first half of the 20th century, Kirovabad in Azerbaijan was a very beautiful city, was famous for its centuries-old vegetation, wide streets and plane trees. The building was two-story, in all buildings there were arched gates with a wicket of the same shape. In addition, in almost all areas you could see the courtyards. Fruit trees were grown in the gardens, pomegranates and persimmons were very popular.

Autumn of 1905 went down in history as the time when the Armenian-Tatar massacre took place. As a result of this event, the population was divided into two groups: Armenians and Muslims. In 1918, Russian soldiers were killed at the Shamkhor station, who were returning to Russia from the Caucasus Front. In the same year, the historical name of the city was restored.

The city of Kirovabad in the Azerbaijan SSR served as the cultural and industrial center of the republic. In November 1988, terrible events thundered throughout the city: real battles began on the borders of the Armenian quarter. As a result, all Armenians were evacuated to Armenia. The property was looted.

Kirovabad city of Azerbaijan SSR

In the second half of the 20th century 104 VDD was founded in Kirovabad (Azerbaijan). She participated in the suppression of the Hungarian uprising, as well as in Operation Whirlwind. In 1993, she left the territory of Azerbaijan and was now based in the city of Ulyanovsk. Already in 1998, it was disbanded. At present, the history of the 104th division is continued by the 31st Guards Separate Air Assault Brigade, which successfully performs combat missions in Chechnya.


The main attractions of the city of Kirovabad in the Republic of Azerbaijan are concentrated in its central part. The administration building is located in the center of the square. To his right is the Heydar Aliyev Museum, open to all who wish. Crossing the road, you will see the Academy of Sciences. The structure can be recognized by the statues located between the columns on the facade.

Sheikh Bahauddin Ensemble

The architectural monument dates from the 17th century and includes a mosque, a caravanserai, as well as a medieval bathhouse. The last building is called Cheyak-Hamam. The bathhouse consists of two rooms that communicate with each other. The building, which worked until 1963, is now a cultural monument and is under the protection of UNESCO.

Juma Mosque is one of the most popular attractions in Ganja. It is also known under one name: Shah Abbas Mosque. The fact is that in his reign it was built. The building is “hidden” a little secret. The mosque was built by the astronomer Sheikh Bahauddin. On the western side of the mosque, built of red bricks, there is one single white brick. They say that at exactly noon a ray of sunlight falls on it. To get inside, you must be dressed in a "dress code." Short shorts, t-shirts with a deep neckline are not suitable for visiting a mosque.

Kirovabad Azerbaijan SSR

Mausoleum of the poet Nizami

Ganja is inextricably linked with the name of this poet, which is why dozens of images of Nizami have been preserved in the city. A special place in preserving the memory of him is the mausoleum. Currently, many poets come here.

Tomb of Javad Khan

This building was erected only in 2005, although this cannot be said in appearance: the building is made in the best traditions of medieval architecture. The tomb was built in honor of the ruler and warrior who died in the early 19th century during the capture of Ganja.

Bottle house

Kirovabad (Azerbaijan) is a military town, and the memory of those who died during this difficult time is honored in it. For example, the owner and architect of the so-called Bottle House Ibrahim Jafarov built an entire building of 50 thousand glass bottles. In the upper part of the facade you can see the name of the city, laid out of multi-colored bottoms. Ibrahim Jafarov is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, perpetuating the memory of fallen comrades in an unusual way. The house is privately owned, so you cannot get inside. But you can admire the facade as much as you like.

Kirovabad Azerbaijan military town


Near the city is the resort of Naftalan, which has gained worldwide fame. A sanatorium operates on its base, where the healing properties of oil are used. The resort specializes in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and dermatological diseases.


As of 2008, there are 397 thousand citizens in the city of Kirovabad in Azerbaijan. For comparison, in 1897 only 33.6 thousand people lived here. This indicates that for this settlement is characterized by a fairly rapid influx of population. So, in the period from 2004 to 2008, 77 thousand people came here.

As for the national composition, the majority of the population are Azerbaijanis. In addition, Tatars, Russians and Ukrainians live here, but their numbers are extremely small.

Climate and weather

Cities of the former Azerbaijan SSR (including Kirovabad) boast good weather conditions. The climate is warm, in the summer, the air temperature often rises to +30 ° C. Ganja is protected from the winds by the Caucasus Range. Along with the wind, cooling in the winter comes to the city, and dust rises in the summer. Rainfall is not too much - only 286 mm RT. Art. They fall in the spring and summer. To travel to Kirovabad, it is best to find time in May, June, September or October, since it is during these months that the sunniest and warmest weather is here.

Kirovabad Republic of Azerbaijan


In the city there are park ensembles that can be visited when traveling to Ganja. In local parks you can find amazing trees - plane trees. They are considered a symbol of Ganja and have been decorating the city with their presence for 200 years. Some trees are over 1,500 years old. Locals call such plants "dul-dul".

Not far from the city is Lake Geigel, which is considered one of the most popular of its kind in the Caucasus. It is located at the foot of the Kapaz mountain. Formed as a result of a strong earthquake, it is part of the famous Geigel nature reserve, which is definitely worth a visit for every tourist. The air here is healing: it has a positive effect on the condition of people suffering from disorders of the nervous system and respiratory diseases.


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