Intellectual work: concept, foundations, forms, rules, organization and management features

Modern society is characterized by a constant increase in the importance of intellectual work. We can say that it is the basis of economic growth and development. In this regard, the relevance of studying this issue is increasing.

foundations of intellectual work

Definition of a concept

The definition of intellectual labor (IT) can be formulated as an activity in which the main resource for achieving the result is the cost of mental energy. The following main subjects of activity are distinguished:

  • information;
  • intelligence;
  • conceptual apparatus ;
  • equipment.

In modern conditions, new increased requirements are being put forward for intellectual workers. In addition to the ability to process information, attention is paid to creativity and innovative methods of thinking. Brain workers are increasingly ranked in the creative class (that is, they must generate new ideas).

A modern approach to defining

To date, the concept of intellectual labor is quite broad and is considered from several positions. Here are the main points that characterize this term:

  • a thought process aimed at the creation, perception and reproduction of knowledge;
  • scientific and technical activities underlying the innovation process (of a single organization and society as a whole);
  • scientific and technical activities underlying the intellectual development of society;
  • the main form of human life, which is a way of self-expression and affirmation of personality;
  • type of creative activity.
intellectual work results

Comparative characteristics of physical and mental labor

Besides the obvious signs, there are some more factors that determine the differences between physical and mental labor. Comparative characteristics are given in the table:

SignBrainworkPhysical work
Factors of increasing labor productivity.
  • A clear statement of production goals and objectives.
  • Determination of the individual responsibility of the employee for the result of the activity.
  • The definition of individual responsibility for the implementation and implementation of the results of mental work.
  • Continuous training of employees and the exchange of new knowledge within the team.
  • A step-by-step description of the workflow algorithm.
  • Limitation of unnecessary physical movements in order to minimize temporary losses.
  • Minimizing physical effort.
  • The introduction of innovative technologies that facilitate physical work.
Indicator to be evaluated.

Qualitative parameters of labor results, as well as their impact on the quantitative indicators of the organization.

The number of products produced per unit of time or for a certain period.

Staff costs.

It can be regarded as a contribution to fixed capital.

Costs of production and circulation.

IT features

In society, intellectual labor occupies a special place and is characterized by a number of specific features. Here are the main ones:

  • Significant nervous load. As a rule, it is IT representatives who most often have diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, which is associated with a high degree of responsibility. Interestingly, this risk is significantly reduced through regular exercise.

  • The need for long-term training. As a rule, it is about getting a higher or secondary special education. Continuous training is also required to meet the changing demands of the times.

  • Lack of material result. Even if intellectual labor has a material expression, it does not appear immediately, but after a certain time.

  • Limited mobility. As a rule, mental work is carried out in a static position, which over time leads to disruption of the musculoskeletal system.

  • The significant role of creativity. In IT, a non-standard approach to solving standard tasks is appreciated.

what is intellectual labor

The main forms of IT

We can conditionally distinguish several forms of intellectual labor. Namely:

  • Camera work. It implies management and control of all kinds of processes at the enterprise (production of goods and services, goods distribution, work with customers, and so on). In conditions of multifactorial production, such work is associated with the processing of a large amount of data in a short time, which is accompanied by increased emotional tension.

  • Managerial work. It implies the management of enterprises, institutions or their divisions. The activity is characterized not only by the huge volumes of processed information, but also by a high degree of responsibility. The work is further complicated by the periodic need to resolve conflict situations.

  • Creative work. It is considered the most complex form of intellectual labor. This is due to the fact that this activity is associated with large amounts of information that must be kept in memory, lack of time and data, as well as with a high degree of emotional stress.

  • The work of teachers, trade and medical workers, as well as employees in the service sector. It implies constant contacts with a large number of people, an increased degree of responsibility and nervous tension.

  • The work of pupils and students. It implies the tension of such mental functions as attention, perception and memory.

The main types of IT

People of intellectual labor work in different conditions. Based on this, we can distinguish the following main types of IT:

  • Performed according to a pre-agreed plan or standard scheme with predominant tension of mental mechanisms. An example is the work of an accountant, economist or engineer.

  • With an uneven load and the need for non-standard decisions. As a rule, this type of IT is occupied by the heads of enterprises or their structural divisions.

  • With irregular and unregulated work schedule, as well as with periodic emotional stress. We are talking about the work of people of art, as well as scientists involved in the creation of new developments.

  • With an increased level of responsibility and frequent emotional stress, which is associated with the need for constant monitoring of a changing situation. This type includes the work of dispatchers, operators, and so on.

  • With the need for increased concentration of attention. An example is the work of controllers (for example, in the conveyor production).

  • With the need for quick response with a lack of information. This is usually about medical workers or dispatchers.

  • With the need for close interpersonal contacts and with a high risk of conflict. For example, educators or office staff.

  • Implies mastering new knowledge. These are people undergoing training.

intellectual labor concept

IT components

Mental labor includes several key components. Namely:

  • Regulated. This refers to a clear instruction in accordance with which the work is performed. At the same time, a person does not use creative potential and does not bring any novelty to the production process.
  • Creative component. This refers to the creation of new goods (informational, spiritual or material). Its main goal is to search for new approaches and solutions in order to overcome stagnation in the development of a process.
  • Heuristic component. This refers to the creation of a fundamentally new intellectual or material product that is extremely useful.
  • Information component. This is the basis and starting point of intellectual activity.
  • Motivational component. This refers to emotional and volitional processes that prompt a person to material and intellectual work, the cognitive process, the formation of beliefs.
  • Cognitive component. We are talking about a culture of thinking, the ability to analyze and synthesize, the ability to prove and argue, the tendency to research and creative activity.
  • Organizational and technological component. This is a way of thinking, as well as the collection, processing and transformation of information.
  • Hygienic. We are talking about compliance with the conditions in which intellectual activity occurs, sanitary and hygienic standards.

Factors of labor intellectualization

The basis of social and economic development is what intellectual work is. This explains the activation of the global process of intellectualization of labor, which is provided by such key factors:

  • development of international cooperation in the field of development and promotion of IT;
  • improving and stabilizing the education model;
  • preservation and accumulation of the scientific and technical potential of the state;
  • expanding the scale of training highly qualified specialists in dynamically developing industries;
  • a critical review of the modern approach to understanding and defining IT;
  • system-activity approach to the definition of IT.
forms of intellectual labor

Specificity of IT Results

The result of intellectual work is a product expressed in an objective form, depending on the nature. It can be called a work, invention, model and so on. Each of these products of intellectual labor has its own specific features, but there are also common signs. Namely:

  • The ideal nature. Even if the product has a specific material expression (image, text, and so on), this does not negate its idealism. In this regard, it is not subject to material wear. Only moral.

  • The legal system does not directly affect the thought process. Nevertheless, law significantly affects the final product of intellectual activity by means of restrictions.

  • Despite the importance of IT results, they are not a full-fledged economic resource.

IT tension

Studying the basics of intellectual labor, attention should be paid to the factor of tension. It is characterized by increased mental and emotional stress. In this regard, four levels of tension can be distinguished: optimal (easy), permissible (medium tension), intense first degree, intense second degree.

The easiest is considered such mental work in which there is no need for decision-making with the consequent responsibility.

To the permissible intensity of labor can be attributed a situation where the employee is obliged to make decisions within the framework of one clearly defined instruction.

Intense IT of the first degree is a situation when a person solves complex problems and makes responsible decisions using well-defined algorithms.

Creative work without clear algorithms and instructions, requiring responsible decisions, is characterized as intense second degree.

people of intellectual labor

IT Harm

What is intellectual labor? Many people mistakenly consider this type of activity calm and favorable. Nevertheless, IT is often classified as harmful. The causes of harm to health are described in the table.

Reason groupsCauses
Errors in the organization of the labor process.
  • Forced incorrect body position (deformation of the feet, changes in posture, diseases of the musculoskeletal system).
  • Tension of individual parts of the body and organs leading to occupational diseases.
  • Irrational labor regime (leads to nervous and physical strain with negative health consequences).
Adverse environment (workplace conditions).
  • Incorrect temperature conditions.
  • High or low humidity.
  • High or low atmospheric pressure.
  • Increased noise and vibration.
  • Bacterial pollution.

Hygiene IT

Physiologist Vvedensky, who studied the basics of intellectual work, identified the following basic provisions of hygiene of this type of activity:

  • Gradual retraction into labor. The flow of information and load should increase gradually. Otherwise, emotional overload is possible, as well as low productivity.

  • Strict rhythm of work. This refers to a competent ratio of work activity and breaks. This measure is aimed at eliminating overwork, as well as downtime in the work process.

  • Consistency and consistency. The work should be clearly planned and detailed in order to eliminate time and information losses.

intellectual workers

IT Quality Improvement Guidelines

Intellectual workers often face crises and stagnation in their activities. To overcome or prevent them, it is worth following these recommendations:

  • The desire to develop and consolidate skills. This allows you to bring the work to automaticity, which leads to increased productivity of mental labor with a low level of fatigue.
  • Maintaining professional knowledge at a sufficient level for the timely solution of continuously arising problem situations. This problem is solved through periodic training.
  • Continuous maintenance of a moderate level of mental stress without sudden changes in the direction of decline or increase.
  • Rational use of rest breaks. They should be filled with activities aimed at psychological unloading and relieving emotional stress.
  • Rational use of non-working time. 30% of it should be given to moderate physical activity for the prevention of diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Consideration of individual features. For the effective work of a person engaged in mental work, a feeling of comfort is needed, which is expressed in certain characteristics of the external environment (noise level, color gamut, and so on).
  • Flexibility in evaluating results. Since knowledge is difficult to measure, do not drive an IT worker into a clear time and digital framework. Pressure negatively affects the quality of mental activity.
  • Full information support. For effective mental work, an employee needs a complete picture of the state of affairs, as well as a detailed description of the desired long-term result.
  • The introduction of advanced technologies. At the moment, there are a sufficient number of devices and software products that greatly facilitate the intellectual activity of a person, automating and mechanizing some processes.


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