Hair cosmetics "Sies": brighteners. Persistent beauty!

In the modern world, women do not always have enough time to visit a beauty salon or a hairdresser.

hair dye sies clarifier
That is why dyeing and lightening hair at home has become absolutely normal, and the market is replete with a variety of tinting agents. According to the polls, the products of the Sies company have been especially popular over the past few years. Clarifiers of this brand can be purchased at any cosmetic shop. This is not surprising, because in application they are very simple, and the result always meets expectations. Below is a step-by-step instruction that will facilitate the process of lightening hair at home.


Depending on the strength of the impact, three types of coloring agents are distinguished from the Cie trademark: medium-strength brighteners, strong and intense. Briefly consider each of them:

1. Medium - makes the hue lighter by 4 tones. Such a tool will give the desired girls who want to get a light shade of hair, while maintaining the natural color of hair.

2. Strong - brightens 6 tones. The tint will turn out without yellowness, and the components contained in the product will give the hair a healthy glow.

3. Intense. Suitable for those who attract the attention of others for the first time. Hair will become brighter by 7 tones (without yellowness). The kit includes a blond activator to enhance the effect.

Preparation and preparation of the mixture

hair bleach
Before use, check if the Ciez Hair Brightener is compatible with your skin type. To do this, just apply a small amount of the composition on the surface of the hand and wait a few minutes. Redness indicates an allergy. Preparing a mixture for clarification is quite simple - follow the instructions that came with the tool. Do not forget to shake the bottle well. This is necessary for the full connection of all components.

Application and Impact

Distribute the resulting mixture evenly over the entire length of the hair, starting from the roots, regardless of whether you are completely clarified or simply painted over the roots. The final result completely depends on the duration of the drug. For full lightening of dark blond hair, usually 25 minutes is enough. If necessary, the time can be extended up to 45 minutes.


At this stage of staining, it is imperative to use gloves made of latex material. This will protect the skin of the hands from staining and not damage it by exposure to chemical elements that contains hair dye "Sies". Clarifier is sold along with products designed exclusively for colored hair. They will not only allow you to wash off the paint well, but also consolidate the result.

sie brighteners

Dyed hair care products from Sies

Clarifiers contain chemical elements that affect the structure of the hair. Therefore, after using the mentioned cosmetics, it is so important to properly care for them. It is better to use special shampoos, rinses and masks that contribute to their gradual recovery. In most cases, masks can be made independently, then natural ingredients are guaranteed to be present in their composition. Regardless of the type of product in question, be careful when using Cie-clarifiers. They contain chemical elements that, if improperly used, can spoil the structure of the hair. And restoration will have to spend a lot of time, effort and money. Therefore, experts do not recommend dyeing hair on their own, it is better to entrust this procedure to professionals who know and brilliantly do their job. Be irresistible!


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