Examples of common sentences in Russian

In Russian, examples of common sentences are much more common than non-common ones. This is due to the fact that the former offer the writer much more scope for detail: different ways to spread the proposal open up new facets of artistic wealth, allow metaphors and interesting details to be woven into the text. This article will examine examples of common offers that differ in distribution method, composition, complexity and other criteria.

Definitional Suggestions

Definition in a sentence

Definitions are extremely descriptive tools. With their help, it is impossible to fill the sentence with any certainty or specificity, but you can make them more colorful. Here are some examples of common sentences that use definitions:

Unapproved offerCommon offer
Evening came.

There came a quiet, calm, comfortable evening.

Rays appeared.

It seemed dull, faded, but warm and pleasant sunlight.

The man greeted and introduced himself.

A tall, dry, gray-haired and pale man greeted and introduced himself.

It is easy to notice that the sentences from the second column are more vivid, colorful, interesting.

Offers circulated by circumstances

The role of circumstances in the proposal

Circumstances are a kind of artist’s tools that can characterize and decorate actions, add specifics to them and completely change the tone of the sentence. Compare:

Unapproved offerCommon offer (option 1)Common offer (option 2)
He smiled, nodded, and said hello.He smiled warmly and good-naturedly, nodded affably and greeted politely.He smiled sarcastically, nodded dismissively and greeted coldly, indifferently.
The girl burst out laughing.The girl laughed loudly, sweetly and sincerely.The girl burst out laughing, caustic and rude.

As examples of widespread suggestions show, circumstances can significantly change, distort the meaning and fill it with bright colors.

Offers distributed by add-ons

One suggestion - many add-ons

This distribution method works effectively only in combination with the others, but in the end you can get a very convincing result. For instance:

Unapproved offerCommon offer
The guest smiled.The guest smiled warmly at the hostess of the house - a young and very attractive girl.
Autumn has come.The real autumn has come in the city: with falling leaves, long rains, soft winds and general cozy melancholy.

Examples of common sentences and non-widespread passages from which they were formed prove that additions, circumstances and definitions are a key means of artistic expression.

Complicated sentences

A separate group of common sentences is complicated. Complicate the proposal can be homogeneous members, appeals, participles and participles turnover. Here is an example of such a sentence:

  • Colleague, I saw the case that interested you. (The appeal is a “colleague”, the participle turnover is “interested in you”).

One-piece sentences

Single-component sentences may also be common. For instance:

  • This morning it was light slowly, measuredly, gradually.
  • A noisy, fun evening in good company.

In the first case, the sentence does not have a subject, in the second - the predicate, but these are still full-fledged common sentences.

Complex sentences

Complex sentences themselves cannot be considered widespread, but they can be distributed in the same way as simple ones. For instance:

  • It rained in the morning, passers-by did not let umbrellas out of their hands, and motorists were angry because it was impossible to understand exactly where the pits were due to puddles on the roads.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46284/

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