Series "Evalar" "Hair Expert": reviews, review, composition, instructions for use and side effects

Recently, the products of the company "Evalar" are gaining popularity. In particular, buyers are interested in the Expert Hair series. Testimonials and background information will help you evaluate the effectiveness and safety of products, as well as make the right choice.

Heredity, health, lifestyle, nutrition, ecology and many other factors negatively affect the condition of the hair. "Expert Hair Evalar" provides double hair care. Outside, shampoo, balm and lotion work, and inside - dietary supplement.

long hair

What the manufacturer promises

The Expert Hair series is of great interest to people with problem hair. Here are the results the manufacturer promises with regular use:

  • 85% reduction in hair loss after the first month of use;
  • restoration of the structure and healthy shine along the entire length;
  • thermal installation protection;
  • normalization of the intensity of sebum production;
  • improvement of blood circulation in the scalp;
  • prevention of dandruff.

Sulfate-free Shampoo

Shampoo "Expert Hair" is positioned as a means for gentle cleansing of hair and skin from sebum and external contaminants. It can not be considered as an independent therapeutic tool to combat hair loss. Nevertheless, in complex care, he shows good results. This can be achieved thanks to the following components of the composition:

  • Natural proteins add shine to curls and protect them from external negative effects.
  • Sulfate-free washing base effectively cleans the hair, without overdrying it.
  • Biotin normalizes the secretory function of the sebaceous glands.
  • D-panthenol gives the hair elasticity, thereby preventing brittleness and cross-section.
  • Argan oil is one of the most valuable plant components. It deeply moisturizes the hair.
  • Horse chestnut extract activates metabolic processes in the cells of the scalp and hair follicles. Thus, the growth of strands is stimulated.

Using shampoo is no big deal. It is suitable for daily use, safe for pregnant and lactating women. It is enough to foam the product on wet hair, massage gently and rinse. To achieve a pronounced effect, the shampoo can be left on curls for a couple of minutes for exposure to the active components.

hair expert shampoo

Customer opinion about shampoo

Experienced customers will help you evaluate the effectiveness of Expert Hair shampoo. The reviews contain such positive comments:

  • suitable for sensitive scalp (does not cause dryness, itching and various irritations);
  • quite convenient packaging in the form of a tube;
  • shampoo has a pleasant unobtrusive smell;
  • the agent is completely transparent, which indicates the absence of dyes;
  • foam is easily washed out of locks;
  • the product is made in accordance with GOST;
  • domestic production;
  • with prolonged use (at least a month), the curls become more vibrant and shiny).

And here are some negative ones:

  • overpriced, which does not match the quality and effect of use;
  • after application, the hair is very fluffy (the effect of a dandelion is obtained);
  • does not accelerate hair growth;
  • silicones are present;
  • shampoo does not foam very well, therefore, consumption is very uneconomical;
  • after application, the curls are very tangled (they cannot be combed without the use of additional funds);
  • Don't fight dandruff.

Hair spray lotion

Evalar company positions its lotion as a vitamin cocktail that can stop hair loss at an early stage. The action of the hair spray lotion is due to its rich composition. It includes such valuable components:

  • Aminophylline is a warming substance. It slightly irritates the epidermis, providing vasodilation and acceleration of blood circulation. Thus, good nutrition of the hair roots is provided, due to which the loss should stop and growth accelerate.
  • The Liposentol-N complex is a cocktail of hyaluronic acid and water-soluble vitamins. Its action is aimed at eliminating irritation of the scalp and normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • L-carnitine is a valuable amino acid that acts as a stimulator of hair growth. It supports thin cannon hairs during the transition to the mature phase. The rod should become more dense and durable.
  • The action of biotin is aimed at preventing seborrheic dermatitis. It also moisturizes the epidermis of the head and stimulates the activity of hair follicles.
  • Lauric acid nourishes and envelops hair. Thus, the cuticle is smoothed out and the strands become silky.
  • Menthol - gives a pleasant feeling of freshness, stimulates blood circulation and reduces fat content.

Evalar Lotion Expert Hair is applied three to four times a week. It must be distributed on the basal zone and rub in with gentle massaging movements. The tool does not need to be washed off. Moreover, immediately after its application, styling products, a hairdryer and tongs can be used. To achieve a pronounced effect, you need to use lotion for at least two months. So that the active ingredients penetrate the skin better, a gentle head massage can be performed before application to disperse the blood.

hair expert lotion

Customer Reviews for Lotion

Many users have already tried out the Expert Hair lotion. Reviews about this tool are very different. Here's how the positive comments sound:

  • many useful components in the composition;
  • dries quickly without staining hair;
  • after use, the hair becomes voluminous and easy to style;
  • with prolonged use improves the appearance of hair;
  • after about a month of use, a โ€œfluffโ€ appears along the hairline โ€” new hair grows.

And here are the negative reviews:

  • the bottle is made of glass, therefore, it may break if dropped;
  • alcohol base can dry hair and cause discomfort in the scalp;
  • poor-quality packaging - the sprayer quickly fails;
  • lotion ends very quickly - it lasts only for 10-15 applications;
  • with constant use, the hair begins to get dirty faster (apparently, the reason is the alcohol in the composition, which dries the skin and activates the secretion of sebum).
hair expert spray

Protein Balm

Balm "Evalar" "Expert Hair" not only facilitates combing, as do other products of this kind. It also treats hair, saturating it with valuable proteins - building material. Here is what can be said about the main components of the composition:

  • D-panthenol is an indispensable source of B vitamins that make hair elastic, restoring its texture. In addition, the substance protects the strands from external negative influences, as well as the effects of thermal styling.
  • Keratin hydrolyzate regenerates and smoothes the hair shaft, making it easier to comb. Also, this component has a beneficial effect on the scalp. The epidermis is moisturized, a feeling of freshness appears.
  • Collagen with elastin is a natural protein that not only envelops the surface of the hair, but also penetrates the core. With regular use, the hair becomes strong and shiny.
  • Liposentol is a vitamin cocktail interspersed with plant phospholipids. Heals the scalp and nourishes the hair follicles.
  • Horse chestnut extract acts as a circulatory stimulant. Thanks to him, restoration processes are activated in the skin cells and curls begin to grow faster.
  • Arginine and L-carnitine are valuable amino acids that positively affect the blood microcirculation in the scalp. In addition, the substances have pronounced regenerative properties, due to which there is a restoration of damage to the scalp and hair shaft.
  • Chitosan is a natural polysaccharide that has the ability to integrate into the structure of the hair.
  • Argan oil deeply nourishes curls and eliminates brittleness. This is an indispensable tool in the fight against dryness.

There is nothing complicated in applying the Expert Hair balm Evalar. The instruction involves applying to clean wet curls three times a week. The product must be kept on the hair for two to three minutes, so that the core is saturated with useful proteins.

hair expert balm

Reviews about hair balm

Many shoppers and shoppers have already managed to try the Expert Hair balm. Feedback on this tool contains these approving comments:

  • the product is packaged in a convenient tube;
  • pleasant light smell;
  • hair after applying the product is very easy to comb and practically does not tangles;
  • balm does not irritate the scalp and does not contribute to the appearance of dandruff;
  • the balm does not oily the hair - it remains clean for about two days (or maybe longer).

But there are criticisms. Here is what is meant:

  • after applying the balm, the hair is very fluffy and electrified;
  • the balm has a very liquid consistency, so it is spent uneconomically;
  • the product is inconvenient to apply on the hair - it does not envelop them.

Vitamin Complex

The condition of the hair is not just the result of leaving and external negative influences. This is a direct reflection of the processes occurring within the body. In particular, fragility and loss of curls can be associated with a lack of nutrients. The "Evalar" Expert Hair "dietary supplement will help to cope with this problem. In combination with shampoo, balm and lotion, it is possible to affect the hair comprehensively.

Stop hair loss and stimulate growth - the main function of Expert Hair pills. The composition includes such active components:

  • Beer yeast autolysate is a substance that accelerates cellular metabolism. Due to this, it is possible to accelerate the growth of strands and awaken the "sleeping" bulbs. Yeast also normalizes the intestinal microflora, which indirectly affects the state of hair.
  • Horsetail - a source of silicon, which, in turn, stimulates the process of collagen production. This substance plays a key role in the formation of connective tissue, in particular, the hair shaft. Horsetail makes the hair elastic and shiny.
  • Taurine is a powerful hair regenerator and thickener. It not only regenerates curls, but also protects them from further damage. The substance normalizes the water balance, preventing the depletion of hair.
  • Zinc is an element involved in the process of cell division and metabolism. The substance has the most positive effect on the follicles and prevents early baldness in women and men.
  • Cystine is a valuable amino acid that makes strands soft, supple and strong. Regular intake of cystine in the body contributes to the fact that the hair becomes less susceptible to external negative influences.

How to use the Vitamin Expert Hair (Evalar) vitamin complex? The instruction says that it is necessary to swallow a tablet twice a day with meals. The minimum course duration is three months.

hair expert vitamins

Are there any side effects?

The main question of women planning to take dietary supplements is related to side effects. Hair Expert contains brewer's yeast, which raises some concerns. Questions and answers are given in the table.

Does the drug provoke bacterial growth and thrush?Brewer's yeast is a part of dietary supplement in the form of an autolysate, which does not have such a side effect.
Can dietary supplement lead to an increase in body weight?Autolat brewing yeast does not have this effect.
Does yeast accelerate hair growth?Yes - this is their main purpose. In addition, the substance helps to stop the loss, and new hair grows stronger and stronger.
How often can I take vitamins?

Admission of dietary supplements is possible on an ongoing basis with a ten-day break every three months.

Can taking the drug lead to exacerbation of gastritis and increased gas formation?

No - in the form of an autolysate, brewer's yeast does not have a negative effect on the digestive system.

Reviews about the vitamin complex

Vitamins "Expert Hair" are widely popular among men and women who are faced with the problem of baldness. In this regard, it is worth noting such positive reviews about this dietary supplement:

  • good promising composition;
  • if you take vitamins at the same time as using other products from this series, enhanced hair growth is noted;
  • curls become less brittle;
  • the components of the composition favorably affect not only the hair, but also the body as a whole.

And here are some negative ones:

  • high price;
  • the large size of the tablets is difficult to swallow;
  • the course needs three packages, which is quite expensive;
  • Supplements do not stop hair loss completely;
  • ineffective in severe baldness.
bad hair expert

Release form and price

If you are interested in the Expert Hair products, Evalar, you should know that it is sold through pharmacy chains. Average prices are given in the table.

ProductRelease formVolume mlPrice on the official website, rub
ShampooPlastic bottle250475
LotionSpray bottle100381
BalmPlastic tube250475
Dietary supplementTablets6 pcs471

What else does Evalar offer

In addition to the Expert Hair series, Evalar offers a whole range of products for the health and beauty of hair. It is worth paying attention to such products:

  • Supplement โ€œFor skin, hair and nailsโ€ - a complex based on sulfur promotes the production of elastin and collagen, which improve the functional state of connective tissue.
  • Burdock oil - used to restore the structure of curls and accelerate their growth. Helps to cope with dandruff and itching.
  • Burdock oil with hops and calendula - helps stop baldness at the initial stage. Plant extracts nourish and awaken hair follicles. In addition, calendula relieves inflammation, which can also cause hair loss.
  • Burdock oil with ginkgo biloba - accelerates blood circulation, due to which the activity of hair follicles is activated. Due to this, the hair begins to grow faster and become much stronger.
  • Nettle burdock oil - contains vitamin K, carotenoids and chlorophyll. These substances act as building materials to restore the structure of the strands.
  • Burdock oil with a series - soothes the skin and softens the hair shaft. Normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Burdock oil with propolis - heals the scalp, neutralizes microbes and suppresses inflammatory processes. With regular use, the hair becomes strong and moisturized. Helps restore hair after dyeing and curling.
  • Burdock oil with horsetail extract - contains ceramides that restore the structure of curls. Thus, the shaft becomes elastic and strong.
  • Burdock oil with tea tree extract - contains about 50 organic elements with antiseptic effect. Helps fight dandruff, itching and increased greasy.


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