Zug, Switzerland: city overview, attractions, interesting facts and reviews

The city of Zug in Switzerland is the capital of the eponymous canton in the central part of the country. About 25 thousand people live here. The city is considered the most prosperous settlement of the state. Here the income level is even higher than in Geneva and Zurich. And the secret is simple - low tax rates. However, one should not think that, having arrived here, one can see luxury at every step, on the contrary, in the city, as nowhere, there is a craving for moderation. Although people wear expensive and high-quality clothes and shoes, they drive prestigious cars.

But the city is famous not only for its high standard of living, but also for the local surrounding beauties, ancient quarters and a beautiful lake.

By the way, the action of the novel "The Night is Tender" by Scott Fitzgerald takes place in this city.

A bit of history

The city of Zug (Switzerland) is located at an altitude of 425 meters above sea level in the Glarn Alps, on the shores of Lake Zug. Confirmation that they lived in these places in ancient centuries - found artifacts on the northern shore of the lake. They date from the XIV century BC - it is a Paleolithic.

There are also finds of the Bronze and Iron Age. Also, since 58, the province of Helvetia has been here, until the area was conquered by the Allemanians. Then the Franks came here, and already in 858 there are written references to the city. Then the Carolingian dynasty of Ludwig German was founded. For many centuries, the city passed into the rule of various monasteries and feudal lords.

In 1798, Napoleon proclaims the Helvetic Republic, then the canton receives independence, but not for long, only 5 years. Then begins the struggle of supporters of centralized power and federalism, which lasts half a century. In 1848, the canton is included in the union state of the Swiss Confederation, on equal terms with other cantons.

It is believed that the name of the city did not come from the word “train”, but from the fishing syllable “catch” or “pull”. In the Middle Ages, they were engaged in fishing here.

There were three serious disasters in the city against the backdrop of floods, when many blocks were hidden under water and many people died. The tragic events were in 1435, 1585 and 1887.

Niche for big business

There is a joke in the canton of Zug (Switzerland) that there are more legal entities than individuals. In fact, this joke has more truth than jokes. But even before 1834 it was an agricultural region. But as soon as the railway appeared in Zug, the development of the canton accelerated. In the second half of the 20th century, the canton became practically the understudy of Zurich in the financial sector. And in a short time, thanks to a tax policy aimed at attracting foreign companies, Zurich overtakes by income.

Today, Zug in Switzerland is the most liberal canton in the whole country in the field of tax legislation. Although without special knowledge it is quite difficult to understand all the subtleties. In 2010 alone, about 30 thousand headquarters of companies from all over the world were registered in the canton.

niche for big business

Acquaintance with the city

If the purpose of the trip is sightseeing in Zug Switzerland, it is best to start it from the promenade, preferably in the evening. According to tourists, the original buildings look very unusual in the rays of the sunset against the backdrop of the lake. You can walk to the symbol of the city - the Zytturm clock tower. Here on the promenade there is a zoo, which contains a magnificent collection of ibis.

The city has many museums dedicated to Africa, fishing, history. There are art galleries.

Fragments of the once impregnable wall were preserved in the district of the old part of the city, they are especially well preserved in the Nopflitrum area. In the same part there is an old town hall, which is more than 500 years old.

A modern attraction is the train station, which in the evening looks more like a scene from a light show.

Lake cruise

Arriving in the city of Zug in Switzerland, you should definitely ride a boat. The lake itself is spread over the territory of three cantons - Zug, Lucerne and Schwyz. During the tour, the boat makes several stops. By the way, one of the four boats received a prestigious design award.

Around the lake there is also the opportunity to ride a bike or walk on specially laid hiking routes.

view of the city from the lake

Zug Castle Museum

Representatives of ruling families lived in the palace, now this building is a kind of landmark in the city of Zug, Switzerland. For a long time the castle was under reconstruction, from 1979 to 1982, and now it is a landmark of national importance.

It is located in the old part of the city. Inside are collected artifacts that clearly tell the story of the village.

Zug Castle Museum


An overview of Zug in Switzerland is impossible to imagine without a funicular that rises to a height of 900 meters. It is from this height that the whole beauty of the settlement opens. And at the height where the funicular rises in 8 minutes, tourist routes have been laid, the total length of which is about 80 kilometers. There are restaurants along the way, cozy and with delicious dishes. You can walk on your own or take a walk with a guide.

If you decide to take a walk, then be sure to look into the church of St. Oswald, which was built in the XV century. The interior decoration will not leave anyone indifferent, it is very rich. The centerpiece is the baroque organ. Concerts are held here in the evenings.

Holgroth Caves

The Swiss town of Zug is famous for its unique underground lakes. Their main highlight is stalactites and stalagmites beautifully lit. Getting into the caves, it seems that you get into a real mystical fairy tale. In addition, the caves have beautiful lakes.

Holgroth Caves

Annual entertainment

You can plan your trip to the city on the date of a certain holiday. For example, from the end of February to the beginning of March, a festival is held every year dedicated to local history about how in the old days Greta Schell took her drunk husband home in a special basket.

In the summer season, a cheerful holiday is held in the city, where a lot of refreshments, performances by artists and orchestras. It all ends with a firework.

And if you want to enjoy the smell of cinnamon enough, come to the city for Christmas holidays, when mulled wine is served on every corner, handmade souvenirs are offered for sale and children are told fascinating New Year stories.


Not far from the city (some 39 kilometers) Zuga in Switzerland is a resort and a real paradise for lovers of skiing. Here, beautiful hotels, cozy restaurants and great ski slopes. If you are not even fond of skiing, you can always take a walk in a beautiful area - in the picturesque forest of Mount Titlis.

In an authentic village there is an ancient monastery (1730), where the largest organ in the whole country is installed. And by two cable cars you can reach the highest mountain glacier routes for tourists. One of the last stations has the highest mountain karaoke bar in all of Europe. The main natural attraction of the settlement is Trubze Lake, which all tourists advise to look at, and if weather conditions permit, you can swim.

Engelberg, Switzerland

Halville Castle

And what other attractions of the neighboring cities of Zug? You should definitely visit the majestic castle of the XII century. It is located 30 kilometers from the city, on the banks of the Abah River, in the place where it flows into Lake Halvil.

He was built by Count Halvil on an artificially created island. In 1380, the building was badly damaged due to a fire, in the XV century it was completely restored. Since then, he has not changed much.

In the 16th century, Burkhard von Halville, known as a scientist and pharmacist, lived in the castle. His collection consists of 2.5 thousand pharmacy prescriptions.

Tourists were allowed into the castle only in 1925. There are many items that once surrounded the Halvil family. Even some pharmacy items have been preserved. Medicinal herbs are still grown in the garden near the castle. And in a building where horses were once kept, a very cozy cafe was equipped.

Pilatusban Railway

30 kilometers from the city of Zug in Switzerland there is a unique railway, which was built in 1889. On it you can get from the town of Alpnahstadt to the very top of Pilatus Mountain. But the most important thing is that this is the most dangerous path passing through a narrow tunnel, and the edge of the cliff is visible from the windows of the cars. The wagon overcomes the path in 30 minutes. In some places the embankments collapsed, so the rails even protrude beyond the edge of the rock.

Interesting fact: Eduard Loher built it using technology that is used worldwide until today.

The car moves slowly enough at a speed of 12 km / h. On the road, 10 cars run in which only 40 passengers are accommodated. Inside each trailer, a medieval atmosphere reigns. According to tourists, if you are afraid of heights, it is better not to look out the windows, otherwise 30 minutes of fear are provided.



34 kilometers from Zug is the country's economic center - Zurich. This is a large city with a population of 340 thousand people, where only 30% of the non-indigenous population. Despite the fame as a business center, Zurich can surprise a tourist with its beauties, shops with designer clothes and an active nightlife.

If the trip is by rail, then vacationers will immediately see the first attraction of the city - the station (1871). It is built in the Neo-Renaissance style, a modern sculpture of a guardian angel hovering under the ceiling, and a shopping center is located under the building itself. In front of the station is a sculpture of the famous industrialist Alfred Escher.

The Fraumunster Monastery Church, which is known throughout the world for the five stained glass works of Marc Chagall, flaunts on Münsterchow Square (Zurich).

The largest cathedral in the city is Grossmunster, which, according to legend, was founded by Charles the Great and stands on the burial place of Felix and Regula.

Significant art museum of the business city - Kunsthaus. The permanent exhibition features works by Alberto Giacometti, paintings by Munch, Monet and Van Gogh. There are also gallery displays of contemporary Swiss artists.

Fans of the theater should go to the Zurich Opera House, which was the first such institution in the world with electric lighting. Now Alexander Pereira, the most famous choreographer in the whole world, is creating here.

And, of course, you should look at the Museum of Design, where the concept of this word is represented very widely. Here you can see tree-like structures analyzing dendrites and how Bollywood films are made.

Zurich city


Returning to Zug, do not forget about souvenirs for yourself and loved ones. Switzerland is associated with quality watches, it is here that you can buy them, and much cheaper than in your country. The country has a lot of chocolate, which is completely different in taste and attracts with incredible packaging. Here you can buy any thing, it will certainly be excellent, even better, quality. Most stores issue Tax-free Shopping Cheque checks. In no case should they be thrown away; VAT will be returned to foreign citizens under such a document.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46298/

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