Tactile hunger in children and adults

Tactile hunger is the body's need for touch. Most often, it manifests itself in young children.

Children problem

Lack of physical contact can cause a delay in the psychological development of the baby. With the help of touch, the child learns the world. It is also important for him and the touch of the hands of other people, especially the mother. Through touch, a special connection is established between the mother and the child. Sometimes the cry of a baby does not mean the need for food, sleep and not the need to change the diaper.

tactile hunger

With the help of a cry, the baby can tell you "I want to handle" to satisfy his tactile hunger. A child deprived of maternal affection may be prone to aggression, nervousness, depression. Therefore, the newborn should be surrounded by warmth and affection.


Lack of bodily communication most often occurs in children from dysfunctional families or children who are bottle fed. But there are those who feel the need for touch many times more than others. These children are called kinesthetics. That is, they better absorb information through the touch of hands than through sight or hearing.

I want to handle

Signs that your child is a kinesthetic :

  1. The baby is hyperactive. It is difficult for him to sit in one place, he is constantly jumping, running or spinning. Classes where you need to concentrate are given to him hard.
  2. All objects that are in range, the child needs to touch and try on the tooth. This symptom needs to be checked when his teeth are not cut.
  3. When he first sees a new toy, the child shakes, hits, or throws it. He may not even look at her, but study with his hands.
  4. He likes to press buttons, switches, play with adult instruments.

If all of the above describes the behavior of your child, then most likely he is a kinesthetic.


Parenting is not an easy matter, and raising a baby with tactile hunger complicates maternal work at times. There are several recommendations to make your daily life easier:

  • while the baby is small, you can wear it in a sling;
  • sleeping together will make up for your baby’s lack of touch;
  • accompany any action of your child with touches, if you praise, then pat him on the head, calm him down - enclose him in a hug, etc.

A child who does not experience tactile hunger, in adulthood, becomes more calm and confident.

Lack of tactile sensations

The touch of the hands can tell us a lot about the person. With the help of touches we can determine our attitude to it at a subconscious level. And more often than not, what intuition prompted us is true.

hand touch

At a more advanced age, tactile hunger can also occur. Since we all try not to violate the personal space of others. And we ourselves are not enthusiastic about the fact that someone is invading our comfort zone.

You can quench tactile hunger in adults with the help of pair dances, group sports, sex, etc. But few people practice ballroom dancing or bobsleigh. Therefore, there is another way to satisfy this hunger - hugs. In moments of loneliness, our inner child begins to whimper: "I want to handle!" At these moments, hugs play a very important role in our lives. With their help, we feel warmth, security and emotional closeness with our relatives.

Tactile contact: good

Psychologists advise hugging at least eight times a day. With tactile contact in humans:

  • immunity improves;
  • CNS activity is stimulated;
  • hemoglobin level in the blood rises;
  • Oxytocin, a hormone that boosts mood , is produced .

Hugs also improve the well-being of people with autism, as well as those who suffer from increased anxiety.


Strong hugs are a great weapon to combat nervous tension. Every day a person gets into stressful situations. Problems at work, in personal life, or just at the wrong time the phone is dead. All this strikes at our health with you.

lack of physical contact

Sedatives are simply swept away from drugstore shelves. But why, if the tablets can be replaced with a strong hug? Every day, psychological training is gaining popularity. Thanks to them, hugs return to our daily lives.

Satisfy tactile hunger in other ways

It also happens that a person simply has no one to share warm touches with, no matter how sad it may sound. Then there are other ways to combat tactile hunger:

  1. Cold and hot shower. Of course, it will not replace human warmth, but it will help you to feel better.
  2. Self-massage. This way you can better feel your body.
  3. Massage by a specialist. Eliminates the lack of hand touch for a nominal fee.
  4. Get a pet. Pets are also able to give a feeling of warmth and tenderness. Also, the presence of a pet in your apartment will forever eliminate loneliness.

By the way, people who regularly visit the masseur note a surge of strength, a feeling of lightness and a good emotional mood. The type of massage does not matter. It can be deep, with the study of all muscles or the usual stroking.

tactile hunger in adults

But the most effective advice for adults suffering from tactile hunger is to find a mate. Find a person emotionally close to you. The one with whom you can cuddle these treasured eight times a day. Exchange tenderness, warmth and affection with each other. And you will see a positive momentum in your daily life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46315/

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