Privatbank credit card: reviews, review, conditions

PrivatBank was founded back in 1992. Today, this financial institution is the leader in the Ukrainian banking market. It is possible to choose not only a loan at PrivatBank, but also a plastic card for various purposes, but also at any price. Thus, both affordable instant cards and Premium are available to customers. We will learn about under what conditions consumers are offered certain payment instruments from PrivatBank in this article.

private bank credit card reviews

Bank Information

According to a study conducted at the time of the onset of the third quarter of 2017, 51% of Ukrainians who are individuals cooperate with PrivatBank (we are talking about people over sixteen years old). 42% of the population of Ukraine consider this bank the main financial institution in the country. The number of legal entities cooperating with PrivatBank reaches 58%.

A financial institution claims to be one of the most innovative organizations in the world. More than ten years ago, this structure was one of the first in the world among those who began to use one-time SMS passwords. As for the latest innovations used by PrivatBank, which have received worldwide recognition, they should include such products as the development of a payment mini-terminal, online collection (along with dozens of different mobile applications), as well as access to Internet banking through using a QR code. PrivatBank credit card, the conditions for its receipt and other detailed information will be considered below.

Credit cards of PrivatBank

According to reviews, the PrivatBank credit card meets the goals and capabilities of each client. Among the most popular cards are the following options:

  • Map "Universal".
  • Card for payments.
  • Card "Junior".
  • Universal Gold Card.
  • Card with individual design.
  • VIP level cards.
  • Internet card.
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Universal Card

Perhaps the most popular payment instrument is the “Universal” PrivatBank credit card. Reviews about her are the most positive. The owners of this card receive the following benefits:

  1. No need to pay interest in the event that the loan by the cardholder is repaid during the grace period, which is fifty-five days.
  2. There is no commission when paying for goods. With regard to cash withdrawals at ATMs, a payment of one percent is charged.
  3. The client can take loans at any time convenient for him.
  4. Convenient loan repayment system.
  5. In addition to the ability to store own funds, you can make a profit of 10% on them.
  6. The presence of a bonus account "Bonus Plus".
  7. The minimum payment amount is only five percent of the amount owed. But there is a condition that the payment cannot be less than one hundred hryvnias.
  8. An individual credit limit is available to customers up to twenty five thousand hryvnias, the amount of which can be increased with the active use of the account.

It is worth noting that for PrivatBank credit card holders Universalnaya provides a large number of useful functions, as well as services, in particular Internet banking and a mobile application through which payments and transfers can be made. In addition, “PrivatBank” provides a service called “photo cash desk”. As part of this option, the PrivatBank credit card holder Universalna can take a photo of its receipt so that the bank operator will pay the details of the debt from the card holder’s card.

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Universal Gold

Universal Gold is a PrivatBank credit card. Reviews say that it is an international payment card with which customers receive personal banker service at a convenient time.

Holders of this card can use their own money and credit funds. Money can be transferred to this card by relatives, acquaintances or partners. Personal and credit funds on the Universal Gold card are available to the client anywhere in the world, as well as regardless of the time of day. What questions can I contact the consultants of PrivatBank? Credit card, interest on other banking products, grace period - they will tell you all about this in detail. And also help arrange plastic.

Universal Gold registered cards support contactless payment technology, which makes it possible to make purchases without letting go of plastic. In addition, with a purchase worth less than two hundred hryvnias, you do not need to enter a PIN code and sign a check. To receive this type of card from PrivatBank, a passport and TIN are required.

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Advantages of the Universal Gold Card

The following advantages that distinguish this PrivatBank bank card are:

  1. A personal banker helps customers solve any financial issues, from sending payments to money transfers between cards and much more.
  2. Possibility of contacting a round-the-clock customer support line dedicated to Gold Card holders.
  3. Providing advice in a mobile application.
  4. At any convenient time in the chat of the mobile application, customers can instruct the banker to change the PIN code or Internet limit, order cash, and so on. In the event that a personal banker is unable to respond to a chat call for any reason, then within a few minutes a Gold Club specialist will join the conversation, who will certainly give an explanation on all issues and also fulfill the necessary order.
  5. Holders of this card are provided with special discounts up to 30% in more than three thousand elite retail outlets in Ukraine.
  6. There is the possibility of making contactless payments.
  7. Support staff help with issues related to lost cards, as well as urgent cash withdrawals and so on.
  8. The ability to order cards with a name and photo.
  9. Storage of valuables in safe deposit boxes of PrivatBank.
  10. The opportunity to participate in premium promotions of payment systems.
  11. Possibility of issuing a Universal Gold card in dollars, rubles or euros.

At the request of the client, a credit limit can be set on the Gold credit card of PrivatBank. Under the credit limit, "PrivatBank" means the amount of funds that is provided to the client without a statement of income. The issued credit card, as well as the size of the established limit, are individual for each client.

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To increase the chances of increasing the size of the credit limit, the client can submit a statement of income, a passport or documents proving the existence of property, and, in addition, an extract on the card of another bank. Cardholders can find out about the current size of the credit limit in any convenient way: at ATMs, the Privat24 system or by contacting online chat.

Difference of the Universal Gold card from the Universal

As part of the review of the two presented PrivatBank cards, the following advantages of Universal Gold can be distinguished over the standard option:

  1. Universal Gold makes it possible to obtain assistance in resolving financial issues from a personal banker who helps direct payments, transfer money between credit cards and much more.
  2. Universal Gold card has a reduced rate for using a credit limit, which is only 3.5%.
  3. The maximum loan limit for Universal Gold is up to 75 thousand hryvnias.
  4. Availability of contactless payment technology on name cards.
  5. Providing discounts for Gold Club members along with privileges around the world.
  6. The ability to order cards with a name and photo.
  7. Providing a choice of currency at registration.
  8. Providing discounts up to 30% in the best Ukrainian institutions and stores.

You can come to PrivatBank and get a credit card at any time convenient for the client (according to the regulations of the financial institution).

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Pay Card

On a card for payments, a PrivatBank client can receive any deductions from salaries and pensions to advances, business trips, scholarships, as well as all types of social benefits and so on. This, of course, is not a PrivatBank credit card. Reviews on the card for payments of a different nature, but also positive. In addition, it can transfer payments for the birth of a child and make various money transfers. In Ukraine, cash can be withdrawn without commission. How to transfer money to a PrivatBank card? This can be done through an ATM, branch or through online banking.

How to get a card for payments?

Registration of this card in a bank usually takes about fifteen minutes. The necessary document for obtaining plastic is a passport. A TIN may also be required. PrivatBank has the largest network of branches among commercial financial institutions in Ukraine, so there are no problems with finding the nearest branch. Clients can apply with questions on this card to any bank branch.

In addition, there is the possibility of issuing a card for payments with a name and photo. This type of card supports PayPass technology, allowing you to pay for purchases with just one movement, without presenting documents that prove your identity. You can pay in this way both abroad and in Ukraine. The client is charged a commission for the release of plastic, which is fifty hryvnias.

Junior Card

PrivatBank Junior credit card is a payment tool and a pass to the school of financial literacy for a child. With a Junior card, a child can:

  • Attend business quests, as well as excursions to the bank, and, in addition, study at the PrivatBank business school.
  • Receive bonus accruals as part of the payment for goods in the partner stores of the Bonus Plus program.

As for parents, they can:

  • Remain calm for the safety of the child’s funds, since all the pocket money allocated to him will be safely stored in the “electronic wallet”.
  • At any convenient time, replenish your account at the PrivatBank branch or using Internet banking.
  • To control any expenses of the child using the SMS informing service (SMS comes simultaneously to the child’s number and the parent’s number).
  • Determine the size of the credit limit, as well as daily spending on the card.
  • Set up a debugged transfer of money from a payment instrument to a Junior card.

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Internet card from PrivatBank

An Internet card acts as a means of payment in a virtual credit system. Release and maintenance of such plastic is free. The Internet card is immediately ready for use. To make a payment for goods or services on the Internet, you need to perform only four steps:

  • Issue an Internet card at a bank branch.
  • Replenish plastic in any convenient way.
  • Choose a product on the website of any online store.
  • Indicate the data on the card on the site, click "Pay".

Positive aspects of the Internet card from PrivatBank

This payment instrument has the following features:

  • You can issue a credit card Visa Classic (common in Europe) or Master Card (suitable for trips to the USA and Canada, as well as some other countries).
  • As the main currency, you can use dollars or euros.
  • The card is valid for ten years.
  • No need to wait for the release of plastic within five to ten days, the card is issued instantly.
  • The Internet payment limit is 10 thousand US dollars.

This banking product is protected by special technologies. Before buying, the customer receives an SMS with a confirmation code, which can not be reported to anyone.

Now we learn what cardholders think about these banking products.

Customer reviews of credit cards from PrivatBank

In their reviews, PrivatBank credit card holders report both the advantages and disadvantages of banking products. Consumers like that they are given a grace-free interest-free period. In addition, they note that cards are easy to use when performing certain operations. People are also confident that their funds in the account are in complete safety. Among other advantages is the ability to store on credit cards as well as personal funds. It is also recognized as convenient that to open a credit card it is enough to provide a minimum package of documents. Many customers are impressed that you can apply for a Visa Classic credit card as well as a MasterCard.

About the disadvantages of plastic cards

The shortcomings are examples of intrusive advertising in order to force customers to issue new credit cards. Also, customers do not like the high interest that accrues in the event that the card holder does not have time to repay his loan during the allotted grace period. In addition, an unpleasant residue leaves a deduction of interest when withdrawing funds from the card. Therefore, you should weigh the pros and cons, thinking about what is better: a loan at PrivatBank or a credit card.


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