How to make eyebrows darker and thicker at home?

Every woman at least once in her life wonders how to make her eyebrows darker. This is explained by the fact that they emphasize the subtle nature and lines of the face. The easiest solution is to go to a beauty salon, where specialists will fulfill all the client’s wishes in a short time. But, unfortunately, not all ladies have the opportunity to visit this place. Then home methods come to the rescue.

This article will show you how to permanently darken your eyebrows. To do this, you do not need to contact a specialist, since it is quite possible to do everything yourself. The most important thing is to understand exactly what effect you need to achieve, and then choose the appropriate method.

how to make eyebrows darker at home

Groomed eyebrows

The fair sex is interested in how to make eyebrows darker to ensure compliance with modern fashion standards. Today, healthy and thick eyebrows are relevant . Thin lines are in the past, and now ladies are trying to increase the volume and make the color more saturated. Another advantage of this solution is the ability to give the eyebrows any shape or change the shade.

How to make eyebrows darker and thicker

Homemade recipes will help to achieve the desired very quickly. When girls are interested in how to make eyebrows darker, they are not even aware that they can improve the condition of hairs without extra effort.

The following are the best products you can use for eyebrows. With regular sessions, the hairline above the eyes will grow much faster, and its density and a healthy dark shade will appear in the first couple of weeks.

how to make eyebrows thicker and darker

Castor oil

Castor is an ideal tool for girls interested in the question of how to make eyelashes and eyebrows darker? This product is sold in pharmacies or cosmetics stores at low prices, so it is very easy to get it.

Oil has various properties. The following features are most appreciated in it:

  • giving expressiveness to each hair;
  • activation of sleeping roots;
  • stimulating bulb growth;
  • saturation of hairs with color.

Also, the benefits of the drug include hypoallergenic properties. It is not comedogenic, it is allowed for use by expectant mothers during pregnancy and women during lactation. Moreover, the oil does not have side effects in the form of itching, irritation and allergies, which is often observed with eyebrow cosmetics.

Having made the decision to purchase this particular product, it is worth learning a few recommendations:

  • take it better at the pharmacy;
  • when buying, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date;
  • apply the composition on the eyebrows with a cotton swab, but in no case with your hand;
  • it is best to carry out the procedure no more than three times a week.
how to make eyebrows thick and dark


The second excellent remedy for eyebrows is burdock oil. It is the key to healthy hairs. This oil is less fatty than castor oil, so it is more popular among some girls.

The list of its features should include:

  • the ability to use for any type of hair and facial skin;
  • strengthening hair follicles;
  • providing hair and skin with a sufficient amount of vitamins.

Before use, the composition must be warmed up in a water bath to 40 degrees. After it should be applied to the eyebrows with a cotton swab or napkin.

The same tool can be applied to eyelashes. But at the same time, one must be extremely careful, since the composition can provoke the appearance of barley.

Like castor, burdock oil is allowed to be used no more than three times a week. Rubbing it is not worth it, as this will have more effect on the skin, and not on the hairs.

how to make eyebrows darker without paint

Mask with active ingredients

The density of the eyebrows can be ensured if the mask is systematically used. It is prepared from half a tablespoon of melted honey and the same amount of castor and burdock oils. All components are connected in a separate container and sent to a water bath. After 3-5 minutes, the finished product should be typed on a cotton swab or disk and applied to the edge. To withstand the mask is allowed 15 minutes, after which it must be washed off with running water.

Using pencil

Quite often, experienced fashionistas, answering the question of how to make eyebrows thick and dark, point to a cosmetic pencil. With it, you can really darken the hairs. On sale there is a wide range of shades and types of these products.

When choosing, it is important to remember the following rules:

  • the color of the pencil should be as close as possible to the natural tone of the hair;
  • brown is more suitable for brown-haired women;
  • black pencil should not be used for owners of light brown and blond strands.

Before and during the procedure, you must rely on these tips:

  • the pencil should be well sharpened before each coloring;
  • excess lines can be safely removed with a cotton pad or chopsticks;
  • in the process of using a pencil, you do not need to press hard on it;
  • before dyeing, hairs should be combed;
  • it is required to stain each individual hair, carrying out movements from the inner corner of the eye to the temple.

To fix the result for several days, you can treat the surface of the eyebrows with a special gel. Thanks to him, the hairs are perfectly fixed in the desired position and will be as saturated and bright as immediately after the procedure.

how to make eyebrow hair darker

Natural dyes

For a complete answer to the question of how to make eyebrows darker without paint, it is worth mentioning about natural dyes. They are filled with useful and nutritious elements, thanks to which they can not only improve the condition of the eyebrows externally, but also saturate them with the necessary substances from the inside, thereby contributing to healing. Not one chemical paint can boast of these properties. In addition, natural products are much cheaper, and the effect is provided for a longer period.


Walnuts loved by many people not only have excellent taste, but also act as an excellent coloring pigment. In their nuclei there are substances that can have a positive effect on the acceleration of hair growth, as well as their tone.

To prepare the product, you need to stock up with 5 nuts, remove the kernels and pour them with water. Then all this must be boiled over low heat for half an hour. After the finished composition cools down.

This tool has strong coloring properties, so it will leave a mark on any thing. When using it, gloves must be on hand. And it is necessary to apply the composition very carefully, without touching clean skin, since it will only be washed after 10-14 days.

how to make eyelashes and eyebrows darker

Before the procedure, the skin around the eyebrows must be greased with a greasy cream to reduce the risk of dye getting there. Next, the hairs are treated with a decoction. After half an hour, you need to rinse the product with cold water.

If the achieved result is not satisfied and you want to make the eyebrows darker in tone, you can repeat the procedure the next day. But in no case should you conduct more than two sessions in two weeks, as this can adversely affect the condition of the integument.


Such a herbaceous plant is not only a natural dye, but also an amazing healer. It has many useful properties and is actively used to improve the health of the skin, hair and the entire human body. Sage is a truly amazing herb that simply cannot harm

To create a coloring agent, you need to take half a glass of boiling water and add a tablespoon of the plant in dry form. Then the infusion should be kept for a little more than an hour in a warm room or under the sun, and then cooled to a temperature acceptable to the skin.

It is not so easy to darken eyebrow hairs and increase their density with sage. It will take several days to achieve the desired result, but the effect will last a very long time. For several days, it is required to lubricate the infusion of the hair above the eyes. Rinse it off. In one session (day), the color of the hairs will change by only 0.5 shade, so each woman chooses the number of procedures for herself. The most important thing is not to overdo it, since washing off the product will be problematic. Many girls claim that they only had a week, but others may need more.

Soy sauce

Another great way to darken eyebrow hair is to use a sauce that is known to all lovers of Japanese food. Its color scheme is quite dark, so it is ideal as a natural coloring matter.

how to make eyebrows darker forever

To prepare a miracle cure, you need to combine in equal amounts of soy sauce and vinegar 9%. Further, it must be evenly distributed over the hairs with a cotton swab. After 10 minutes, the composition must be washed off with cool water. Just one such session is enough to enjoy the result for a couple of weeks.

Vinegar in this dye is necessary for the simple reason that it acts as a pigment fixer. It is thanks to its action that the obtained color of the hairs persists for a long period of time.


The answer to the question of how to make eyebrows darker at home becomes easy after considering all of the above methods. Among them, every modern beauty will be able to choose the most suitable option for herself.

Home remedies are an ideal solution for women who do not want to endure pain when applying tattooing or spend money on professional building. On your own with a minimum investment of time and finance, you can achieve a truly chic result.


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