Windproof umbrella Up-Brella: reviews, manufacturer

In the article we will introduce the reader to the latest technology of windproof umbrellas. They are also called an umbrella on the contrary. In the production of these products, the latest achievements of the company's technologists were used, which made literally revolutionary transformations in this area.

Extreme situations

How often many of us had to deal with a situation where, during rain, a strong gust of wind turned the umbrella inside out. Moreover, in rare cases, it could be safely turned back. Basically, this item remained in a deplorable state. Sometimes right on the street it was possible to meet umbrellas thrown out by the owners, since they could no longer be repaired.

In such situations, it is very disappointing when a person gets wet through, and an umbrella, recently bought, has to be repaired or thrown out. And in the rain, if you look closely at the passers-by, you can see umbrellas, skewed or with a broken spoke, deformed. It looks unaesthetic, and in some places the owner’s body gets wet.

up brella reviews

In our article, we will talk about the Up Brella windproof umbrella, which, although created in China, is using the latest technology. Let's check its quality, thanks to the study of numerous user reviews. Although this object appeared on our market relatively recently, it has already gained immense popularity due to its innovative manufacturing technologies. Let's take a closer look at what the Up Brella umbrella is.

Product Description

The high-tech umbrella of the new generation was developed by specialists specifically for windy weather. Its design has a special structure that allows you to adequately respond to any, even very strong wind gusts. It is reliably protected from unpleasant inversions. Also, the Up Brella umbrella has a new addition system, which allows you to comfortably open and close the novelty in any situations.

umbrella up brella

It has a reverse mechanism that immediately responds to gusts of wind, and strong knitting needles allow it to be used in any weather conditions. The material from which the umbrella is sewn does not let in a single drop of rain or wind. So the owner of such a wonderful thing will not experience inconvenience. The width of the dome perfectly accommodates two people, the handle is long and light. Let's take a closer look at all the benefits of the Up Brella umbrella.


1. Since the umbrella has a reverse design, it is very convenient to open it. For example, when leaving the store or opening the car door, you can stick it in the narrow slot of the door and open it, without getting wet at all.

2. When the umbrella is folded, due to the double material, the wet part of the product remains inside. Thus, when entering the store or somewhere in the room, the jets will not flow down from the umbrella to the floor. Raindrops remain inside the structure and are not sprayed in all directions.

3. The frame of the Up Brella windproof umbrella, according to user reviews, is perfectly fortified. It does not break from any wind, even the strongest. The spokes are very reliable, made of durable fiberglass and aluminum.

4. The umbrella consists of two domes: external and internal. Between them there is an air gap, which allows you to further protect it from leaking. When closing the umbrella, the inner material is on top. And the presence of an air gap allows it to be ventilated, contributing to drying out, for which it is not necessary, as usual, to open the umbrella.

umbrella up brella reviews

5. It is convenient to dry it, it is not necessary to lean against something. Just put it on the floor surface. This is especially important if the room is small and there is simply nowhere to open the umbrella. In such a situation, an ordinary umbrella would remain wet for several hours. And at the end of the working day it would still be wet, which, when it went out on rainy weather, would no longer save its owner from drops.

6. Despite the reinforced structure and sturdy knitting needles, the Up Brella umbrella, according to people, is not at all heavy.

7. The double structure protects the internal parts from constant humidity, which contributes to their longer service life.

windproof umbrella up brella reviews

8. The product has an original pen, which we will discuss in the article separately, since numerous reviews give it an excellent rating.

Original pen

In addition to its unique design, the windproof umbrella of reverse action is also famous for the originality of the handle. It has a C-shape, which is worn on the user's hand, giving him complete freedom of action.

This is of great importance for business people who can be called at work at any time, and when using an ordinary umbrella, when one hand is constantly busy holding the umbrella, the other usually has a bag or a diplomat with documents, so there is simply no way to answer the call. And this may affect the career of a businessman.

If we take as an example a mother with a small child, such a convenient umbrella as Up Brella, according to numerous parents, is an indispensable accessory when carrying a baby in her arms in the rain. If earlier this was a big problem, then with this innovation came significant relief.

umbrella up brella reviews

The handle is made of rubberized plastic, so it eliminates sliding on the arm. The recess is large enough, it fits perfectly in any hand, even in a coat.

Of course, his biggest advantage, noted in the reviews about Up Brella, is a complete release of his hands.

Umbrella device

Many users note the unusual lightness of the product. At the first pick-up, some had doubts about the described properties of the reliability of the spokes. After all, we are used to the fact that a good and reliable umbrella is usually very heavy, stainless steel knitting needles are thick and give extra weight to the umbrella. Carry it in the wet state - a real test of strength and strength of the hands.

Umbrella Up Brella weighs a little more than a pound. Weight is absolutely not felt when wet. The thing is that the material - pongee - has a special water-repellent impregnation. Raindrops just run off it, the material does not absorb it at all. Even with heavy rain and long-term use, the weight of the product does not increase.

umbrella reverse up brella reviews

Knitting needles made of fiberglass. The material is lightweight but sturdy and reliable. The aluminum handle also weighs a little. Therefore, the first impressions of insecurity are completely unjustified. Subsequently, people understand the fallacy of their judgments and appreciate the uniqueness of the umbrella.

Double dome

The umbrella consists of two parts. The upper and lower matter between each other have an air gap. On the lower part, small ventilation holes are made using a laser, which allows the umbrella to quickly dry out when folded.

Many reviews about Up Brella note this positive side of the product. People also write about the reliability of the double frame, with a strong wind the umbrella can change the angle of individual edges and take the opposite position completely painlessly for all knitting needles. Their special structure, developed by the best production technologists, can withstand very strong loads. Repeated tests of the umbrella were carried out at the production stage. Quality has been verified by numerous laboratory tests.

What will the umbrella protect from?

For decades, umbrella designs have not changed. The only difference was considered folding systems two or three times, which gave the products a smaller size. But basically, the spoke system and the quality of the material for the dome remained stable for many years.

Modern technology manufacturer Up Brella, which has the ability to fold in the opposite direction, revolutionized the idea of ​​umbrellas. This design of the rain guard helped solve the many problems and complaints that users had. All were taken into account, even minor flaws of the past options.

1. In a new product, you don’t have to face turning the dome inside out; you won’t see either broken or bent knitting needles.

2. With a very strong wind, before, users were even afraid to open an umbrella, because they knew for sure that it would be difficult and end tragically for him. Now you can use the umbrella in bad weather with strong winds, while the umbrella will calmly open without the use of force or special pressure.

windproof umbrella up brella

3. Umbrella Up Brella, according to customer reviews, can be opened before you go out in the rain, for example, from a store or car.

4. There is absolutely no restriction of movement. Having an umbrella with such a functional handle, you can safely use the phone, carry a bag, hold a child. The hand holding the umbrella remains free. And this convenience has been repeatedly noted in the reviews of people.

5. After folding, the umbrella remains dry, which allows you not to wet the floor of the room where a person enters from the street, not to stain the seat in the car, but quietly makes it possible to put it even on documents. Nothing will happen to them, they will remain dry.


An umbrella, on the contrary, Up Brella, according to customer reviews, can be selected for both the male part of the population and women. There are models in which both layers of matter are simply black. These strict plain products are popular with business people. But there are very bright colorful umbrellas, both monophonic on both sides, and having a beautiful print on the inside.

The upper water-repellent layer is usually black, but the bottom can be different. It happens with a floral pattern of various shades, many like the model with clouds inside.

Standing position

Umbrella Up Brella has another significant advantage over old patterns. It can simply be placed on the ground or on the floor of the room. If before you had to look for a container in order to position the umbrella. Any means at hand were used - buckets, hangers, baskets. On some hallways, manufacturers specially arranged a compartment for umbrellas.

Now, with the advent of the smart umbrella, there is no need to use improvised means. The umbrella holds perfectly in a standing position. To do this, just close it and put it on the surface. It is convenient everywhere. In transport, the umbrella stands nearby, you do not need to put it in a bag or hide it in a plastic bag when wet.

Positive reviews

Absolutely all reviews about the Up Brella umbrella are positive. People share their impressions about the strength of the structure, the convenience of the double dome structure, the constant dryness of the umbrella.

umbrella up brella

Some write that the umbrella remains almost dry after rain. It can be immediately entered after the street and put on its usual location in the apartment. It is not required to dry it beforehand. It is very comfortable. Also, everyone notes the convenience of a pen. In cold weather, your hands do not freeze, you can hide them in your pockets.

Negative feedback

The only thing about these umbrellas was found among real reviews of people - is the high cost of production. But the price after all corresponds to quality. You can buy several cheap umbrellas, the total service life of which will still be less than that of the durable Up Brella.

There are also statements by customers regarding the fact that such an umbrella cannot be folded and put into a bag.

Still, reviews about it are mostly positive, which gives confidence in the quality of such umbrellas. Please yourself with a new acquisition. Such a gift will also look great to friends.


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