Who are the female bitch: signs, distinguishing features, type

Many people refer to the word "bitch" dismissively. But in fact, there is nothing wrong with this concept. Who are the female bitch? These are ladies who know their worth, know how to win men's hearts and achieve what they want. A detailed analysis of personality bitch read below.


who are the women bitch

Today it’s fashionable to take care of yourself. Girls dye eyebrows, eyelashes grow, pump up lips and go to the gym daily. Someone may say that such work on oneself is meaningless and useless. But in fact, real bitches know that men love with their eyes. Who are the female bitch? Ladies who pay a lot of attention to their appearance. Girls know what suits them, and they can distinguish a thing that suits them from a beautiful dress that spoils the figure. Even if something is now in fashion, but a specific model of clothing does not suit a woman, she will not wear it in pursuit of fashion trends. The girl knows her worth and knows how to stand out with the help of clothes. It is clear that the deep inner world is another component of the female bitch. But for the opposite sex to be interested in your personality, you need to attract him with a beautiful appearance. You will not be able to meet a bitch unpainted or groomed. Such ladies basically try to always be on top.


woman becomes a bitch

Can a bitch be defined? Who is the woman who claims this high-profile title? Besides the fact that a woman must be good-looking, she must be selfish. High self-esteem is an integral part of the bitch. Ladies who are not self-confident and ask others for an opinion on their appearance or activity cannot claim the title of true conqueror of male hearts. Only those women who know their worth can demand something from others. Cute modesty who will fulfill any wish of their gentleman will never remain in the heart of a man. But the obstinate beauty, who will do only what she wants, will be able to touch even the most restrained man.

Who are the female bitch? Bitches are selfish and arrogant. They always know what they want, and do not hesitate to do whatever they want. But not always the lady will give pleasure to herself. Beautiful women are well manipulated, and they are excellent at ensuring that others run on tiptoe in front of them and carry out any order.

Good goal setting

becomes a bitch

Have you seen confident ladies? What unites them all? Right, good goal setting. You still don't know who the bitch women are? These are purposeful young ladies who have a life plan clearly developed by them. Girls know exactly what they want to get and achieve, not only this year, but also in this life. And in addition to the wish list, women also have an action plan to achieve their goals. Ladies know what they need to have in order to achieve what they want, and they will not stop at nothing to get the desired result.

Want to become a bitch? Then you need to think first of all not about a beautiful face, but about your goals. Successfully getting married is not the goal of a bitch. Selfish women want something more, build their own empire, create their own brand and make a name for themselves. In what area to fulfill oneself, it's up to you. You need to act in the field to which your soul lies.

Leadership skills

how to become a bitch woman

A person who wants to achieve a lot in this life should have the ability to command and gain the attention and trust of others. Which woman becomes a bitch? The one that reveals its potential and develops leadership qualities day after day. The bitch must be the center of attention. She is always surrounded by smart people, and a woman should have in the immediate circle of people who can advise a lady on any issue. A large circle of acquaintances and friends helps the girl always find the right person and not fall face in the mud. A bitch rarely asks for help, but she knows how to properly delegate tasks, and also inadvertently find out all the information she needs. Leadership helps women control their fans. They let the right people closer, and those people who are currently not of interest, the ladies are moving away from themselves.

Developed Charisma

who is a bitch woman definition

How to become a bitch woman? The girl should think about her charisma. Persons who know how to attract the attention of others stand out from the gray mass. They are distinguished not only by a beautiful face, but also by a good sense of humor. Ladies do not climb into a pocket for a word and know how to make a good impression. Developed intelligence helps girls to maintain any conversation and not fall into the dirt face. Well, and if the topic that pops up in the conversation is not close to the lady, a woman can always change her, moreover, unnoticed by the interlocutor. The skill to attract attention also involves controlling one's gestures and emotions. A woman should be charming and not show off. A lady should have good manners and keep herself well both in high society and in conversation with ordinary people. A girl should not ask herself and put herself above others. Good self-esteem should not harm the reputation of a lady. A balance must be found between what is considered good manners and spontaneous antics that should be made part of one's nature.


Real female bitch is unique. They are distinguished by spontaneity of action. Girls do not hesitate to take the initiative and surprise others. The bitch always knows what people are doing, and can predict what a shocking act will cause a resonance. Such actions should not go beyond decency, but at the same time they should surprise. Courage and unconventional thinking will help a woman gain a good reputation. Spontaneity should be observed both in personal relationships with people and in the business sphere. You should abandon the standard style of behavior. We must always try to pleasantly surprise others with both the courage of thinking and the courage of actions. You need to disappear from the field of view of your fans from time to time, and then suddenly appear updated. Do not be afraid to change your appearance and lifestyle. Life should be radically changed if it does not suit you. Changes must be positive, otherwise they simply will not make sense.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46347/

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