Identical - which one? Origin, meaning, synonyms and interpretation

What are two subjects that are similar in structure and function? Similar, similar. But there is such a foreign word, Russified order - it is identical. This is what we will consider today in as much detail as possible.

It seems that English, but actually French

Little twin boys

English is very fashionable now, not only fashionable, but also necessary. All the most basic and advanced is translated into English. By the way, there is a misconception associated with English that in Europe almost everyone knows him almost as much as his own. All this is untrue. Ordinary people understand foreign languages ​​no better than the average Russian. So you can not complex.

It also seems that the word is identical - it’s the acquisition of the last time precisely because of the swift anglization of Russian. All this could be true, but we ask the specialist, an etymological dictionary, he will not cheat.

So, the word, as stated in the subtitle, is French. But this is not the biggest secret, more important is another: when did the adjective appear in the language? The event happened in the XIX century. The French word looks like this: identique and means "the same." Now dictionaries do not philosophize and translate "identical." But this is not enough for us. So do not think that we "drag" only from English, some language baggage is very old. In addition, Russian is so large that it will certainly digest everything.


Laptop keyboard

We spent a lot of time on the origin, it's time to talk about the meaning. The reader himself will most likely give a close definition to the dictionary. For example, there are two devices. One is cheaper, the other is more expensive. But in terms of functions, they coincide, at least for a single customer. For example, an expensive and cheap laptop. A person needs a technique only for the production of text. Maybe one can turn into a plane and take him to Hawaii, but he doesn’t need such a service, he needs a typewriter. The question of whether at least something in the world can be a copy of something else, we will consider at the very end, in the meantime we turn to the explanatory dictionary, it has long been waiting for: identical - it is "identical, completely identical."

Language always implies some liberty. Our example with laptops says that they, of course, are not equal, at least in price and additional functions, but for an individual buyer, luxurious and modest objects may well coincide. Let us leave this complex topic for now and move on to the synonyms of the word “identical”.


Mercedes is the dream of almost every motorist

When it comes to a word of foreign origin, alternatives to the object of study are necessary. Take a look at the list:

  • similar;
  • same;
  • adequate;
  • identical;
  • like.

Some adjectives come up with an interesting idea: identical objects do not exist in nature, even twins are different. But we are probably talking about the similarity of the result. For some, for example, the Volga is no different from the Mercedes, because this and that is a car.

Searches for identical objects

Watermelon, peaches and other fruits

We have to pick up the idea that we developed when we talked about the significance of the object of study. Indeed, even the twins are not alike. Even if they are externally similar, the inner is almost always different. After all, such people have their double accompanying all the time, can you imagine what there should be a thirst for affirming one's own unique, unique personality?

Therefore, the use of the word "identical" is possible only within certain limits of certain functions. Remember the famous phrase "substitutes identical to natural"? But even if one does not plunge into subtleties, it is clear that such a statement is, to put it mildly, strained. Most likely, the additive in the product performs the functions of a natural fruit, but this does not make it a natural fruit. So sometimes the adjective "identical" is the weapon of marketers who want to mislead a person. Citizens, be vigilant!

Or another example. A man comes and asks him to pick up a phone that would be similar to an expensive one, but cheaper. A skilled sales assistant, of course, will fulfill the customer’s desire, but will such an operation equalize two devices - expensive and cheap? Only in the eyes of the buyer, as he associates the phone with a certain set of functions.

We hope the reader understands what is meant? In the world there are not many objects that coincide with each other, except for those that are created by human hands. For example, models of devices released on the same conveyor at the same time, and even then, if they are disassembled to the screw, there will be minor, but maybe, on the contrary, significant deviations.

After we have learned the meaning and the synonym for “identical”, we can say with confidence only one thing: objects can be called similar if you close your eyes to the details. I would like to believe that parsing a word this time was not too complicated.


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