Resource state: concept, formation, methods of obtaining and using energy

When a person has internal resources, his life becomes full, harmonious. In this state of affairs things are going well, everything brings joy. In general, a person feels satisfaction with his life. He experiences the experience of happiness, integrity.

internal energy


The resource state in psychology is understood as the presence of physical and mental strength to work on those tasks that a person faces. When a person has enough strength, he is able to successfully work, communicate with people. Moreover, neither one nor the other does not cause him stress. The main components of the resource state are the physical and psychological components.

Recently, this concept has become very fashionable. Many talk about resources, and quite a few people seek to enter this state. After all, it is it that allows you to achieve what you want, make life more enjoyable, comfortable, joyful.

Person with reserves replenished

The presence of a physical resource means that the human body is functioning one hundred percent. The individual is in good shape, he has a sound sleep, a clear mind, a good mood. A psychological resource implies a state of fullness. A person experiences positive emotions, he quickly performs the tasks before him, reaches his goals.

He has the motivation for achievement, he is confident in himself and is ready to create, work, communicate, share experience with other people. If you call all of the above in one word, a person is ready to live. Resource condition involves filling deficits, satisfying basic needs.

psychological reserves

Other types

There are several more classifications of personality resources. They can be, for example, replenishable and nonrenewable. The latter include time, in some cases - health. According to another classification, resources are divided into external and internal. The first include time, finance. The second is health, the level of personal energy.

Ways to use resources

A person can spend energy, or can usefully invest them. He can earn them honestly by working on himself; and can do it at the expense of others. Waste is usually understood as the misuse of resources, their destruction. For example, a person feels good on a day off. He planned to take up his hobby, but instead he watches TV all day. In this case, we can talk about reckless waste.

There is also a type of use of personal resources, as a contribution. At the same time, reserves are used for a specific purpose, in order to achieve a particular result. As one of the options, they can be spent on replenishing the currently missing resource.

Is it always possible to get resources? Example

However, it must be understood that not in all cases a person has the opportunity to enter a resource state. Consider this with a specific example. The female manager complains that she does not have enough strength. Every day she goes to work, performs her household duties. But everything constantly falls out of hand. She has practically no desire to do the same thing every day, and practically does not receive any return - neither career growth, nor increase in wages shines for her.

The main task of the heroine was to obtain internal resources, or vitality, which would help her more successfully fulfill her job responsibilities and achieve career heights. At first glance, this is a worthy goal. However, in reality it is practically impossible to realize it. Even if this woman learns how to enter a resource state, she is unlikely to have enough energy to really get a raise.

The problem is that in reality, working as a manager deep down causes her rejection. In fact, our heroine does not want to fulfill the duties that her present work suggests. And she needs an increase only in order to receive a sufficient amount of financial resources and correspond to the ideas of society about a successful woman.

replenishment of mental reserves

Features of obtaining reserves

The resource state in psychology has been studied for a long time. Researchers have found that entering it is possible only knowing the principles of the human brain. And his main task is survival. This woman’s brain doesn’t care whether she goes to work in a domestic car or a foreign car. He also absolutely does not care if today's report is written or not. The circumstances are further complicated by the fact that the person himself at the level of consciousness does not understand at all why he needs certain actions and what he is trying to achieve with his behavior.

Brain function and energy replenishment

The human brain is constantly working to maintain strength for survival. And if a person has a need to do something for the sake of survival, and not just to satisfy obscure needs, then the brain may well give its owner a credit of energy, which will go towards creating a resource state. But on one condition: if a person intelligibly explains to him (in other words, to himself), for what particular purposes this energy is needed.

It is impossible to get strength from the body if you go to hated work every day, communicate with unpleasant people or live in a marriage that has not brought joy for a long time. The resource state of a woman, whose history is described in the example above, will occur only in one case: if she learns to listen to her body, she realizes her needs and changes her sphere of activity.

Exercises to replenish internal forces will be effective in any case. But it is necessary to understand that if a person is forced to face a certain draining factor every day, sooner or later he will again begin to suffer from a lack of energy.

Resource map

This resource state technique is performed as follows. They take a sheet of paper and record on it from the 15 most pleasant events in life, which left the most pleasant experience. The maximum number of these events can be any. But usually it is about 50 events - it will be difficult to remember more.

Then you need to go through each item, trying to remember this moment as clearly as possible. What exactly did he remember? What was pleasant about him that brought so many positive emotions? What was gained through this experience?

Technique "7 desires"

This technique allows you to quickly enter the resource state. It allows you to understand your desires, clean up your thoughts. It is carried out as follows:

  • It is necessary to prepare in advance 7 sheets of A4 format, paints and brushes.
  • One dream is written on each sheet. Desires must be formulated in the first person, as well as in the present tense. For example: “I swim on the most beautiful beach”, “I marry Petya Maslov”, “Every month I earn $ 3,000.”
  • Then it is necessary to choose the colors that seem most suitable for the voiced dream. The sheet is turned over with desire, and absolutely any pattern is applied to it. Background and abstract shapes can be any. The main point is that the combination of colors corresponds to the inner vision of desire, which is written on the back.
  • Psychologists recommend that when performing techniques, beware of ambiguous language. For example, a desire to gain financial independence may involve divorce. And “to meet a beautiful girl”, who ... just walks by, you can, and on the way to work.
  • When the exercise is completed, drawings can be hung in a prominent place. If this is not possible, they should be photographed. They carry these images on their phones until their wishes come true.
Dreams Come True

Psychological device "As if"

Resource states and methods for their achievement are being studied by many experts, and in this regard there are many psychological developments and techniques. One of the simplest, and at the same time effective, is the “As if” technique. Most often, when a person cannot solve a problem, such a situation is just an external frame, a set of certain beliefs that he has.

power of imagination

You can switch from a similar state of a dead end to a more positive one as follows: imagine what a person would feel if he were now happy, calm and happy? This technique allows you to activate creativity in a person and quickly create the necessary resource.

Take your time

Each person needs to have at least forty minutes a day for himself - otherwise, maintaining his energy level at the proper level will fail. This is especially true of the resource state of women. When it spins like a squirrel in a wheel, sooner or later all forces end. There is depression. That is why, in order not to make a neurosis or a psychosomatic illness, it is necessary to allocate about an hour on a daily schedule for personal time.

take time

It is important to remember that this does not include makeup, putting things in order in your locker, washing things or sleeping. This period of time should be devoted to reflection, assessment of one’s life. It could be a walk in the nearest park. Or an hour spent in a cafe with a daily planner and a cup of coffee. During this time, you can think about your goals, write them down, outline ways to achieve them. This method helps to satisfy the need for rest, alone.

Technique of finding a resource state in NLP: “Magic Circle”

In order to fill in the missing energy in time, there is a special technique invented by psychologists of neurolinguistic programming. The algorithm for its implementation is as follows:

  • First, a person needs to determine what kind of resources he lacks in a certain situation. For example, it can be calm, self-confidence, interest, determination.
  • Then, in the imagination, a circle is drawn on the floor, the diameter of which is about a meter.
  • Mentally, the sought-after resource is placed in this circle in the image that arises in a person. For example, a lack of self-confidence may appear as a lion with a bright fiery mane.
  • Then in imagination it is necessary to enter this circle, to merge with the image together.
  • After this, the state needs to be anchored. An anchor in NLP is a term that simply means a conditioned reflex. By linking the current resource state with a specific movement, you can call it in the future. Therefore, feeling yourself full of confidence, you can pat yourself on the hips, or, for example, squeeze your left hand into a fist.
  • Then in imagination it is necessary to leave this circle.
  • Mentally, you should lose situations in the future, where the desired state will be called up with the help of an anchor.
magic circle

Another practice from NLP

This exercise allows you to turn even negative experiences into resource ones. It transforms anxiety into calm, fear into confidence. It is carried out as follows.

  • The actual problem is formulated. For example, “I’m worried about how colleague N. began to relate to me.”
  • Then it must be associated with a certain visual, symbolic image. For example, it can be an image of a gray ball, spines, swamps.
  • At this stage, it is necessary to recall some situation that was filled with positive emotions. It can be any circumstances associated with happiness, success: a brilliant exam, a favorable contract, travel, wedding. With her eyes closed, she should be relived again, reliving pleasant feelings over and over again.
  • Imagine somewhere near you a mental “amplifier” (like a sound amplifier). He will play the role of an amplifier of experiences. Feel how pleasant feelings have become even more expressive with this device.
  • To imagine an imaginary sun in the region of the solar plexus is bright, omnipotent. It is the focus of positive experiences.
  • After this, you should confidently place the image of the problem, indicated at the beginning of the exercise, in this place. To watch how anxiety, fear or other negative experiences turn into something very positive, easy.
  • To turn attention to objects of external reality. Save the received resource by including it in the current activity.

There are no restrictions on the use of methods to restore the resource state of a person. Technicians can be used daily. But to make them more effective, it is recommended to alternate them.


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