Syas River: geographical features, fishing

Syasya is a medium-length river flowing in the Leningrad and Novgorod regions of the Russian Federation. It originates in the swamps of the western slope of the Valdai Upland. Then it flows along the Ladoga lowland. The direction of the current is from southeast to northwest. It flows into Lake Ladoga. The river belongs to the river basin. Not you.

river banks

The Syasa River (Leningrad Region) has nine tributaries: 5 right and 4 left. The riverbed crosses four bridges (two railway and two automobile).

origin of name

The name of the river comes from the Veps language. The source is the word "syasyki", which means mosquitoes. This name was not given to the river by chance. In its pool there are many swamps and taiga forests, and in such places there are always many mosquitoes.

River geography

The Syasa River has a moderate length of 260 km. The total area of ​​the basin is 7330 km 2 . The upper part is located in the Novgorod region, but the larger is located on the territory of Leningrad. Syas has mixed nutrition, mostly snow. The average annual flow at the mouth is 53 m 3 / s. From November to April, the surface of the water is covered with ice.

Flowing Syas on the territory of the Russian Plain. At the source is the Valdai Upland, and further down the channel, the Priilmen Lowland. The relief on the Valdai Upland is hilly-ridge, moraine. As for the Priilmenskaya lowland, there it is flat, low-lying, with many swamps.

landscapes on the syaz river

The area is covered with taiga forests in which pine, birch, oak, spruce, mountain ash grow.

The composition of river water is determined by the nature of the bottom substrate. It has a lot of iron oxide, so the river water is saturated with it and has a reddish-brown hue. The level of pollution is moderate, belongs to the third class.

Human activities

The population in the river basin is not large. On the river itself is the city of Syasstroy. Within its basin are the cities of Pikalevo, Tikhvin, Boksitogorsk. And also the villages of Kolchanovo and Nebolchi. It is assumed that in the past one of the options of the Volga-Baltic route ran along the channel.

Anthropogenic development of the river basin is small. In the upper part of the channel, a railway was laid near it. Throughout the river along its entire length, only two railway and two automobile bridges were erected.

What fish is found in the Syas river

Different types of fish live in the reservoir. Here you can find perch, pike, bream, roach, crucian carp, dace, ruff, carp, burbot, pike perch, ide, pusta, chub, scavenger, tench, as well as rudd, silver bream, bleak, verkhovka.

Fishing and recreation

The river is used for swimming, fishing, boating, rafting. In the swamps, cloudberries are picked, and mushrooms in the forest. Alloys last several days.

river rafting

This region has its own local attraction. This is a cave through white sandstone, where you can find many fossils. It is located in the village of Rebrovo, Volkhov district. At the mouth of the river was built the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, located near Syasstroy. Other attractions can be found at the head of the river. Here you can see the ancient villages, a feature of which are Russian and Veps huts, distinguished by their monumentality. Along the banks of the river you can see the mounds erected by tribes living in the distant past.

Reviews about fishing on the Syas River are practically absent. However, judging by the forums, the conditions for fishing are good there. Local fishermen write that fishing can be done anywhere. From the shore, a fishing rod or a spinning rod is more convenient on the New Channel.

Features of fishing on the Syas River

In the river you can find both sedentary and migratory fish species. The latter penetrate into this reservoir from Lake Ladoga. They swim here during the period of seasonal migrations. A convenient place for fishing is the Kolchanovo district. Here the river has a slight current, and the terrain is flat. The width of the reservoir in this area is 70-100 meters. Depth does not exceed 5-6 meters. The bottom is quite flat, with a smooth change in depth. It has a silty or sandy structure, in some places - rocky. Near the coast, aquatic vegetation is common. The banks are gentle. Willow, birch, bushes grow. There are quite good approaches to water, but in places it is better to use wading boots.

Spinning fishing is common here. Use different lures. For catching perch, small spinning baits or microjig are useful. To catch pike or pike perch, jig baits are used, sometimes spinning baits. For burbot use bottom gear for live bait and other nozzles. Towards the end of autumn, before the start of freezing, when this predator becomes especially active, the Donks place.

River landscapes

river syas

The Syas River flows through the forests and is quite picturesque. In the upper reaches, the current is rapid, rapids, and the river is small and narrow. This part is more suitable for lovers of kayaking. Deciduous and mixed forests grow along the shores. The stream is calm downstream and the river is very picturesque here. Some coastal photographs resemble paintings by famous Russian artists.


Thus, the Syas river is a rather picturesque forest river flowing among forests and swamps. In the upper part of the channel, it has a fast flow, and in the rest of the territory it is calm. Therefore, the upper reaches are suitable for boat rafting, and the rest of the channel is suitable for fishing. After all, there is a huge number of species of fish. The only negative is a large number of mosquitoes, because the name of the river in local dialect means "mosquitoes".

The terrain through which it flows is quite sparsely populated. There is no developed tourism infrastructure. Rest on this river is likely to be secluded. Therefore, a trip with friends may be the best option.


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