Teacher professiogram - the basis for self-improvement

It happens that a person graduates from a higher educational institution, finishes well, but cannot work in his specialty. Why is this happening? Among the main reasons, one can single out the personality mismatch of the activity that needs to be engaged. For example, the doctor is too worried about each patient, which prevents him from soberly looking at the situation, calmly reacting. Or an accountant goes crazy when there is no way to communicate with people, but you need to focus on the numbers and prepare a report. What qualities ideally are necessary for an employee of a particular profession, helps to understand the profession.

Teacher profession
At the present stage, teachers are viewed by society not just as people transmitting information, but primarily as organizers of children's cognitive activities. Thus, the professiogram of the teacher is changing. Creating such an ideal model helps to understand what personal and professional qualities, competencies a successful teacher should have.

The teacher’s professiogram, developed by leading psychologists and practitioners, is conditionally divided into several sections, each of which includes professionally significant qualities of a person and an employee. The first of them includes personality traits necessary for the implementation of the teacher’s activities, such as morality, horizons, erudition, and strong-willed qualities. The next section includes professional and pedagogical personality traits: sociability, love for children, creative skills, ability to hear children and others.

Professional knowledge and skills consist of knowledge of the theory of education and training, methods of working with children of different levels, parents, as well as practical knowledge of them, the ability to organize both their work and the work of children.

Primary school professiogram
The teacher model does not exclude it at all, and even requires the preparation of narrower professiograms for specialization. So, the primary school teacher professiogram takes into account the specifics of working with children of primary school age, where the atmosphere of imagery, fairy tale, interest plays a special role. This requires the teacher to have special creative abilities, enthusiasm, patience, the ability to take the place of the student, masterfully use a variety of game techniques and, ultimately, treat each child as his own.

Foreign language teacher professiogram
A foreign language teacher professiogram is the following example showing the features of pedagogical specialization. To all general pedagogical qualities, it is necessary to add additional ones, without which this type of activity will not be successful. For example, communicativeness, good memory, phonetic hearing, the ability to teach children to organize activities for memorizing new words and turns.

Why is a teacher professiogram created? This is a kind of ideal that every practicing teacher should strive for, since the basis for the success of a teacher is self-education. An analysis of self in comparison with a professiogram will help to draw up and adjust a program of self-improvement, because it is known that only the one who walks will master the path. Psychologists advise subject teachers to draw up their own professiogram, which will help them outline the tasks of personal development in the near future. There are no ideal teachers, like people, but this does not mean that you do not need to strive for excellence!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46381/

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