The main types of information technology

Information technology is designed to reflect the processes associated with data. They include: their collection, registration, processing and storage, as well as search, accumulation, analysis, generation, transmission and distribution.

Types of Information Technology
Before considering the types of information technology, it is necessary to determine all the related concepts. Under the collection understand the registration, fixing and recording of data in a detailed form about objects, events, signs, actions and relationships. Under the processing technology understand an ordered sequence of actions that are performed from the moment the data occur until the results are obtained. Processing is the management of information with its subsequent transformation.

Types of Information Systems
The following should be said about types. The following types of information technologies can be distinguished (first of all, they should be divided by the functions of ensuring management activities):

- preparatory technologies for documents of various formats based on appropriate editors (text, graphic and others);

- software development technology based on object-oriented, logical and algorithmic programming languages ;


- maintaining management decisions using artificial intelligence systems;

- multimedia and hypertext technologies. All of these species are actively used.

It is customary to distinguish types of technologies by type of user interface: WIMP-interface, command, SILK and others. In addition, there are other differentiation options.

Types of technology
The degree of spatial interaction is taken into account, which reflects one degree or another and the form of use of computational networks. The types of information systems by the implementation method may be new and traditional. And according to the methodology of building networks, they are distributed, multi-level and local. The types of information technologies depend on the subject areas served , for example, banking, accounting, insurance , tax authorities and other types. A set of technical means to ensure all this includes means of communication, organizational and computer technology. These concepts should be considered.

The basis of the complex of technical means is computer technology, which is focused on the processing and conversion of various types of data used in arbitrary subject areas. Communication technology provides the process of transmitting information and exchanging data with the external environment, which involves the use of various technologies and methods, including the use of computer technology. Organizational technical means are focused on mechanization and automation of various types of activities in arbitrary subject areas.

There is such a term as information technology tools, by which it is customary to mean a technical complex and software that allow you to create complex systems that have different functions and capabilities.

It turns out that at the moment there are different types of information technologies that are actively used in various fields of activity.


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