Choosing Dishwasher Salt

Almost every modern model of a dishwasher at present will not work effectively without softening salt - a special chemical mixture that is used to regenerate water. The above household appliances are equipped with containers in which salt for the dishwasher is placed before washing plates and cups. For aggregates having sufficiently large dimensions, usually two kilograms of salt are poured into such reservoirs; for smaller apparatuses, the consumption of chemical composition for water recovery is one kilogram.

dishwasher salt

If you choose a softening salt for a dishwasher, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it should be placed in the machine after its installation and only before starting work. At the same time, it is not recommended to fall asleep when the cycle is already completed or if the indicator gives signals that the chemical composition is absent in the tank.

Remember that the salt for the dishwasher should always be available, otherwise the life of the above equipment can be significantly reduced due to the excessive hardness of the water.

In exceptional cases, the use of food kitchen salt is allowed. At the same time, in some models, before filling salt for dishwashers, you should make sure that there are no foreign impurities. To enhance the purification of salt, it can be dissolved in hot water and evaporated over low heat. After which it remains to collect all the crystals, dry them and place in the machine. However, if during evaporation you find that the solution has become cloudy, and besides it cannot be defended, then it is not recommended to use such a chemical composition to soften the water. The reason is that such a shade to the solution is given by substances that absorb moisture. Their concentration in salt, as a rule, does not exceed the permissible value, therefore they are harmless to human health, but the dishwasher may fail as a result of their use. Transparent saline is not prohibited, even if you have a built-in dishwasher in your apartment .

which dishwasher is better

It must also be taken into account that salt for the dishwasher in certain models is used not only to soften the water, but also to protect the resin regeneration system, on which the “build-up” of the active elements of ion exchangers is carried out. In any case, experts do not advise turning on the dishwashing function without emollient chemicals.

Many are also interested in the question of which dishwasher can handle washing dishes better than others in conditions when the water has a fairly rigid structure. A definite answer to this question cannot be given, and the cost of the car here does not matter. One way or another, but it will require special chemicals to soften the water.

Many dishwashers are equipped with such an option as the consumption of tablets, which is very convenient and practical, since this parameter directly depends on the hardness of the water.

built-in dishwasher
If you ensure the proper care of your dishwasher, then the period of its operation can be extended for many years, which means that the savings in the family budget are guaranteed to you.


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