Land on the river: pros and cons, especially terrain, photos

How sometimes you want to fish directly from the window of your house! A house with a plot by the river or by the lake is such a welcome and such inaccessible form of real estate. But if you are lucky and the real estate by the river belongs to you rightfully, get ready for its protection. You own an object of increased attention from legal, environmental and public organizations, because a river or lake does not belong only to you.

The splendor of the river expanses with a house on the shore

We are two shores

Before you buy a site, you must choose from the many offers of sites by the river or lake the most suitable. In this case, be sure to take into account the features of the coast:

  • If its slope is on the south side and the coast is exposed or surrounded by sparse vegetation, then in the summer heat it may not always be comfortable to be under the scorching sun. Such a site on the banks of the river will require planting plants that are resistant to the sun, nor will terraces or pergolas be superfluous, which will protect against excess sunlight.
  • Shores with a slope to the north are usually poorly lit by the sun, in the summer they are cool, but contribute to waterlogging of the area, reproduction of mosquitoes and pesky midges. We will have to carry out additional land reclamation works on the site, getting rid of excess moisture.
  • The most suitable option would be a site located on the mixed side of the world, southwest, northeast, etc.

The location option when the house, the river section and the coast are closely interconnected is shown in the photo. The house is located on a low hill, which makes its location safer.

Plot on the river bank

Here is such a height, here is such a width ...

The shore of the reservoir must be evaluated in terms of its location in relation to the water.

  1. So, for example, too low a shore can be flooded with a spring flood. The close standing of groundwater is not excluded, which will also negatively affect the planted plants. It may well be necessary to put them in special tubs and clean them for winter or spring, protecting them from frost and flooding.
  2. The high coast also carries some dangers or inconveniences. For example, an unnecessarily long way down to a river or lake, as well as a steep climb, can ruin all the pleasure of communicating with a pond. Landslides often occur on high shores from active atmospheric precipitation, which damages buildings and the natural landscape.

In the photo below - a section on the river bank with a high and steep slope, a special terrace splits the stairs into two parts, making a platform for relaxation and a more comfortable climb.

Ideas for designing a steep descent to the river

Legal background of the choice of place

What is the best way to build up and decorate your favorite land on the river bank? After all, the possibilities of the owner are limited not only by natural conditions, but also by law.

So, the water protection zone in different water bodies is also different, which must be taken into account when developing land near the water. The following restrictions apply to the water protection zone:

  • The proximity of the building to the water mirror should be at least 200 meters. Near the backwaters, streams, lakes, it is possible to build household structures at a distance of no closer than 50 meters from the water.
  • Higher demands are made on the tightness of the constructed treatment and utility facilities near the river house.
  • The condition of movement and access to your site by car is possible only on hard road surfaces, and not in the meadow, as often happens.
  • Keeping animals can also be punished by fines, as they pollute coastal water.
  • It is forbidden to use chemical and biological fertilizers in areas close to the water, which, with rainwater, can enter a river or lake and cause irreparable damage.

In a word: no amateur performances. But to pitch the boats, to trawl boats - this is as much as you like.

Boat shelter

A moment of truth or a hut on chicken legs

Not only in ancient forests and marshy meadows there is a hut on chicken legs. You can easily build something similar, or rather a house on stilts, if you purchased a plot near a river or lake. What is usually the reason for the construction of such houses? Of course, not only the original design. As a rule, the coastline of a river or lake is considered problematic soil for construction, so often, when building a house, the developer turns to the technology of using piles in the form of screw pillars or supports.

Subtleties and tasks of construction near the water

Suppose that the owner who bought a plot on the shore of a lake or river, can not decide what kind of house to build.

First of all, it is necessary to decide - is it a house for seasonal use or a permanent home. What permits will be required for construction? And if after much deliberation it is still not clear whether to build it on supports or on a foundation, then use these tips.

A stilt house is required if:

  • the land for construction is located in places with high humidity, or with closely located groundwater;
  • loose soils abound on steep and high banks, also a suitable place for building a house on screw supports;
  • the bank of a river or lake very often has an uneven terrain with a large number of drops in height; piles level the house itself without changing or spoiling the surrounding landscape;
  • such construction is cheaper than digging a foundation pit and pouring concrete formwork;
  • if the house by the river is planned to be used seasonally for fishing or hunting, then you can limit yourself to building a light, frame house that perfectly stands on screw supports;
  • piles will perfectly protect the house from spring floods, with increased humidity or marshland - will also help keep the house dry and clean.

For example, the developer bought 1 ha (plot) on the river bank, or 1 ha of a floodplain meadow. How to build a house so that it does not flood in the spring and does not form dampness in the house, since the owner intends to use the building only in the summer? Answer: Build a house on screw supports, for example, as in the photo below. An air cushion between the ground and the house will reliably protect the building from excessive moisture, the development of dampness and mold.

It’s better to build a house on stilts by a river or lake.

Beach misery

When refining, equipping a small private beach with its own access to the water, it should be remembered that anyone who wants to fish or swim with a noisy company has the legal right to use your beach. Because the water protection zone belongs to the state.

And those who managed to build their own gates to the beach before 2007 and do not want to let their neighbors into their “own” estates, undergo constant inspections by supervisory authorities, pay fines (while small), rebuild fences. Although the construction of fences in such zones is prohibited in order to obtain permission, it is necessary to bypass many official authorities and not the fact that such permission will be obtained.

Choose a place in the wilderness, or you will have to clean up the garbage for the happy guests who came to the river to have fun and relax. A golden sand can become silvered from discarded beer or food cans. Yes, and barbecue with ear in river places are not uncommon.

As a rule, their own access to water is very annoying to their neighbors and they will be the initiators of inspections and fines against you.

Ideas for designing a descent to the river

Is it possible to plant a garden near the water

The strength of inspiration and joy that the site gives on the river bank obliges you to draw up land and conduct landscape surveys not only for convenient fishing and hunting. It is possible to design a beautiful garden in a natural style.

Japanese gardens are often organized around water, or stones imitate waves and ripples of waves.

In the case of a natural landscape running down to a river or lake, various design and decoration options are possible.

The bridge on bamboo piles, going into the backwater, will not only decorate the area, but also facilitate the launching of the boat into the water.

The main thing to remember is that a garden by the water needs to be planted special, fitting into the surrounding landscape, not contradicting the natural flow of the river and the surrounding space.

The bridge can be so romantic

What can be planted or color, light and naturalness

Flowers that prefer moist and shaded areas can be planted under trees. These are irises, stonecrops, heathers, ferns, the mountaineer serpentine, purple derbennik will look great along the coast among tall grass.

Fescue, clover, lavender, multi-colored verbena bushes that delight the eye with varnished leaves and bright inflorescences - begonias will perfectly fit.

Make frames around the trees, or let the man-made river out of bulbous (if the plot is dry) and evergreen undersized conifers, and pillow-shaped hosts, always flowering geraniums and daylilies, will put the necessary accents. A garden in a natural style will delight you for more than one year, since all the flowers are perennial and you do not have to bother with them every year.

Among the greenery, you can place hammocks and sun loungers for relaxing in the fresh air, it is here that you can feel the harmony that surrounds from all sides.

How to arrange a site on the banks of a river or lake

Romance: cottage on the river

Water is life itself. It is no coincidence that the best writers and philosophers of the world devoted unforgettable lines to water.

It is impossible to understand, it cannot be resisted, it only needs to be protected and enjoy those inexplicable feelings that water can wake up in a person.

To dream and live by the river, what could be better

Without exaggeration, we can say that the one who acquired the land on the river bank was lucky, despite all the previously agreed minuses and difficulties awaiting the owner in the development of such land.

But the game is worth the candle. The main thing is not to harm the environment, to preserve the jewel, inherited due to circumstances, aspirations, or simply because the house by the river is your old dream.


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