Nouveau riche is a person who has mastered the principles of capitalism

In a living language, words always evolve. They gain and lose meaning, from positive characteristics turn into insults, and then make the return journey. There are many examples of this, but “nouveau riche” can be considered one of the most striking. This concept is used by representatives of different social strata: from aristocrats to ordinary citizens. However, everyone interprets it in their own way, invest unusual meanings, and therefore it is necessary to carefully monitor the context so as not to be deceived.

Revolutionary attitude

Where did the term come from? Researchers refer to the period of the emergence and formation of capitalism. The French bourgeoisie exerted particular zeal, which is why the definition of nouveau riche appeared in the speech of Parisians . In the literal translation "nouveau riche" is a new rich man.

Such a “wealthy man” is a person who comes from a family of ruined noblemen, ordinary traders or is completely rootless, but who at the same time managed to achieve considerable success in enrichment and in a short time to accumulate a considerable fortune.

Disrespect for the values ​​of society

Negative connotation

In the modern world, the ability to achieve a goal, work hard and earn capital from scratch is considered a good form. Why, when they pronounce "nouveau riche", putting the stress on the letter "and", do not forget about the baggage of crooked smiles and negative emotions? The point is by no means:

  • a rapidly enriched man of the lower class;
  • upstart rich man.

The reason is that the creators of the term were aristocrats. Noble families from ancient history, whose ancestors deserved the title of exploits in the name of the state, looked down on commoners. Previously, the main wealth was concentrated in their hands, but the era of social upheaval violated previous foundations and at the same time provided excellent conditions for all kinds of speculation.

And when, in a high society, a tasteless but expensively dressed gentleman appeared, leading arm in arm in elaborate jewelry, those around understood that this was a nouveau riche. Lack of manners, inability to follow etiquette, lack of knowledge outside the economic sphere - all this gave rise to contempt. Ordinary people hated the first capitalists for their talent to cash in where most of the citizens went bankrupt and lived starving.

Richard Branson - Extravagant Nouveau riche

Appropriate treatment

Do not take the word as an insult. Nevertheless, the ability to rise without the help of others, to earn on their own, is about the nouveau riche. Useful qualities worthy of respect. Unfortunately, the fleur of original meaning has been preserved, which is why the definition is more often heard in the context of criticism. The speaker implies that in the pursuit of financial success, the rich man lost his human dignity, or even did not have it. Use the concept with extreme caution so as not to hurt anyone!


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