Big Chemistry and Agriculture: Tandem

NTP in agriculture in one of its areas is represented by chemicalization - the widespread use in all sectors of agriculture of chemicals, methods and processes.

The main areas of chemicalization in agriculture are:

- production of mineral fertilizers and feed phosphates;

- enrichment of soils with lime, gypsum and other substances in order to improve their structure;

- the use of plant protection products with herbicides, zoocides, insecticides;

- the use of growth stimulants in crop production;

- development of new methods for the production of environmentally friendly types of agricultural products;

- the use of growth stimulants to increase animal productivity, the introduction of feed additives into the diet;

- the use of polymer materials in agriculture;

- production of materials providing means of small-scale mechanization in agriculture.

The use of chemistry in agriculture is designed to ensure production growth, improve quality and increase the shelf life of products, ensure environmental requirements in agriculture and increase the efficiency of agriculture and livestock.

Chemistry and agriculture are the essence of two inextricable concepts in our time. One of the main directions in agriculture is the production of fertilizers. Their effectiveness is significantly increased in complex application with other agricultural techniques.

By origin, all fertilizers are divided into mineral (inorganic), organic, bacterial and organo-mineral.

Chemistry and agriculture actively cooperate in the production and use of mineral fertilizers, which include inorganic substances obtained in the processing of inorganic raw materials. By composition, mineral fertilizers are divided into potash, phosphorus, nitrogen, and micronutrient fertilizers, which include molybdenum, boron, etc.

Organic fertilizers, which chemistry and agriculture use in their needs, are peat, manure, food waste, oilcake, seradella, lupins and feces. These substances contain nutrients of animal and vegetable origin.

In addition to the above, there are organic-mineral fertilizers containing mineral and organic substances. Fertilizers of this type are obtained by treating organic substances with phosphoric acid or ammonia, or by mixing organic fertilizers, such as peat, with mineral fertilizers.

Modern chemistry and agriculture is the productive use of bacterial fertilizers, which are drugs that contain cultures of microorganisms that can fix the organic matter of fertilizers and soil. These include azotobacteria and soil nitragin.

All fertilizers used in agriculture are subdivided according to the state of aggregation into solid, liquid and suspended, and according to the agrochemical action, into direct, indirect or regulating plant growth.

Direct fertilizers are designed to provide direct nutrition of plants with various elements and microelements, and are divided into simple (nitrogen - ammonium, ammonia, amide, nitrate, and their combinations; phosphoric - water-soluble and insoluble in water, but soluble in a solution of citric acid, as well as insoluble; potash - raw salts and concentrated fertilizers; micronutrient fertilizers - technical mixtures containing microelements), and complex fertilizers.

Indirect fertilizers are used to improve the conditions for the use of fertilizers and are applied in the form of physical, chemical or microbiological effects on the soil.


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