A bummer is a person who is not busy with anything. Origin, meaning and synonyms

Have you ever noticed that good plus or minus is the same, but evil is much more diverse? Not clear, huh? How many swear words do each people have? A lot, but the praise fits into any specific limits. Today we are talking about turnover - this is our object of study.


Tramp with a cigarette

Perhaps for the first time the etymological dictionary argues with itself. If we open it in search of an answer to our today's question, we will see a ragged noun there, but then in the same dictionary article the author says that such a meaning is not confirmed, because, as we know, revolutions are, rather, an idler, than a ragged man. That is, with his financial condition, he may have everything in order, he has problems with his will and desire to work. How is turnover associated with idleness? We can only assume based on dictionary data.

There is a word that is similar in meaning - obtus. It is formed from the verb to chat, and a word for word to mutter. Both there and there everything closes in conversation. Perhaps, since the word and deed are opposed in the Russian folk tradition, a person who likes to talk does little. But this is only speculation. By the way, the only meaning that connects the words ragged and revs is a person loitering around. But here, the difference is fundamental: the ragged man does this out of necessity, and the turnover is out of boredom.


Frame from the film "Lucky Gilmore"

We have devoted enough time to origin, it is time to talk about the modern meaning of the word, which we have already partially touched upon. And, as always, in order not to be unfounded, we turn to an authoritative source. The Explanatory Dictionary states that turnover is a rude and empty person, a loafer. By the way, you should be careful, because the word is swearing and vernacular, therefore it is not recommended to use it in a decent society. Although the object of research itself is quite democratic and known to many people, regardless of their level of education and income. Maybe even this is one of the few words that unites the people.

We are always in search of striking examples, and the first to come to mind are the heroes of Adam Sandler - Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore. Of course, an informed reader will say, Happy can not be called a riffraff, it would be an exaggeration. But before his fast and dizzying career in golf, he changed a lot of work and could not gain a foothold anywhere. Moreover, his behavior left much to be desired. And with Madison and without explanation, everything is clear. By the way, one can also bring out the following truth from films: hooligans, loafers, and pranks are not necessarily bad people. It seems that such a lesson is very important, that is, it is impossible to judge people based on only one side or one of their quality.


Shot from the movie "Billy Madison"

Replacements flickered here and there. But the time has come to bring them into a single list. So, we are pleased to present to your attention synonyms of turnover:

  • a fool;
  • a loafer;
  • balda;
  • dunce;
  • gibberish;
  • dope;
  • Ohlamon.

We did not choose all the replacements, but only the most striking ones. Yes, almost every position deserves to be written about it separately, and if there is an opportunity and desire, we will definitely fill in these gaps, but for now we will limit ourselves to the naming. Who knows, maybe this is enough for the reader. After all, he already understands what the word revot means.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C4640/

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