What should I look for when choosing a barbecue, grill or barbecue?

Recently, there have been many alternatives to conventional skewers, which are traditionally prepared kebab. For this, barbecue, grill, smokehouse, barbecue are often used. Let's try to understand the essence of such devices, consider the features of their operation.

What is the difference between barbecue, grill and barbecue?

barbecue grill
Common appliances for cooking meat on charcoal are the following:

  1. Brazier - a rectangular metal box without a grill. Contains special recesses for placement of skewers.
  2. Grill - a round installation with an integrated grill. Most models are equipped with a lid, the presence of which reduces the time it takes to cook.
  3. Barbecue - rectangular roasting pan with a wire rack. Usually does not contain a lid and is used for cooking meat dishes in an open flame.

Main types

barbecue grill
Braziers, grills and barbecue can be both portable and stationary. Adaptations of the latter type most often differ in impressive dimensions and are built into the design of street stoves, which are located on personal plots.

As for portable installations, such devices are small in size, simplified design. Most often, products in this category are made in the form of a metal fryer with a compartment for ash. Portable options can be both on legs, and on the cart with castors.


cast iron grill
You can choose barbecue, grill, barbecue based on the fuel used. Firewood, coal or gas can be used as fuel here. In domestic latitudes, coal appliances are in demand. In contrast, Westerners are more likely to opt for gas models.

Barbecue, grill and gas barbecue is less of a hassle. In order to kindle a flame in this case, pressing a single button is enough. At the same time, the level of heating required for high-quality frying of meat is achieved in just a few minutes. At the same time, gas installations do not give the products a special smell of haze. Yes, and such devices are much more expensive than coal.

Separate categories include electric barbecue, grill and barbecue. Such models can not be taken in nature, since the latter need power from a standard electrical outlet. However, they manifest themselves as extremely functional, practical devices when used in domestic conditions. The main advantage of such units is the ability to fine-tune the cooking temperature. Among other things, electric barbecue, grill, barbecue do not give soot and soot. Therefore, the care of such devices is extremely simple.

Useful Tips

barbecue grill smokehouse
Choosing a barbecue, grill, barbecue, it is worth following some principles. When choosing electrical models, preference should be given to high-power installations. This makes it possible to quickly cope with the preparation of large volumes of meat, better fry large pieces.

Reduces cooking time by also purchasing a grill with a lid. In this case, the formation of steam makes it possible to make meat dishes more juicy.

It is best to choose a cast-iron grill for barbecue. Lattices of the specified material are not deformed, evenly heated, which contributes to the optimal distribution of temperature over the entire area.

Ultimately, it is worth focusing on the permissible dimensions, shape, weight, design features, stability of a device. The convenience of using the product in certain conditions will directly depend on these parameters.


So, to summarize some of the results. The best option for quick cooking simple meat dishes in nature is a portable barbecue. Buying such a device will cost inexpensively. In addition, collapsible structures are extremely practical. Therefore, using them outside the city is very convenient.

If you need to pay attention to the quality of cooking, stop on the grills and barbecue. Such installations provide a delicate, uniform roasting of products. However, in this case, it takes more time to cook. As for the fry with a lid, it is recommended to give preference to such options in cases where you need to carefully fry the meat, making it as juicy and fragrant as possible.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46400/

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