Lacrosse: what is it, history, description, types

Lacrosse - what is it? The sports game is rooted in the antiquity of Native American culture. It is a team battle. The goal of the players is to put a rubber ball into the opponent’s goal with a stick. Let's get to know the history, description and game options in more detail.

lacrosse what is it


Lacrosse is a contact sports game, the invention of which belongs to the American Indians. Initially, it was used to train soldiers and resolve disputes between tribes. Then the teams included hundreds of people, and the length of the playing field reached several kilometers. Archaeological excavations in Canada, the occurrence of lacrosse dates back to the XV century. Two centuries later, European immigrants met him. What is lacrosse on a professional level, they learned in Canada in 1867, when a simple dentist from Montreal founded the first club. Then in Canada they held their first official match.

what is lacrosse


Currently, the rules of the game involve the competition of two teams of six or ten people. Their goal, as before, is to put the ball into the net of the opponents. To do this, use a special club. In lacrosse terminology, it appears as a stick. Its shock part, called the head, is equipped with a net. It helps the player catch the ball and hold it. The ball for lacrosse also has its own characteristics. Its diameter is 63-65 mm, and weight 140-147 g. The coating material is rubber. Color doesn't matter, but traditionally it's white. So the ball is easier to see on the green field.

The team is conditionally divided into four types of players: forwards and defenders, midfielders and goalkeeper. Each has its own zone on the field. Only midfielders are allowed to play any, taking on the role of striker or defender. In high-level clubs, midfielders are divided into attacking and defending. Three judges are judged at once.

lacrosse contact sports game

Lacrosse strategy is reminiscent of other team competitions. Players pass each other passes. The goal of the defender is to prevent the opponent’s goal. It is allowed to knock the ball with a stick and push each other into the body. For safety, players wear a helmet.

Types and Features

Today there are several options for lacrosse. The classification is determined by the size of the field, the rules and the number of players in the team. Four types were most popular: according to the place of the game and the composition of the teams.

Lacrosse on the grass is a classic option. The game takes place outdoors, a large field. Each team has ten people.

Lacrosse in a box (mini-lacrosse) - what is it? Matches of this kind are held indoors. The number of teams corresponds to the word “mini” - only six people each.

Female lacrosse. About the composition of the team says the very definition. However, this option has its own characteristics. The rules define the length of the field at 100 m, the width at 55 m, and the distance between the gates at 92 m. The match includes two periods of 25 minutes.

lacrosse sport

Male lacrosse preserves the size of the field. However, the gates are located at a shorter distance - 72 m. Players are allowed to be replaced nine times. And the duration of the game is four periods of 15 minutes.

Among the varieties there is still intercross and polocross. They are eclectic sports that combine at least two types of team games.

Modern lacrosse

Lacrosse is currently a sport that is not part of the Olympic program. However, since 1974, world championships have been regularly held in this sport. In addition to the usual national teams of different countries, a team of the Iroquois Indian tribe, which represents both the United States and Canada, takes part in them.

In the homeland of Lacrosse, the game is the main summer sport. And the local association is the oldest in the world. Its foundation dates back to 1867. Classical and mini-lacrosse championships are held annually in the country.

In the United States, this sport is represented by a professional league and also has a national status. At the championships from the country, women's and men's teams play.

Small lacrosse associations have been operating in England and Australia for more than a decade. Associations of the countries of Europe, South Korea, New Zealand, Japan are young. All of them are members of the international federation. Independent so far are the associations of China and India.

ball for lacrosse

In Russia

What is lacrosse, the Russians learned a long time ago. However, interest in the game arose only in 2007, when the famous athlete David Diamonon arrived in Moscow. At first, he simply taught his friends to throw the ball. Then the game aroused interest among strangers. So David formed his own team Moscow Rebels. In it, the athlete simultaneously acted as a coach and player. At the same time (regardless of Moscow Rebels) a strong team was created in St. Petersburg, which served as the occasion for the founding of the Capital Cup. However, despite all this, today lacrosse in Russia remains only an amateur sport and is alive thanks to the enthusiasm of its fans.

In 2013, David Diamonon founded the Lacrosse Club in Kiev.

Interesting Facts

  • The name of the game was invented by the French. In literal translation, "lacrosse" means "club". The American Indians called him "the brother of a little war."
  • What is it - lacrosse, the whole world became aware in 1904. Then the game was included in the program of the Olympic Games with the medal. Gold went to the Canadian team. Mohawk Indians played in its composition. In subsequent Olympics (1925, 1932, 1948), lacrosse was used as an indicative discipline.
  • At one of the first championships, the game made a positive impression on Queen Victoria. And she allowed to give Lacrosse lessons in English schools.
  • There are more than 30 national Lacrosse teams in the world. Most of them were created in the 90s. And the leaders are the associations of Canada and the United States.


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