Nourishing hair masks at home: recipe and reviews

Curls must constantly receive the set of nutrients they need. Without it, they will not look healthy and attractive. Therefore, you should regularly make a nourishing hair mask. The publication will talk about popular recipes and reviews about their effectiveness.

Nutritional Mask Recommendations

For a homemade cosmetic product to be truly useful and effective, you need to know some rules of preparation and proper use. There are few of them, but they are very important for execution. How to cook nutritious hair masks at home?

  • So that the mixture does not lose its useful properties, it must be prepared immediately before use. Unless, of course, the recipe indicates otherwise.
  • The nourishing mask must be brought to a uniform and warm state. It should be neither cold nor hot. Otherwise, the ingredients can get stuck in the hair, and beneficial substances will slowly penetrate the structure of curls.
  • It is most convenient to apply a mask with a cosmetic brush. You can replace it with cotton swabs. When applying the composition to the head, it is recommended to massage the skin. This will improve blood flow and inactive hair follicles will start to work. The remaining mask should be scattered in strands with a comb.
Apply a nourishing mask to the hair
  • It is recommended to create a warming cap on the head. Usually it is made of cling film or polyethylene and a terry towel.
  • The procedure should last as long as indicated in the recipe. Due to the reduction in time, a nourishing hair mask does not have time to give anything useful, and an increase can lead to negative consequences.
  • The composition should be washed off with running water, and then with shampoo.
  • Nutritious masks are important to do on a regular basis. Several procedures will not work.

Recipe for Oily Hair

Contrary to misconceptions, curls, fat at the roots, also need hydration and nutrition. After all, the strands do not look greasy along the entire length. With a lack of nutrition, they can become dry at the ends and begin to split. In such cases, women use the following composition:

  • Black clay - 25 grams.
  • Sour cheese (cottage cheese) - 55 grams.
  • Yogurt (or whey) - 60 milliliters.
  • Rye flour is a big spoon.
  • Ether of tea tree - 1 drop.
  • Water.

This mask must be applied in two stages. Dilute clay with water so that it is not thick and not liquid, but medium in consistency. Spread the mixture evenly over the roots.

Combine cheese, yogurt, flour and butter in a separate bowl. You can use a blender. Apply this mask to curls, retreating a centimeter from the basal zone.

Nourishing hair mask with clay

Head with hair to wind in a film and a towel, a little heat with a hairdryer. After ten minutes, rinse with shampoo. Instead of balm, use water with apple or wine vinegar (200 milliliters - 3 tablespoons). Repeat this nourishing hair mask can be 4-7 times a month.

Recipe for dry curls

Fragile by nature, curls need special nutrition. Therefore, a mask is suitable for them, which, as it were, envelops the hairs. This effect gives gelatin and beeswax. Together with other ingredients, they protect against freezing cold, ultraviolet rays, hair dryers and conditioners. This is confirmed by the reviews of women who used the mask.


  • Beeswax - 20 grams.
  • Gelatin in granules - 30 grams.
  • Water - 3 tablespoons.
  • Meadow honey - 2 tablespoons.
  • Essential oil of any citrus - 4 drops.

Pour gelatin over water until swelling. Grate the wax if necessary. Mix with honey and swollen gelatin. Hold in a water bath for literally three minutes, so that the mask warms up and becomes homogeneous. Add the butter and mix.

The composition is applied to the length, departing from the roots of 4 centimeters. Keep under the hood for forty minutes. Rinse better not with shampoo, but with natural soap. For dry hair, the nourishing mask can be repeated for a month every three days.

Dry Hair Nourishing Mask

Fine hair nutrition

The main component of the mask is kelp, known for its life-giving properties. She deeply nourishes the curls along the entire length and covers them with an invisible protective layer. The remaining components soften the hair and make it obedient, so it is easy to comb and style. The effect is noticeable with regular use.


  • Dried kelp - 8 large spoons.
  • Milk - 40 milliliters.
  • Oatmeal - a large spoon.
  • Flaxseed oil (or wheat germ) - a small spoon.

Kelp powder pour in heated milk for six to seven minutes. Pour the chopped oatmeal into the swollen mass and add oil. Apply the resulting composition to clean strands, squeezed from excess moisture. Keep no more than two hours. Rinse off without shampoo.

Split Hair Treatment

Using this recipe, you can restore curls cut along the entire length. The composition treats no worse than professional cosmetics or salon procedures. This is an excellent nourishing mask for damaged hair. At home, many women cook it from the following products:

  • Kefir (fat content more than 2.5%) - 55 milliliters.
  • Chicken yolks - 3 pieces.
  • Cognac - 10 milliliters.
  • Jojoba oil is almost a whole teaspoon.

Connect the components and apply to dry curls. Ideally should be left overnight. Wash off shampoo for babies in the morning. It should not contain dyes or any harmful additives.

Split Tip Nourishing Mask

Nutrition tips

This mask perfectly nourishes the tips, making them healthy, smooth and more vibrant. Many girls are happy with the result.


  • Peach - half the fruit.
  • Aloe juice - 2 large spoons.
  • Sour cream - almost a whole teaspoon.
  • Sesame oil - half a small spoon.
  • Olive oil - a few drops.

Crush the peach pulp with a fork. Add sour cream, aloe juice and sesame oil. Stir and rub into clean, damp tips. Soak for ten minutes and rinse with water. Dry your hair a little. After that, rub olive oil between your fingers and gently rub into the ends. Flushing is no longer necessary.

Recipe for colored hair

According to reviews, a nourishing hair mask that is constantly dyed is a must. You can use the following composition, which has long received enthusiastic responses:

  • Avocado - 1 piece.
  • Infusion of chamomile (or nettle) - 60 milliliters.
  • Colorless henna - 25 grams.

For brunettes, make nettle leaves, for blondes - camomile. Usually take 110 milliliters of boiling water for 2 tablespoons of dry grass. Brew for half an hour, and then strain. Infusion heat up to 80 degrees, they pour henna. Grind the avocado pulp, add to the mask and mix. Apply to washed wet hair. After a quarter of an hour, rinse off without shampoo. This home remedy can be used on an ongoing basis, after washing your hair.

The result after a homemade nourishing mask

Repair mask

This is a well-known recipe for a nourishing hair mask with oils, mustard and yolk. She not only restores ringlets from roots to ends, but also takes care of the scalp. After a couple of procedures, hair loss will stop, follicles will strengthen and sebum secretion will normalize.


  • Burdock oil - 5 teaspoons.
  • Castor oil - 2 teaspoons.
  • Mustard powder - dessert spoon.
  • Chicken yolk - 1 piece.

All components must be at room temperature. Therefore, the egg must be removed in advance from the refrigerator. Beat the ingredients with a mixer or blender at the highest power. If they are not, then you have to try to do it manually with a whisk. On clean hair, apply a mask, highlighting most of the composition on the root zone. Comb the rest in length. After two hours, rinse with organic shampoo.

Nourishing mask for damaged hair and anti-hair loss

Thanks to this recipe, girls successfully strengthen curls and grow a braid to the waist. The mask is also suitable for the prevention of seasonal hair loss.


  • Brown bread is a slice.
  • Nettle infusion - 65 milliliters.
  • Yolks - 2 pieces.
  • Almond oil - a teaspoon.
  • Avocado oil - a teaspoon.
Nourishing Mask Bread

First you need to prepare an infusion. To do this, pour a tablespoon of nettle with 80 milliliters of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Gently pour into another bowl so that the sediment does not shake, but remains at the bottom. In the infusion, thoroughly soak the chopped bread. Knead with a fork to make a homogeneous gruel. Pour in yolks and oils. Mix again and distribute over dry hair. The mask is best left overnight. Film and towel do not need to wrap. In the morning, rinse the curls without shampoo and rinse with a lemon solution (take 3 teaspoons of juice per liter of water).

Universal nourishing mask for all hair types

Women who have tested this recipe claim that the mask not only nourishes, but also moisturizes the curls.


  • Average cucumber - 1 fruit.
  • Protein - 1 piece.
  • Corn starch - a tablespoon.
  • Vitamins A, E - 2-3 drops.

Cucumber must be peeled and finely grated. In the pulp, add whipped protein, starch and vitamins. Apply the mixed mask to the hair, starting from the back of the head and ending with the tips. Leave for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off with warm water, gradually lowering the temperature.

Nourishing hair mask with cucumber

Recipe for nutrition and hair growth

Girls note that this mask perfectly warms the skin. Due to this, sleeping onions awaken. Also, the composition cleanses the scalp and makes curls beautiful. With regular use, the braid can grow by 2-2.5 centimeters per month. Many women do this mask all the time when they take a bath before washing their hair.


  • Castor oil - 4 tablespoons.
  • Iodized salt - 3.5 tablespoons.
  • Ginger (ground root or powder) - a teaspoon.
  • Ground cinnamon - on the tip of a knife.

Combine and mix the ingredients in advance. Eight minutes before the end of water procedures, apply the composition to the root zone. It is not necessary to distribute through the hair. A slight burning sensation will be felt - this is normal. Rinse off with shampoo.

A nourishing hair mask made at home with your own hands will bring much more benefits than a purchased product stuffed with chemistry. Grandma’s recipes are simple, affordable, completely natural and highly effective. After them, the curls will be charged with energy and will become more beautiful.


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