A development crisis is ... Definition, classification and features

The crisis of development is a turning point in human life. All people experience complex rearrangements of their consciousness in different ways. They are easy for someone, but someone is tormented by severe depression. Most serious crises occur in children, so wise parents should help their children through a difficult moment in life and give the right advice.


how to survive the crisis

The crisis of development is a turning point in human life. The psyche, values โ€‹โ€‹and preferences are changing. Changes occur inside, but there are no external changes in the life of an individual. Someone is afraid of crises, and someone considers them an occasion to try something new and unusual.

A development crisis is not something permanent. The named phenomenon occurs to a person when he is mentally prepared for change. The restructuring of consciousness, or rather metamorphosis, is ongoing, but the crisis arises at a time when the internal work is almost complete. So the correct reaction to internal devastation is an honest conversation with yourself. A person who is ready for change should not be afraid of him.


A crisis can catch us by surprise (this will seem so). In fact, in the subconscious mind, work is already underway on perestroika. Let's look at the stages of crisis development. There are several of them:

  1. Loss of purpose. Man loses the meaning of life, and existence seems to him meaningless. This happens when old values โ€‹โ€‹die off, and new ones are not yet fully formed.
  2. Depression. A development crisis is a fracture of consciousness, therefore it is not surprising that some people feel a panic state in which they do not know what they need to do. This perplexity, by the way, helps to realize that something is going wrong in life.
  3. Rethinking the picture of the world. When old values โ€‹โ€‹are lost, and moral standards, which yesterday seemed inviolable, fall, you have to rethink the meaning of your existence. At this moment, the personality develops new principles of life and builds a new one on the basis of the former worldview.
  4. Setting a new goal. After a person regains himself, he sets himself the goal of further existence. An adult is helped in this by the values โ€‹โ€‹laid down by parents in childhood. Someone can strive for a good career, and someone can create a family.


personality development crises

Personality development crises haunt people of all ages. It all starts in infancy and goes until the moment when a person does not retire.

  • The crisis of the newborn. A child needs love and care. When the young creature becomes little communication, he develops a new emotional-situational forms of communication.
  • Infancy. The child begins to move, and he needs one of the adults to pay attention to him on an ongoing basis. At this age, the child learns the world through the game.
  • The crisis of 3 years. The child learned to walk and talk, now he has a desire to know this world. To do this, he constantly asks various questions, trying to clarify what is happening around him.
  • Preschool crisis. The child begins to engage in self-knowledge. It is important for him that adults understand and perceive him as a mature individual.
  • School crisis. The child begins to think logically. He learns the world through the analysis and explanation of teachers. Formed thinking and ability to long reasoning.
  • The crisis is 13 years old. A teenager is aware of himself, his social circle of communication is expanding. He emphasizes his growing up and wants to become autonomous.
  • Youthful period. A person separates from his parents, becomes an independent personality, develops his worldview and forms personal interests. Search for your calling.
  • Middle age crisis. A person has reached the middle of life and, looking around, is trying to understand whether everything in life is good. Often, individuals compare their lives with the lives of friends and, against this background, they understand whether everything is fine with them or whether it is time to change something.
  • The crisis of old age. A person retires and rethinks his interests. He understands what is important to him and what he managed to achieve in life.


crisis is the beginning of a new era

The crisis only at first glance catches us by surprise. In fact, the person is ready for change. But still, each consequence has its own reason. The crisis of development is changing the lives of any of us for the better, but what are these changes for everyone and in what sequence do they occur?

  1. Loss of purpose. A man who does not know where to go and what to do falls into a stupor. This moment is considered fatal. A person should reconsider his priorities, his knowledge and skills. And based on the conclusions that will be made, she will have a chance to start a new life.
  2. Rethinking Values. A person from time to time grows out of his old system of values. What seemed important yesterday is losing its significance today. Do not get upset because of this, everything goes on as usual, this is the process of growing up. All child development crises occur according to this scenario.
  3. Accident. Sometimes a person can be rethought of life values โ€‹โ€‹by the death of a loved one or a catastrophe. The crisis will arise suddenly, and it will have to be quickly resolved.


crisis development stages

What is the complexity of crisis management? Each of us does not like situations that unsettle us. Changes in consciousness and changes in life patterns seriously complicate our lives. Of course, in the future, the crisis will bring dividends, but when a person seeks himself, it is difficult for him to imagine that there will be a bright future ahead. For this reason, when a person goes into crisis, he can begin to do all kinds of stupid things. The individual is not able to help himself. This should be dealt with by the relatives and friends of a person undergoing internal restructuring.

How to fight?

causes of development crisis

To quickly readjust to a new wave, a person must sit down and conduct a brain storm. It is advisable to write out all your desires on the sheet and then convert them into goals. As soon as there is a clear idea of โ€‹โ€‹what exactly we want to receive, emotional anxiety quickly passes.

And when the goals are written, you need to work out a phased action plan to achieve each of them. By the way, it should be made as detailed as possible. This will help you feel more confident and give strength in moving forward.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46418/

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